View Full Version : WAR! We are running out of time.

11-04-2007, 11:54 PM
Prepare yourself everyone, we are going to war and it will be hell to pay for all. Our future is about to go out the door. If someone tells me they want war or because there is no choice or because of terrorism, I say up yours. There is a better way and no one is going to convince me that there isn’t, ok. I am certain that it will happen soon and before Bush leaves office. I hope I am wrong but I don’t think so, and if so, it will be a miracle for it not to happen.

USA and etc are preparing to strike, believe me they are knuckle heads.


Caged Anger
11-05-2007, 03:19 AM
um......*cough......."Global Research, September 21, 2006"

Website owned by...Michel Chossudovsky.....Professor of economics at a canadian university...published a lot of books....notably "War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind September 11"....great book implicating the US government as being the root cause of 9/11

Somehow, one more doomsday scenario from this guy (who has written many) doesn't impress me

11-05-2007, 05:27 AM
I tell you what choose any news you like and hear what Bush said and how Russia warn US not to attack Iran. You will also find more info but anyone can see this is not going in the right direction. You may also need to look back a few days about the news, which you are welcome to choose anyone you like ok.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out how this is heading.
Remember what Bush said too about Iran having Nukes, which he made it clear many times and now for him to say about WW3 in the news. He has never spoke about it and I believe the last time anyone has spoken about it was Kennedy during the Cuban crises. If you also reflect a couple of years ago about Iraq it was pretty much the same thing when we went in to Iraq. The other most important thing is Russian President Putin warn US, which means he knows something is being prepare for a possible attack and this is going to be another cold war btw.

Just before you post try a bit of research and read between the lines, please.
Mark my words it's gong to happen, Iran will be attacked and god help us.

Caged Anger
11-05-2007, 01:02 PM
Iran will not be attacked, and reading between the lines leads to fits of paranoia. There is no way another war can be started right now, its a fact of resources which we are barely able to maintain in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the fact we would probably be labled the bad guys by the UN and have everyone truely turn against us.

11-05-2007, 02:47 PM
The plan will not be hindered.

Chaos is what you have. Order is what we will give you.

11-05-2007, 10:12 PM
You have not read about congress and just to remind you that war is not visual at first but it is how it is said and if you listen carefully what Bush has said in the past few weeks you will see between the lines. Bush also stated that 53% of American believes we have to go in (which btw I find strange.) and if you have not read the Percentage of Congress on this issue about Iran then you have been mislead. I posted here about what Congress thinks of it and its respectable News, which is BBC that most people think and watch a while ago.

Politian’s are like the opposite of pragmatic poetic unrepresentative people and provide mystifying in words but yet there are clues to what they are saying especially in time of war if you read between the lines. Wars like in WW2 in Pearl Harbor when Japan sends in their 14 parts, which is to say if this doesn’t stop we will attack. This is the same scenarios; nothing changes but only in a matter of a diverse way. Iraq if you know a bit of history of how it came to be was actually pretty much the same way with threads but in the actually invasion beforehand it was spoken about in a different Scenario and yet it happen. When I listen to Bush in the past few weeks and after hearing his last speak, I knew offhand that it is likely that Iran will be attacked. Remember Iraq the first two time people and the nation agreed to attack, and if recall going in now, many was not in favor, especially the UN when they found out that there was no such thing of weapons of destruction program and yet America went in as well as some of the Allies. History is repeating itself again but like I said in a different way, but the same Bullshit.

Paranoia is not what I feel, it is what I think when I see the signs by analyzing what is said and comparing it to reviews of history like WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, and now Iran which I believe is for sure next and going to happen. Paranoia can be said as “have doubts about” and that is how I feel about our US government.

Scrutinize please, before you post something that has no permanence, and if so, post it for me to understand your point of view.

Thank you.

11-05-2007, 11:09 PM
Sas, I am curious, what do you think we should do regarding Iran? Along wiht Iran what do you think we should do at in regards to the war on terror? Do you believe diplomacy will work? Do you think we have been diplomatic so far and if not what would you propose?

11-06-2007, 01:39 AM
I am pretty sure the US will not start another war..because you already ARE at war ! and like caged said .. resources are already thinning ..

but the talking monkeys that rule Pakistan and Iran will cause a nuclear incident within a few years no matter what the rest of the planet does !

Caged Anger
11-06-2007, 02:19 AM
Lets review history's lessons:

Roman Empire - Wars over large area, failed do to a lack of resources and control

Napoleon - Tried fighting a war in russia...failed due to a lack of resources

Bush Sr. - Went into Iraq but had to good sense to pull out before getting stuck with a war abroad (he learned from history)

Bush Jr - Currently at war in BOTH Afghanistan and Iraq....hopelessly locked in a battle that will no doubt end in a Napoleon fasion. (A shame he didn't learn like his pappy)

A war is not likely to begin in Iran in the near future, one cannot say EVER because there is no certainty in anything but death, taxes, and hopelessly addicted Warcrack users). America is already tired of war, we are running out of soldiers (current deployments cannot be sustained for more than a few more months), and our debt is going so high that if America tried to get a loan for a bicycle is would probably be denied. Ergo, War in Iran not gonna happen.....and should it be attempted...heh, i bet there will be more than a little grumbling ;)

11-06-2007, 02:45 AM
Caged, You think we are low on soldiers and resources? Can you explain how we are low on such things? If ever there was a need for soldiers we would have a draft.

War with Iran will happen. We will bomb them very severe and it is already being designed. It should of been done 2 years ago but what ever. You can bet that the bombs they use will be bombs that were never used before. I hope they all die harshly and all persians will learn from their stupidity.

Your history is a bit false or incomplete. I do not understand how you compare America to any of them in the past but it shows how you think.

What the world should worry about is what is going to happen after we destroy Iran. There will probably be chaos in Iran for years after and the people will have a chance to fight their Gov.

One thing for sure, if America ever felt threatened to lose, we would use nukes to accomplish our goals. I myself think they should be used on all terror run nations and to make an example of all other nations. Any one of your dictators you mentioned would have done the same rather than fail and that's what will happen. If the world comes to a nuclear war I am all for it because the way it is now I would not accept it. I think it would be good for the world to choose to either want to live or die. I would rather enjoy the peace without any muslim, islamic country around then have a false peace and live under threats.

If anyone honestly thinks America is not capable of taking on all fronts they are wrong. But do not take my word for it, wait and see for yourself. I hope China and Russia make the choice and see what happens when they force our hand. They can continue to support Iran but soon they may need to support themself.

As far as Americans go, there are many that do not deserve to live here. They take their freedom for granted and think freedom is free. I some times wish the Government was as bad as some of these people say they are and eliminate them. You know Countries like russia, China, Iran etc would do that to their people yet these liberal scum feel it's so bad here.

11-06-2007, 02:46 AM
Caged, You think we are low on soldiers and resources? Can you explain how we are low on such things? If ever there was a need for soldiers we would have a draft.

War with Iran will happen. We will bomb them very severe and it is already being designed. It should of been done 2 years ago but what ever. You can bet that the bombs they use will be bombs that were never used before. I hope they all die harshly and all persians will learn from their stupidity.

Your history is a bit false or incomplete. I do not understand how you compare America to any of them in the past but it shows how you think.

What the world should worry about is what is going to happen after we destroy Iran. There will probably be chaos in Iran for years after and the people will have a chance to fight their Gov.

One thing for sure, if America ever felt threatened to lose, we would use nukes to accomplish our goals. I myself think they should be used on all terror run nations and to make an example of all other nations. Any one of your dictators you mentioned would have done the same rather than fail and that's what will happen. If the world comes to a nuclear war I am all for it because the way it is now I would not accept it. I think it would be good for the world to choose to either want to live or die. I would rather enjoy the peace without any muslim, islamic country around then have a false peace and live under threats.

If anyone honestly thinks America is not capable of taking on all fronts they are wrong. But do not take my word for it, wait and see for yourself. I hope China and Russia make the choice and see what happens when they force our hand. They can continue to support Iran but soon they may need to support themself.

As far as Americans go, there are many that do not deserve to live here. They take their freedom for granted and think freedom is free. I some times wish the Government was as bad as some of these people say they are and eliminate them. You know Countries like russia, China, Iran etc would do that to their people yet these liberal scum feel it's so bad here.

I Agree 100%

11-06-2007, 09:09 AM
Lets review history's lessons:

Roman Empire - Wars over large area, failed do to a lack of resources and control

Napoleon - Tried fighting a war in russia...failed due to a lack of resources

Bush Sr. - Went into Iraq but had to good sense to pull out before getting stuck with a war abroad (he learned from history)

Bush Jr - Currently at war in BOTH Afghanistan and Iraq....hopelessly locked in a battle that will no doubt end in a Napoleon fasion. (A shame he didn't learn like his pappy)

A war is not likely to begin in Iran in the near future, one cannot say EVER because there is no certainty in anything but death, taxes, and hopelessly addicted Warcrack users). America is already tired of war, we are running out of soldiers (current deployments cannot be sustained for more than a few more months), and our debt is going so high that if America tried to get a loan for a bicycle is would probably be denied. Ergo, War in Iran not gonna happen.....and should it be attempted...heh, i bet there will be more than a little grumbling ;)

Our imperfection claims our destiny, which in term mean it will repeat itself and at times it will worsen or for idiocy reason like gluttony.
And as for your scrutiny of military like for example: running out of soldiers(current deployments cannot be sustained for more than a few more months) and our debt is going so high that if America tried to get a loan for a bicycle would probably be denied.

Answer which is only one of many.
It is why USA wants this to happen to gain profits of the lost or compensate.

You can lecture me on history, which I read about in school and now but yet you have not prove anything by what you said but only repeated mistakes that is called history and why it is important to remember.

I want you to know that I do respect your views and I welcome it as well, it helps to acknowledge and to learn other ideas.

11-06-2007, 09:12 AM
Sas, I am curious, what do you think we should do regarding Iran? Along wiht Iran what do you think we should do at in regards to the war on terror? Do you believe diplomacy will work? Do you think we have been diplomatic so far and if not what would you propose?

We cannot force the issues toward Iran but we can find other means to help or to provide an understanding and working it out. Now the bad news about it is that USA is not to be the diplomatic one at the front table of these discussions because we have appalling relationship with them already. So, I am trying to say is we need someone to help us and can do the talking while we support them, but someone that Iran can trust. Russia can do this and China but Russia like Putin can really help out and can defuse the tension between USA and Iran a lot better than how it has been handle. We have failed to handle it and so what it means is USA needs to step down but monitor and support whomever it maybe to help with this crisis or it will inflate.

11-06-2007, 09:58 AM
Putin can help!....thats a laugher, hell he's stirring the pot, and helping them with their nuclear program.
What we really need to do is finance the dissidents in Iran (and there are a lot of "em) to overthrow the government.

11-06-2007, 11:34 AM
Putin can help!....thats a laugher, hell he's stirring the pot, and helping them with their nuclear program.
What we really need to do is finance the dissidents in Iran (and there are a lot of "em) to overthrow the government.

This is what I mean get him to help by talking directly more with him and finding a way to influence his ways with Iran. If You can get Putin and convince him to work it out by other means then Iran can follow. The key is Putin I believe not Iran yet but Putin. Work something out with him to prevent him from helping Iran by finding other means. I believe only Putin has the best relationship with Iran and so, I think he is of many ways to help end this problem.

To overthrow the government can take for ever and again can course a major conflict. Ask yourself if they been trying that already.

11-06-2007, 05:03 PM
Sas, if there was a country to help and be in the middle that would be perfect. The problem is that the country to do that has to be a trust worthy ally. Do you honestly trust russia or china? These are the nations that are selling the nuclear technology to iran. It is not a simple thing and there is no way but to make sure that iran does not get nukes or the technology. Not sure if people are aware but if you look at at the entire middle east, iran is the one causing most of theproblems. They are mixed in syria, lebanon, and hell they are responsible for the bmbs killing our soldiers in iraq. iran is not as peaceful as the may seem and before it is to late we need to eliminate the enemy minds that want even the most liberal in the world dead. Much of the iranian money goes to support terror as the people of iran really would love to be diplomatic. What people do not understand is that todays war can cause more deaths in a day then it did in the entire both wars. There is no geneva convention either with these people as they use terrorist groups that are funded by the gov's to do there dirty work. In america people feel so bad for these victims but they ignore whatthese animals do to our men and women. Nothing pisses me off more than hearing how we treat them as our people are being beheaded etc.

I doubt the majority really understand whats going on. Only a fool would say this is about oil. The oil can be pulled from alaska if needed or was that important. Honestly, if you can think of these kinds of people with nuclear suitcases or bombs and maybe nuclear missles, what would everyone do? To me I refuse to be held hostage. There are many countries that are not our ally and would rather see America fall. What these countries do not undertand is jealousy is the wrong answer and no matter what we will do what needs to be done. That is the only way. I hope oil becomes a problem for all nations as I believe it willpush for better fuel that has already been proving.

Another thing I hear people say is that even if Iran get nukes they have no way of delivery and if they did something they would be wiped off the map. I find this kind of statement so ignorant and even more of a reason to make sure Iran does not get the technology. First of all they can deliver it man ways. They have missles that can reach many nations such as isreal along with Irans ally's they can shoot from syria or where ever. They also have these groups that would be mor ethan gladly carry this crap on their belts or up their ass to kill innocent people. I think understanding the enemy is probably the firstthing one should do.

So what do you do? How do you fight this kind of war? Is diplomacy really an option? Is it really possible to talk and or agree in terms to create peace? I say no way and the more we keep playing politics with these people, we only risk more casulties. After allof this the world will change once again and new world order will begin because it has to. To me this is all in the bible and the writing is on the wall. It will happen and things will change. This is the start of more than just war but the control of not just one nation but the world where every person will be acounted for and we all will become that number we have all heard of in the past.

Do I like it? No, but what it is it is and I said it in the past, I leave it all in the hands of God.

11-06-2007, 05:16 PM
Also regarding Putin, he is not this great guy that the media makes him out to be. He is a scumbag who can not be trusted. They say he is rebuilding Russia so great. Russia has made so much money on weapons deals and is making so much money on their oil deals that the europeans countries are suffering from. You think Europe is so happy with Russia? If you notice America knows what Russia is up to. We have F'd them every way. We will continue to do so until Russia stops its BS. Why do you think we are putting up those missle sheilds? Do you think it really is for Iran? Russia know that and that's why they make threats about the cold war. We will support Poland and the European states because they are well aware what Russia is up to and that Putin is no better than what he was before he bacame President (KGB Punk). Russia may be doing better economicaly but that will be short lived and unless they see it they will once again be a weak nation. Their technology is so weak right now and if we were to go to war with Russia we would eliminate them fully before they had the chance to destroy us. In ten years Russia will be nothing due to our super power ability. Even China does not have the technology we do. This is why Russia and China teamed together but that's what is so great being the true super power. They are years behind us in every aspect. AIR-Space-Sea-Computer/software is all hands down in the favor of America. What these nations learn, we did 10 years ago. They know this and this is why they are doing what are with the Islamic countries. It's a smart move on their part as it seems to be causing chaos in America and division along with the look of our resources being used up. Make no mistake about it, when push comes to shove, we will do what needs to be done.

It's we win or no one wins.

11-07-2007, 07:06 AM
Diplomacy has worked for many years but it isn’t perfect. What is important about diplomacy is having the right people to execute it. At this time we are on both sides not doing so, but only providing more flame to the fire by our Politian’s on all sides of the country and can be refer to profits to gain and win. Ego is what that is, and cannot be on any diplomacy table but only to be honest and provide from both sides of the coin. The reason that it has failed now is because it inflated so badly in the past years that it has mistrusted many from both sides. When this happens it is always best to fill in the spots with some new members that can help and provide or defuse these issues and most of all peace that it does require. If world War 3 is what you feel is the solution, which you did post, we are in trouble. It’s important to remember that if it should happen, we are talking about 90% of the population that will no longer subsist. This is not just it but only a small portion of what is yet to happen on the earth by the way. I don’t know about many of you but I feel that it is important to try in every means of ways to find solutions or to exhaust it until we find some other ways.

To leave it in God’s hand would be best, yes! I agree, but it is not happening and if it was in Gods hand, this will not be happening. It is us who needs to open our eyes in order to follow the right path of peace.