View Full Version : Vet cuts down Illegal Mexican flag

10-13-2007, 01:28 AM

Juan got PWND!

Asian Invasian
10-13-2007, 01:37 AM
Ya I saw it a while ago, I think the guy that cut it down is being charged with something though so they both get pwned.

10-13-2007, 02:08 AM
We need more peeps like him in this country.

10-13-2007, 02:28 AM
"I'm Jim Brosser and I'm an American...RAWR!"

Yes, it may be illegal to have it above the flag of the country but he can't just go around taking the law into his own hands with a Crocadile Dundee knife like some 19th century western cowboy, hence the charges being pressed on him. He shouldn't have let his anger get the best of him and and create a video for youtube but instead he should have called the local pd if he was THAT anal about it.

10-13-2007, 03:10 AM
We need more peeps like him in this country.

What do you mean You got a guy right here;)

10-13-2007, 03:15 AM
"I'm Jim Brosser and I'm an American...RAWR!"

Yes, it may be illegal to have it above the flag of the country but he can't just go around taking the law into his own hands with a Crocadile Dundee knife like some 19th century western cowboy, hence the charges being pressed on him. He shouldn't have let his anger get the best of him and and create a video for youtube but instead he should have called the local pd if he was THAT anal about it.

Nitro, with all of your posts that say lets all hold hands and dance, you have to just realize people are pissed off and fed up. Some times you have to just do what you feel is right regardless. I yell at these people when I see their BS flag in their car and not the American flag which they are in. That pisses me off they feel they can do that when they are living here. Yes it's a free country so I also have the right to say what I do to them in hope they want to fight for calling them a bunch of names. These Mexicans should be proud of America if they live here.

He Is Legend
10-13-2007, 04:19 AM
wtb green card

10-13-2007, 04:43 AM
If he needs some money for his legal defense, i'd gladly pitch in.

10-13-2007, 05:56 AM
If you think about it, this guy made a huge statement all around the nation. What can is charge be? He might have to pay for a new flag or do communtiy service? To a man like this it does not matter. He made a big statement and it's been covered all over the nation. He gets 100% respect.

10-13-2007, 06:30 PM
Nitro, with all of your posts that say lets all hold hands and dance, you have to just realize people are pissed off and fed up. Some times you have to just do what you feel is right regardless. I yell at these people when I see their BS flag in their car and not the American flag which they are in. That pisses me off they feel they can do that when they are living here. Yes it's a free country so I also have the right to say what I do to them in hope they want to fight for calling them a bunch of names. These Mexicans should be proud of America if they live here.

Well you see the problem is that they are NOT proud to be Americans NOR do they want to be Americans, hence the flag being hoisted up illegally above the flag of the nation. That is a problem, no doubt. The question is what is the proper way to deal with these people who are only here for the money and don't give a rat's ass about the country nor anything or any principles it stands for (or used to stand for, at least). It's too late to build a fence or deport them or incarcerate them. Those would be too expensive, time consuming and draconian. This is a big problem atm but will not be once America, Mexico and Canada are one country. It won't matter then but it definitely will be a problem and I expect that, as you said, people will not stand when the Mexicans are behaving that way and there will be sectarian violence in those areas where Mexicans live, within the confines of the present US borders and perhaps a quasi-civil war. Either way, this situation can only end in a bad bad way. I don't see how, no matter what fantasy I concoct, will end fairly and without any bloodshed.

That man cut down the flag. What if the man who put up that flag saw it and came out and started a fight? What if the fight got quite large, including many of the like-minded people as the Marine and many like-minded people as the Mexican? It could theoretically lead to a much large armed conflict. There's 50 million guns owned by Americans plus all the illegal arms so it is possible for a very heated conflict to arise because of this. NO person who truly believes in the principles of what the united states of America is will allow the creation of one union in North America as was done in Europe if they realize it is happening and the outcome will be extremely bloody.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-13-2007, 08:02 PM
quit googling your answers.....lol....j/k

10-15-2007, 09:27 PM
Nitro, who says what is the right thing? You yell the N word in front of a bunch of blacks and what do you think the right thing is going to happen? You burn a flag in front of me and see what the right thing is going to happen. What the problem is, is the lack of respect. I can respect people being unhappy with politics or the way the country is being run. I cannot respect someone burning or disrespecting the flag that so many Good men and women died for. I just can not allow this to happen if this gets done in front of me.

I use to work out in this gym where there were known rules. Do not walk on the schools emblem that was painted on the floor. I was told this before I walked in this place. The members of the school took pride in it and I respected that. You can not just go to someones home and disrespect them or their pride. These illegals do just that here in America.

Now you kind of impressed me with the comment regarding Mexico, Canada, and USA becoming one. I see you do pay attention to what is going on in the world. Most people don't see what is going on but this is the possibility. I actually could care less really. All we need is national ID cards and I am all for it. I doubt this will really happen but from what is going on and watching I guess there is a chance.

You know you have to look at people and wonder what causes people to do what they do. People like me for instance may be looked upon as a radical racists or what ever. I won't deny I have specific opinions about some things but I treat people equally no matter what as long as it does not interfere with me, my family and my country. I find it with the outrage over the illegals today it gets put on a racial block. This is wrong but what happens is it becomes racial when people get sick and tired of what is going on. Like me I am sick and tired of anyone who feels they deserve anything. In this country you have the best opportunities. When did it change that anyone needs assistance? When my ancestors came here they were treated worst than anything. They left Ireland which was bad to come here and make a life for my family as it grows. They had the worst jobs and many died trying to survive. That was the way it was. Today it's different and I ask why? Not saying people deserve to die but the will should be there to make a life instead of the enfocement of hard working people fitting the bills. You know or don't know how much it enrages me that My wife has cancer and we have no medical insurance given. That's right, every month I pay close to 1700.00 (was 1200 but they raised it) just so my wife can get her treatments or she will die. Public assistance is not an option for me. I would not take it either because I will just work harder because I am alive. Now I can sit and bitch about it all i want but I am gratefull my wife is still with us at this time considering what she has, what she has been through and what the futre holds. You can not expect a person like me to be ok with an illegal totally raping the system and not for the good for the country. You need to understand that people like me get pissed or enraged because we are sick of the people with their hands out as if we owe them something. You will see a very ugly side of me if anyone or group tries to say differently in front of me. You can not blame people for their actions until you know what caused any particular person to do or say what they say. You may just agree if you can imagine to be in their shoes. I will agree the system is broken and needs to be fixed. I guarantee I could fix it in one years time but politics as usual in this country when votes are what matters. A person like me do things different.

10-15-2007, 09:45 PM
Bigg brings up a good point several times in that last post. What happened to the people Republican and Democrat that cheered these words spoken by President Kennedy "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." More and more people think that they are "owed" insurance, a minimum wage, housing, food stamps etc., people that are able to work who choose to "work" the system instead. That's what pisses me off. I worked long hard hours to get where I am today. I pay a crap load of taxes, being self employed I pay double Social Security taxes. My medical costs are paid for out of pocket.So I get really ticked off when I hear about illegal aliens getting health care. That I subsidize through higher medical cost and taxes. What pisses me off even more is people who can't afford to have kids but have them anyway and expect me (and all hardworking taxpayers) to foot their medical bills, larger government housing to live in and day care.

10-15-2007, 09:53 PM
I wonder what would happen if we the real Americans had a choice.

I don't want SS ever but please give me my money back for what I put in. I will stick to my own future and not rely on something that will be already be depleated by the time I may need it.

I don't pay for and taxes that go toward welfare or any other public assistance and I will never ask for it or expect it.

How about my taxes just go for what is really needed such as roads being fixed, teachers and police departemnts/fire departments.

Gee I wonder how things would change if that happened.:rolleyes:

10-15-2007, 10:34 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px1PTsEdC1Y&mode=related&search=illegal%20immigration%20American%20Flag%20V eteran

10-15-2007, 10:40 PM
Bigg brings up a good point several times in that last post. What happened to the people Republican and Democrat that cheered these words spoken by President Kennedy "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." More and more people think that they are "owed" insurance, a minimum wage, housing, food stamps etc., people that are able to work who choose to "work" the system instead. That's what pisses me off. I worked long hard hours to get where I am today. I pay a crap load of taxes, being self employed I pay double Social Security taxes. My medical costs are paid for out of pocket.So I get really ticked off when I hear about illegal aliens getting health care. That I subsidize through higher medical cost and taxes. What pisses me off even more is people who can't afford to have kids but have them anyway and expect me (and all hardworking taxpayers) to foot their medical bills, larger government housing to live in and day care.

Exactly. The very reason they have loads of kids (and I know this because I interact with orthodox jews here) is so that they can get more welfare! I totally respect you being angered over these people taking advantage of a system that was created for truly desperate people on the bring of starvation and unsustanibility.

10-15-2007, 10:42 PM
I wonder what would happen if we the real Americans had a choice.

I don't want SS ever but please give me my money back for what I put in. I will stick to my own future and not rely on something that will be already be depleated by the time I may need it.

I don't pay for and taxes that go toward welfare or any other public assistance and I will never ask for it or expect it.

How about my taxes just go for what is really needed such as roads being fixed, teachers and police departemnts/fire departments.

Gee I wonder how things would change if that happened.:rolleyes:

Every 2 weeks, i cringe when I see the amounts of money taken out of my pocket via income tax and see them go directly into the pockets of private bankers. It makes me want to **** everyone over and become an international private banker for the Federal Reserve and laugh at all the ignorant fools who believe the income tax is legal and that the Fed is a gov't run bank. However, that would be evil and so I have to take it in the ass like the rest of us.

10-15-2007, 11:10 PM
If you think you are cringing now, wait until you are out of college and have a real full time job and making real money.

LOL, Nitro I have told youmany times not to insult you or offend anyone but watch tyourself through the years when you have a wife and children. I hope I know you bythen so I can laugh because I want to see how your though process is compared to the way you think today. God forbid you are in a situation that makes you really see certain things such as the health insurance in my situation. Will it be you that comes to this forum to fight for what you believe is right regardless of the majority that disagree with you? I am getting to old along with the lack of energy to do so anymore so hurry and we'll see. I always say don't judge from your shoes you're in. Look at the big picture. I am always looking for recruits to join my army;) :thumbs:

10-15-2007, 11:34 PM
sounds like a plan :)