View Full Version : Tired of negitive things said about our Soldiers

10-16-2007, 05:10 PM
This is a small slide show video of what we are truly made out of, true America Soldiers who do care. I am just a bit tired of hearing negative things about our Soldiers. I want them back home with there families.

News Media are always showing the bad side and many people are against the war but there are some good things that our Soldiers do and this is a side that not many show but only publicity by showing the bad side.


10-16-2007, 05:16 PM
Sas just understand who is doingthis.

The liberal Media
The democrats.

Their voice may be loud and annoying but unless there are ignorant Americans that believe or listen to them they are nobody.

As far as the soldiers that speak against the war there will always be a few but you never hear accurate numbers because most soldiers sign back up and back it. You also have to look at the soldiers that are speaking against the war and see if they are making money or getting paid from the liberal groups. I would bet any amount that these people do it for an agenda which they profit from.

God Bless our Soldiers and God Bless the U.S.A.

10-16-2007, 06:03 PM
yah here is more helpful things they do in iraq


That video is what the ignorance drives from. You will get morons to watch that and already have that the Americans are ruthless or don't care about anything when in fact they do not know whatthe reason. They watch a you tube video and know everything.

I have seen police cards do something close to that. In traffic they do whatthey need to to respond and people move out of the way when they see the lights on.

Not sure why you posted that clip but hope you explain what you meant by it.

10-16-2007, 07:45 PM
There are imprudent people in all nations but there are many who believe that out weights the bad in all nations.

Some of these guys drive fast because they are endanger of terrorism that want to kill them, and I probably be driving that fast too and I am sure you would.

As for where I am from, is irrelevant.

10-16-2007, 08:34 PM
LOL--Sas is straight from Brooklyn. lives 20 30 minutes from me.

As far as what you said, it is based on opinion. You can't say they know it's a baseless war and don't care unless you have proof. You are entitled to your opinion but we should base things off of facts.

Second I though the thread was created to show this is never shown in the media. That is true. I think it would be nice to show an unbiased view on the media but I doubt that will ever happen.

10-16-2007, 08:36 PM
There are imprudent people in all nations but there are many who believe that out weights the bad in all nations.

Some of these guys drive fast because they are endanger of terrorism that want to kill them, and I probably be driving that fast too and I am sure you would.

As for where I am from, is irrelevant.

Sas, where we live in order to get someone where in an emergency that kind of driven is even an option. We would get shot or someone would just crash back into us. As Dice would say and that's just from the women:D .

10-16-2007, 09:19 PM
LOL--Sas is straight from Brooklyn. lives 20 30 minutes from me.

As far as what you said, it is based on opinion. You can't say they know it's a baseless war and don't care unless you have proof. You are entitled to your opinion but we should base things off of facts.

Second I though the thread was created to show this is never shown in the media. That is true. I think it would be nice to show an unbiased view on the media but I doubt that will ever happen.

woha..i was in brooklyn last weekend! damn, next time i need to drop by

10-16-2007, 11:23 PM
Sas, where we live in order to get someone where in an emergency that kind of driven is even an option. We would get shot or someone would just crash back into us. As Dice would say and that's just from the women:D .


It has it's moments but there are many good people here and many are beginning to come out here to live. A lot of famous people came from Brooklyn New York and some have been known to be extremely bright and have share great things that have had an impact to our education and science and more.