View Full Version : Hey Fox

10-29-2007, 01:58 PM
Your Patriots are looking unbeatable. Their tactics are a bit of a sour tongue though as far as their game play. I am sure each fan wants their team to score as much a spossible but I am not sure if that regardless of class is the right thing to do. I thought going for it on 4th and 2 being up so high instead of just killing the clock was a bit classless but they did that anyway. I was disgusted with the playing of my skins altogethe but I imagine having a depleted O line is not going to help in any situation. I hate to say it, I never wished for a player to get hurt as much as I did with Brady yesterday for the 4th down coversions. I am pissed GW did nor put ST on the line for a hit at the knees and end the guys carreer. I think the next time teams play NE will remember the actions and NE's players will be the victim of it. I also hate the fact that our communications were having problems and can only wonder if it is due to the way BB plays the game. I am not one to call the guy a cheat regardless of getting caught cheating which the NFL did nothing about it but I just found this to be a bit odd considering Washington had #3 Defense and could not get anything done. I hate to sound like sour grapes but I think there is more to that game other than the over exceeding talent of NE. I hope my Skins can get healthy and if so make it to the SB, it's NE playing. I have this feeling that some of the skins players will want some pay back.

Mad Fox
10-29-2007, 02:10 PM
U know Biggs this may be the first time I agree with you. I am all for scoring as many points as possible, but give me a break whne your whooping someone's ass the way they were it just looks gready. I am thinking that this is is another Superbowl victory. They look virutally unstoppable. Normally I would say that defense wins the game but this year it seems as if both defense and offense are in a groove and work together to kill other teams. and Brady himself is on fire, Bill Bellichecks coaching is great. Everything is awesome. But I worry about the COLTs they always seem to ahng in there.

10-29-2007, 02:54 PM
NE wins next week I will say they are the superbowl champs. Honestly I think they have so much talent they could go undefeated. Really it's not the running the score up that bothers me. If I am the fan and my team is winning, I want to see the highest score ever but at the same time if the risk to get any key player hurt is there, my stars are out until next game. The going on 4th down irked me as they could of just killed the clock. The game was over and no reason to risk any players gettinghrt. There was no way for the skins to win which is why I got dusgusted with the pats.

At this point as A redskin fan I ma disgusted with the game calling and with the lack of change up. The coachingneeds to be fixed. I think we have talent but we also have players that are not as talented anymore as they once were. Clinton needs to be let go. We shown that betts can do the job like he did last year. No matter what we are not doing anything with our O line injured. You put manning or Brady behind that line and you will get the same results. It pisses me off as a fan because we have a lot of talent and yet we do not utilize it. I am bowing my head to finally agree and or realize that Joe Gibbs should probably retire as it seems the game has passed him by.

At this point I consider this season a waste because I honestly do not see any team beating the Colts or Pats. Don't get me wrong, I will watch still as it is always a pleasure beating the Cowgirls (the team I dislike most). I will be at the Redskins game next week as they play the Jets and going to Tampa the 25th to watchem play the Bucs. I was hoping for a better season this year but the injuries are too much for the hope. At thispoint I just want to beat the rivalries.

Caged Anger
10-29-2007, 11:43 PM
steam rollers seems a more appropriate title for the teams for Mass :D :cool:

Mad Fox
10-30-2007, 12:36 AM
steam rollers seems a more appropriate title for the teams for Mass :D :cool:


10-30-2007, 03:06 AM
Go Colts!

Love the Red Sox, but the Pats can suck my pinky toe.

10-30-2007, 03:07 AM
steam rollers seems a more appropriate title for the teams for Mass :D :cool:


Mad Fox
10-30-2007, 11:33 AM

Watch out they dont look that bad this year!