View Full Version : Too Funny

10-16-2007, 05:30 PM

This guy proves one thing how easy it is to get these guys and deport them.

I have a friend that picked up a few guys and gave them shovels, drove them to the hamptons and told them to dig some ditches. He left them there.

10-16-2007, 07:16 PM
I have to admit that where he took them was funny.

10-16-2007, 08:00 PM
Get your facts straight, I said "I have to admit that where he took them was funny".

Did you miss the '"where he took them was funny" part???

10-16-2007, 08:09 PM
ok wow shogun,im sorry, i have to open my mouth. are u serious u said that was funny? wtf? i posted THIS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm7u84KeTBI) once and you deleted the topic in less that 5 mins.

Yours isn't funny and about 20x more inappropriate.

10-16-2007, 08:10 PM
What's with the attacks on Shogun these days? Did he kill someones puppy?

10-16-2007, 08:13 PM
It’s sad to see them two videos.

10-16-2007, 08:28 PM
You know I did not even catch those phases as insults to a race and just looked at it as making fun of a major problem this country has. I guess it's how you look at it. We must not forget these people are illegal so thatbeingthe case we should ever as Americans look at them as victims. I hate when people use the word immigrants when talking about illegal aliens. My great grand mother was an immigrant not some person who crossed the border illegaly.

With that--This video is funny and people should laugh at it to the approach as whatthese kinds of people are doing in and to our country.

10-16-2007, 08:30 PM
It’s sad to see them two videos.

what two videos? I only posted one. And I respect your opinion but what's so bad?

10-16-2007, 09:03 PM
:rofl: and I could care less what anyone thinks about me.:cool:

10-16-2007, 09:17 PM
i love going to the Hamptons. it's soo serene and peaceful and you cna see tons of stars.

10-16-2007, 10:04 PM
what two videos? I only posted one. And I respect your opinion but what's so bad?

Every day I see them hanging around to find work, and at times chat with them in Spanish and many of them are good people looking to have a better life and to support themselves and families. Up the block where I live a lot of them work at restaurants, and from what I have witness over the years is that they work so hard and always on time to work. I speak with them in the morning and late evenings sometimes and they have nothing bad to say about America, in fact they say the opposite about America. As for the second video that Psycho Marz posted, which is now I believe deleted, saddens me to see a child being instructed to say racial discrimination remarks from their parents. A child is a beautiful creation and a blessing, but requires being educated for the right reasons to have an open mind and most of all love for people of all colors or nationalities. I know jokes are fun to have but that video you posted Bigg’s hurts to see. Many that are in that situation and most of all has been the most talked about topic in the past few weeks, which has become a sensitive issue for many that are suffering. I wish they would come up with solutions from both countries because it’s hurting many not just US citizens but the people that try to come here for a better life. I truly believe there is a way but it will require some serious thinking and I believe there is always a peaceful solution.

10-16-2007, 10:08 PM
The Amazing Racist (the guy in the video clip) also has other videos of him wlaking around wearing a klan suit in a black neighborhood with a giant cross, going into a mosque doing something that would take to long to explain, going to chinatown dressed as a geisha and a few more. its sad to see people like him act so primitively and they are just adding to the problem.

10-16-2007, 10:22 PM
The Amazing Racist (the guy in the video clip) also has other videos of him wlaking around wearing a klan suit in a black neighborhood with a giant cross, going into a mosque doing something that would take to long to explain, going to chinatown dressed as a geisha and a few more. its sad to see people like him act so primitively and they are just adding to the problem.

Yeah I saw the one when he goes in to the cleaners and calls the guy george jefferson. I laughed not because he was rascist but because it was a joke.

10-16-2007, 10:30 PM
Bigg’s to answer your question about what is so bad about it is the different between creating a joke in a scenario of that situation but to have it done for real was to me an outrage and disappointing. These guys had to run back to the same spot for about maybe a mile or more to find work and yet to have someone do this just makes me wonder how he can live with himself and most of all how difficult for them to have to wait for hours to find work.

10-16-2007, 10:38 PM
SAS, you know it may be say and I do not doubt the people are hard workers but lets look at it from how I see it now. For every job you see an illegal doing it's one job less for an American. I do not want to hearthat they do the jobs that Americans won't because that is false. They do the jobs that corporations can get away with paying taxes and Benifits. These hard working people will not pay taxes and they wont ever pay taxes if they are allowed to stay. They will continue to run up costs on the American people such as health care and welfare. I do feel bad for them that there is nothing to take advantage of in Mexico or where ever but when it comes to it hurting America I do not agree with it. I am not saying not to be human but these people are infecting this country by the millions. That is a lot of money being paid out and the costs are put on the peopl ethat do pay taxes. I feel more bad for us Americans that have to feel like we need to feed every poor nation. WE don't and I won't. Americans need to see the truth in these people. They are not here to live and make a life for themself, they are here to lower ower standards and invade our country the way they are. They ruin and overload the schools which lowers the educational standards. Don't feel bad for these animals. Feel bad that you are getting ripped off every time you see one of them. Not once have I heard a reason how they are good for this country. I hate that people can feel bad and that makes it ok for them to do what they do.

Solutions are great but allowing them to stay here is not right. My solution is catch them and makem work for free with jusy bread and water as their food. Making do the worst jobs in prison some where in the desert. Eventually they may stop coming here and ripping off the defective system. Hold each company accountable or house hold that hires them to even mow their lawn. Take the propert owned by these people for hiring illegals and you watch how fast things start changing and more and more Americans have jobs instead of welfare. It's a win win situation my way.

Now if Mexico wants to be our ally (I do not trust them) My solution is to set up shops there. Screw China and start building up the countries that are part of our continent. It might not be as cheap as China but at least we would not be helping China who is not our Ally and a communist country become stronger. We can build up these countries and they can prosper and become something. They need to stop the corruption first and if they need a civil war then so be it. There agenda my feeling is they are not here for the good and it is an invasion that one day will make Troy look intelligent.

I can not understand how anyone othe rthan a corporation see any good in these people.

10-16-2007, 10:40 PM
Bigg’s to answer your question about what is so bad about it is the different between creating a joke in a scenario of that situation but to have it done for real was to me an outrage and disappointing. These guys had to run back to the same spot for about maybe a mile or more to find work and yet to have someone do this just makes me wonder how he can live with himself and most of all how difficult for them to have to wait for hours to find work.

I understand your feelings but Like I said these people are illegally here. We should be able to shoot them and not be charged with murder because they are illegal. If you can tell me how these illegal people are doing any good for the country then I will listen.

10-16-2007, 11:03 PM
SAS, you know it may be say and I do not doubt the people are hard workers but lets look at it from how I see it now. For every job you see an illegal doing it's one job less for an American. I do not want to hearthat they do the jobs that Americans won't because that is false. They do the jobs that corporations can get away with paying taxes and Benifits. These hard working people will not pay taxes and they wont ever pay taxes if they are allowed to stay. They will continue to run up costs on the American people such as health care and welfare. I do feel bad for them that there is nothing to take advantage of in Mexico or where ever but when it comes to it hurting America I do not agree with it. I am not saying not to be human but these people are infecting this country by the millions. That is a lot of money being paid out and the costs are put on the peopl ethat do pay taxes. I feel more bad for us Americans that have to feel like we need to feed every poor nation. WE don't and I won't. Americans need to see the truth in these people. They are not here to live and make a life for themself, they are here to lower ower standards and invade our country the way they are. They ruin and overload the schools which lowers the educational standards. Don't feel bad for these animals. Feel bad that you are getting ripped off every time you see one of them. Not once have I heard a reason how they are good for this country. I hate that people can feel bad and that makes it ok for them to do what they do.

Solutions are great but allowing them to stay here is not right. My solution is catch them and makem work for free with jusy bread and water as their food. Making do the worst jobs in prison some where in the desert. Eventually they may stop coming here and ripping off the defective system. Hold each company accountable or house hold that hires them to even mow their lawn. Take the propert owned by these people for hiring illegals and you watch how fast things start changing and more and more Americans have jobs instead of welfare. It's a win win situation my way.

Now if Mexico wants to be our ally (I do not trust them) My solution is to set up shops there. Screw China and start building up the countries that are part of our continent. It might not be as cheap as China but at least we would not be helping China who is not our Ally and a communist country become stronger. We can build up these countries and they can prosper and become something. They need to stop the corruption first and if they need a civil war then so be it. There agenda my feeling is they are not here for the good and it is an invasion that one day will make Troy look intelligent.

I can not understand how anyone othe rthan a corporation see any good in these people.

Corporation is another issue which btw is the leading course of it. As for some which I know off hand when talking to them almost every day, many are willing to pay taxes and become an American. There are some bad apples but like I said I feel there is good that can overcome evil, and to know that these two words are like night and day. Unity is the only way to prevail but I also understand where China is coming from too as I do for my Country. Solution is to me a word of hope, if not then we seize to survive in the coming years that follow of risk to exist.

10-16-2007, 11:08 PM
I understand your feelings but Like I said these people are illegally here. We should be able to shoot them and not be charged with murder because they are illegal. If you can tell me how these illegal people are doing any good for the country then I will listen.

Where there is a will there is hope and diplomacy to me can be a powerful word and can find a solution but it might not be now but the more we work it out the better we find a solution even if it may not be as good as we expect it to be for us or even for those who come here to live. Time will play a major roll and hopefully it will be something that both parties can live with and accept.

10-17-2007, 12:15 AM
You don't see the occult significance of it all Biggs...

10-17-2007, 12:19 AM
The Mexican Government has been corrupted for such a long time. The illegals are trying to avoid being a part of the government instead of trying to fix it. Their solution is a bit misguided (by coming into America), but in reality, it's a lot easier to skip out on a government than to correct it.
These people are definately going through some tough times.

There are always two sides to a story. You have to give credit to both of them

10-17-2007, 04:07 AM
Where there is a will there is hope and diplomacy to me can be a powerful word and can find a solution but it might not be now but the more we work it out the better we find a solution even if it may not be as good as we expect it to be for us or even for those who come here to live. Time will play a major roll and hopefully it will be something that both parties can live with and accept.

Why is it diplomacy must be enacted from America? We did not invade them. I am all for diplomacy but I am not willing to allow them here illegaly. Why is it the system must change for these people? Are they better than everyone else who comes here legally? I don't see your point on this Sas but I imagine it is based you wish they had a better life which is fine. The problem though is that it makes others pay for it. I can not understand how anyone can not feel bad for the suckers like us that are forced to pay for them.

Asian Invasian
10-17-2007, 05:21 AM
America is full of immigrants. I bet 98% of the population has had their ancestors imigrate here, so in reality no one is welcome but the native americans right? This video discuts me. Sure some may find it funny, but I don't find it funny at all. I feel terrible for them and their families who are trying day by day to get by just looking for a better place to live. Guess why they immigrate here, so they can have oppertunity.

In the end we are all immigrants.

Let me ask you this (I am not religious but...)

what would jesus do?

10-17-2007, 05:55 AM
America is full of immigrants. I bet 98% of the population has had their ancestors imigrate here, so in reality no one is welcome but the native americans right? This video discuts me. Sure some may find it funny, but I don't find it funny at all. I feel terrible for them and their families who are trying day by day to get by just looking for a better place to live. Guess why they immigrate here, so they can have oppertunity.

In the end we are all immigrants.

Let me ask you this (I am not religious but...)

what would jesus do?

WTF is wrong with you people? It is starting to piss me off to be honest. Don't consider these people immigrants!!!!!!!!!!!! They are illegal aliens and unitl you prove me wrong and that they were brought into this country legally then they are illegal. It was not wrong whatthis guy did. It was not the nicest way but whatif it was an under cover police sting? Would it still be wrong? The oppertunity is here but the process to do get it is the legal way. Don't be ignorant and research your family tree. Did your ancestors come here illegaly? Did they cross the border and snuck in? The answer is NO. These animals have no record or anything and they steal peoples identity to do anythingin this country. This is not hateful talk but truth. Don't give me anything that you feel bad for these people. There are other people in other countries that have it a lot worst. Feel bad for them also but I am not or do not want to fit the bill. If you people feel so bad for them have them move in your house and feed them. That's what Jesus would do. I am not Jesus and he does not seem to be dealing with these people like we are. Let them pray to Jesus instead of doingthings the wrong way and entering illegaly in America.

Again not one of you have presented anything to show where these people deserve to be here.

10-17-2007, 05:59 AM
How about this you exclude me from having to pay for anything other than a school tax unless I decide to send my child to Private which will most likely happen when she is older and exclude my part in paying for ss, welfare and I don't care if they stay. Anything less than we should kill all illegals by a slow and painful death and done so in the public.

solid snake295
10-17-2007, 06:17 AM
pffftt, send 'em this way, we'll take them, lol :P

10-17-2007, 07:09 AM
pffftt, send 'em this way, we'll take them, lol :P

Really???? You would want this situation?

10-17-2007, 07:38 AM

Caged Anger
10-17-2007, 12:21 PM
It really makes my head spin how ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS somehow feel they are entitled to the benefits of LEGITIMATE CITIZENS....for christ's sake, they skipped the line and aren't supposed to be hear. They treat our emergency room's like going to the doctor, get benefits from our government more often than not without paying any taxes, and then when they get caught they cry "well we live here now!". I feel real sorry that the legal process for getting into this great country isn't easier and faster, but its there for a reason.

Seems to be that in the old days one didn't abandon their own country when it wasn't working for the people, they stuck it out and fought to make it right. THAT is being truely American.

10-17-2007, 01:10 PM
Why is it diplomacy must be enacted from America? We did not invade them. I am all for diplomacy but I am not willing to allow them here illegaly. Why is it the system must change for these people? Are they better than everyone else who comes here legally? I don't see your point on this Sas but I imagine it is based you wish they had a better life which is fine. The problem though is that it makes others pay for it. I can not understand how anyone can not feel bad for the suckers like us that are forced to pay for them.

Solution will come even if it may not be in favor of the Immigrants because at this time it is difficult for the USA to handle all this at once, when we are still having major issues that need to be focused. Now to react with violence is not the way to go, and like I said that video saddens me to see it happen in actuality. If it was a comedian at a theater who would joke about it in that scenario, then I would have laughed because humor is important for all, but in actuality is not funny to me but only saddens me to see it done in reality.

10-17-2007, 02:29 PM
I thought the video was funny. Illegals should have no rights in this country and we should be enforcing the laws. If they thought they had a right to be in this country they wouldn't be scampering away as the Illegals they were.

10-17-2007, 03:57 PM
I'm wondering why my country isn't sending them back across the border if they are illegals which they are. Everyday you see newspaper articles or TV reports about how we have deficients for health care, social security, etc ..... start with the illegals that are abusing it and should have no rights to it. Cut them off, send them back to their country instead of driving up the cost for these things and depleting them and or exhausting them for when we need them.

10-17-2007, 04:49 PM
Illegally it’s breaking the law in the USA and I agree but to have it done in a video and laugh about it is wrong. Like I said we do need to focus on us and as for the illegal aliens that are coming to US it does have to be stopped because it has become overwhelming to handle all this at once while we have many problems that need to be handle.