View Full Version : Now that the Demo's out

10-13-2007, 07:59 PM
What do you think about it? Any problems or comments?

Dodge jumping seems to not travel as far.
Weapons are pretty cool and the eye candy is nice. Haven't tried the vehicles yet.

C4 Guy
10-13-2007, 11:08 PM
My pro's and con's are:

+ Don't know if that's been possible in UT2k4 already, but now you can hijack previously used enemy vehicles and use them as your own.

+ The hoverboard rocks. :jammin: You can travel very fast with the flag which makes it easier to escape. Additionally you can even cling to other vehicles while you're on it. One time one of my flag carrying bot teammates had a bright moment and hooked himself up to my manta just in front of the enemy base, so I could take him home in only a few seconds.

+ Runs very stable (no crash so far) with constant 62fps@1650x1080, all details maxed.

+ The overall gameplay is pretty good, the battles are entertaining.

o Grafics are pretty good in some way, but the missing AA really pisses me off. Same shit as with Bioshock.

o Some weapons are pretty good (Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Link Gun), some are ok, some need some more tuning (shock rifle is too weak for the low firing rate, the flak cannon spreads a bit too much) and the "Enforcer" is for naught.

o In matches with vehicles you die too fast.

- The bot AI sux. On "Skilled" the enemy is spotting you even if you're well hidden, but your own man wouldn't use the hoverboards when they've got the flag. On "Godlike" it's better, but it seems to me that you're always target #1 on their list, so don't expect to live very long because they'll be shooting at you as soon as you stick your nose just a little out of cover... :mad:

- The vehicles reappear a bit too fast.

- The sniper zoom is crap. Sometimes it just won't switch to zoom, sometimes it just suddenly unzooms and you shoot bollocks. When it's finally on, you can't change the zoom factor after you first released the mouse button.

- The installer was crap, too. Why does a game demo that needs 990MB of disk space and comes in a 740MB package have to use up over 1,5 GB in the temporary folders?

- The "Walker" in deathmatch is completely out of place there. I hope that's just for demonstration purposes.

Dunno if I'll buy this game, think it mainly depends on how many of my friends can play it and if the copy protection is bearable. If they're doing the same activation shit like 2k did with Bioshock I won't pay a toothpick for it...

10-14-2007, 12:15 AM
I hope they mod a descent dodge... frankly dunno why they minimised it so much :(

10-14-2007, 12:39 AM
I hope they mod a descent dodge... frankly dunno why they minimised it so much :(

For us old slow fingered guys that can't stand you young fellers bouncing all over the place.
Does make it hard to hit ledges that you used to could dodge to.

The sniper is definately too slow.

Caged Anger
10-14-2007, 03:30 AM
i wasn't too impressed by the demo, could be my system but i maxed the settings and it still looked pretty crappy

wasn't too impressed with the movement...again could just be my system...but lol...it felt like i was playing quake 3 again

Asian Invasian
10-14-2007, 03:59 AM
Here caged: http://forums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=578855

I had the same problem, trust me this should fix it for you.

10-14-2007, 07:04 AM
Yea noticed that also the dodge is very short compared to UT2k4

also i miss the lightning gun

10-14-2007, 09:41 AM
The game certainly looks very pretty. I am running on max resolution and it plays great.

The new hoverboard is great but it takes some getting used too.

Love the redeemer, it has a more "kickass" feel to it. I agree with Goober on the sniper rifle, it is hell of a slow. I guess we will have to wait until the final product is released but i will definatly buy it.