View Full Version : HL2: Ep1......WTF?!

Caged Anger
10-21-2007, 02:10 PM
I just played this for the first time yesterday....and finished it yesterday :<

wtf is up with the length of the games going from a few days to beat to a matter of hours? I sure hope ep2 is better...

10-21-2007, 02:19 PM
I agree with you caged. Episode 1 was way too short a game.

Caged Anger
10-21-2007, 02:28 PM
granted, i got it for free from Bob, but still....charging $30 for that normally? sheesh

10-21-2007, 02:40 PM
Yea that's kinda why people buy the Orange Box, which is probably the best non-promotional gaming deal EVER to hit retail stores. The episodes are short but sweet while HL2 is lengthy. Play through the entire game and the episodes are nice little bonuses. Check out Portal too it is VERY cool.

Gun Element
10-21-2007, 07:44 PM
Well they did say it would be a short game. They are making 3 episodes that are probably equivalent to HL2 in length. It works out too in its own way. We could either wait 3-5 years for them to make all three episodes 1 full length game or we can wait 1 year for each episode to come out.

Fun stuff though :)

10-21-2007, 09:37 PM
The original idea was get small amounts of content regularly, instead of getting 1 large chunk once in a great while.

It's an absolutely beautiful idea that regularly delivers, so far. Ep 1 was 25 or 30 when it was new - that ain't bad at all. That's 90 for the full game (IE all 3 eps together), but I'm willing to pay that small premium to get regular content.

However, it's taken 3 years for 2 episodes, which kills it. You can buy just Ep 2 from valve for 30, to keep it going, but if you want TF2 ($30) or portal ($20) also, you might as well buy the orange box, as it's gonna be at least 50 for an 2 of those, and it's 50 for the orange box anyways.

Overall, I really loved Ep 1 and Ep 2, and find them better than the first 2/3 of HL2 (which I loved, also) so I'm excited that the final ep will make for a full length game over 3 eps that's fantastic.