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11-06-2007, 11:30 PM
Cracker! Cracker! Cracker!

Saying this over and over doesn't exactly set off alarms, does it? However, if I would have typed the "N" word like that, then I would be banned and the thread would have been deleted.

In the mean time Chris Rock can run back and forth on stage and use the "N" word repeatedly and excessively. And he freely uses the term "cracker" to refer to white people, even though it's a racial slur. Or at least a wannabe racial slur. It just doesn't quite work though does it? Nothing does. Anyone can call a white person anything they want and it won't be considered a racial slur. It'd just be funny. Or, at least, no white person would give a crap.

Words can only be used as weapons when the receiving party takes offense. Words are only politically incorrect when some group or other decides to spend the energy to take things personally and make a big deal out of nothing.

Tolerance. Everyone tells us that we need to learn tolerance. And be politically correct. And respect each other as human beings. Who is this message directed at? Whites. Exclusively. Well screw that. If non-whites want equality then they best take they're own advice and stop referring to themselves by derogatory references. The whites aren't doing it - when we do it we lose our jobs, our careers are in ruins, and we may even get arrested for it. Non-whites are still free to exercise their 1st amendment rights.

I don't see anyone demanding that comedians like Chris Rock apologize for the racial slurs they make against whites. That's just artistic comedy. Right? Suuure. :rolleyes:

11-06-2007, 11:34 PM
Cracker! Cracker! Cracker!

Saying this over and over doesn't exactly set off alarms, does it? However, if I would have typed the "N" word like that, then I would be banned and the thread would have been deleted.

In the mean time Chris Rock can run back and forth on stage and use the "N" word repeatedly and excessively. And he freely uses the term "cracker" to refer to white people, even though it's a racial slur. Or at least a wannabe racial slur. It just doesn't quite work though does it? Nothing does. Anyone can call a white person anything they want and it won't be considered a racial slur. It'd just be funny. Or, at least, no white person would give a crap.

Words can only be used as weapons when the receiving party takes offense. Words are only politically incorrect when some group or other decides to spend the energy to take things personally and make a big deal out of nothing.

Tolerance. Everyone tells us that we need to learn tolerance. And be politically correct. And respect each other as human beings. Who is this message directed at? Whites. Exclusively. Well screw that. If non-whites want equality then they best take they're own advice and stop referring to themselves by derogatory references. The whites aren't doing it - when we do it we lose our jobs, our careers are in ruins, and we may even get arrested for it. Non-whites are still free to exercise their 1st amendment rights.

I don't see anyone demanding that comedians like Chris Rock apologize for the racial slurs they make against whites. That's just artistic comedy. Right? Suuure. :rolleyes:

Sure :wootrock: ;)

11-06-2007, 11:42 PM
i am not participating in this thread since me and Sho are like BUDDIES now, and i like staying unbanned :) all i am going to say is "i agree" THATS IT! :) btw <3 sirc how are you?

Wassup cracka? :D

11-06-2007, 11:47 PM
Chris Rock is hilarious (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MpYEFQPHwc) though. Watch the whole thing. Rock makes fun of everyone equally.

11-06-2007, 11:50 PM
Chris Rock is hilarious (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MpYEFQPHwc) though. Watch the whole thing. Rock makes fun of everyone equally.

Good for him. He's a funny guy. However, you've completely missed my point. Did you hear the -woosh- as my post went over your head?

11-06-2007, 11:55 PM
sticks and stones !


11-06-2007, 11:59 PM
Did you get that circulating email too? :P I just got this yesterday. Even though the email tries to prove some points, I generally consider myself a non-racist. I personally like to base my opinions of people on the 'treat the next with the same respect that they're treating you' basis.

Here's the email. (that will probably get me a vacation? It shouldnt IMO though. There's nothing wrong with discussions on topics that we all face daily in our society. As long as nobody is slurring at eachother here, such discussions should be allowed. But whatever, that's my 2c.)

How many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Americans,

Mexican Americans,

Asian Americans,

Arab Americans,

Native Americans, etc.

...And then there are just -


You pass me on the street

and sneer in my direction.

You Call me "White boy,"

"Cracker," "Honkey,"

"Whitey," "Caveman,"

... And that's OK.

But when I call you N(omg censored),

Kike, Towel head,

Sand-n(omg censored), Camel Jockey,

Beaner, Gook, or Chink

... You call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot

of violence against you,

so why are the ghettos the most

dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.

You have Martin Luther King Day.

You have Black History Month.

You have Cesar Chavez Day.

You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.

You Have Yom Hashoah.

You have the NAACP.

And you have BET.

If we had WET

(White Entertainment Television)

... We'd be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day

... You would call us racists.

If we had White History Month

... We'd be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites

to "advance" OUR lives

... We'd be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,

a Black Chamber of Commerce,

and then we just have the plain

Chamber of Commerce.

Wonder who pays for that?

If we had a college fund that only gave

white students scholarships

... You know we'd be racists.

There are over 60 openly-proclaimed

Black-only Colleges in the US ,

yet if there were "White-only Colleges"

... THAT would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March,

you believed that you were

marching for your race and rights.

If we marched for our race and rights,

... You would call us racists.

You are proud to be black,

brown, yellow and orange,

and you're not afraid to announce it.

But when we announce our white pride

... You call us racists.

Why is it that only


can be racists?

There is nothing improper about this e-mail.

11-07-2007, 12:09 AM
Did you get that circulating email too? :P

Actually no, my spam filters are pretty strict. The thing that finally set me off was watching a Chris Rock vid on youtube the same day as Dog the bounty hunter's show was canceled because of a private phone conversation with his son. Turns out his son was the one that took it public. And now Dog has to pay the price for speaking the "N" word in private. That's justice for ya.

11-07-2007, 12:26 AM
Yeah that dogg guy got screwed. And he is probably the nicest guy around. That was a shame and I liked that show when I could catch it. As far as a double standard I agree. This is what makes me what I am. I will call people how I see people. No matter where I am if the time is called for it. I could care about PC and that's just the way I am.

This has been going on for a long time though. There is this thing called affirmitive action that is racial to white folks. One thing you can always be is WHite and proud that your race does not need a crutch. It allows you or gives you the right to look down on everyone non white.

Also maybe peole should really consider when a time comes to a descision when you need to choose a white person over any other race. Your choice should always be the white person if you are white because white people really need to start looking out after themself before they are gone. Gotta love your democrats:thumbs:

11-07-2007, 12:27 AM
It wasnt a random spam, I got it from a friend but it's one of those things that keep getting forwarded a million times.

11-07-2007, 12:47 AM
i am not participating in this thread since me and Sho are like BUDDIES now, and i like staying unbanned :) all i am going to say is "i agree" THATS IT! :) btw <3 sirc how are you?

LOL I don't see any racist comments here, what is posted here is fact and just for the record, I happen to agree with what has been posted here. I think it sucks that there are two standards or sets of rules.

11-07-2007, 12:51 AM
One thing you can always be is WHite and proud that your race does not need a crutch. It allows you or gives you the right to look down on everyone non white.

Also maybe peole should really consider when a time comes to a descision when you need to choose a white person over any other race. Your choice should always be the white person if you are white because white people really need to start looking out after themself before they are gone. Gotta love your democrats:thumbs:

Erm, well, no. I don't look down on anyone, regardless of race, creed, color. I work at a college that is internationally know for it's engineering school, so I come in contact with just about every race and religion from all over the world every day.

I am proud of who I am and of my heritage. Everyone should be.

My point was that as long as specific minority races deliberately and artificially separate themselves then they will never achieve equality. And that goes for certain religions too.

Act as equals, respect other people and their religions, and you will be respected and accepted. Act like you deserve something you haven't earned and don't make an effort to lift your own people out of self-imposed repression and you will always be repressed.

Chris Rock was just a handy example. I actually think he's pretty funny.

Gah, there is so much to be said on this topic. Let me end this post by saying that I'm fine with what I am, and where I came from, and what I believe. I just want to live my life the best I can, and I don't need to screw with anyone else to do that. If someone doesn't like it then they can kiss my ass. There is no reason that this kind of thinking shouldn't work for anyone.

11-07-2007, 12:59 AM
Good for him. He's a funny guy. However, you've completely missed my point. Did you hear the -woosh- as my post went over your head?

Well I don't think it's fair that you chose to single him out. Comedy naturally lends itself to the discussion and parody of controversial issues, such as race. Lewis Black makes jokes about the government and other social issues as do other comedians such as George Carlin. I think you need to take whatever a comedian says with a grain of salt.

Ok so back to the topic at hand. Racism. As a matter of fact I was actually listening to Sirius this afternoon and the topic of Dog's racist remarks came up. Some people actually called in to the show and stated that they personally would never date or have sex with black women even though one of the people who stated this said that his best friend was black. I thought that was pretty interesting because then the host of the show called that particular guy out and called him a racist.

I think that racism is directly related to ignorance. Being brought up in a racist environment or simply growing up in a black, urban neighborhood and seeing the things that go on within those "ghettos" could potentially lead a person to believe that all people of that skin color act alike. The media only exacerbates this stereotype. I know for a fact that there are many brilliant black Americans. I attend a college in Philly and I've had one African-American professor who was one of the best teachers I ever had even though his accent was a bit heavy.

Going back to the whole ignorance issue, I think that education is crucial in preventing racism and racist belief from spreading. My college requires that I take a "racism" course, I have no problem with it (besides that fact that I have to pay for it of course) and I think that all colleges should do the same especially if they are located in an urban setting.

I could write more but then no one would read any of what I've written. :o

11-07-2007, 01:03 AM
I think that it's important to say that the idea of each person being of a certain "race" does not serve any specific purpose and it should be reserved entirely for scientific and medical research.

11-07-2007, 01:30 AM
Wow, I'm getting old. Need to take a breather between posts. ROFL!

Here's the thing. If someone turns around and stabs you with a knife, you pretty much don't have any choice but to be injured, bleed, and possibly be permanently disabled from the wound. Maybe even lay down and die.

If say, you are of a specific race or religion, and someone turns and calls you a terrorist, or towel head, or <insert various racist names>, you have a choice. You can take it personally, let it injure you, and let it affect your life, or you can brush it aside and not even flinch. Not flinching would be an act of courage, and self-worth, and strength. Your attacker would instantly be rendered harmless. And he would probably feel like a fool. And he may just hesitate before he ever tried doing that again. If he did do it again, and got the same reaction, he'd learn to stop.

The only victims in a war of words are those that allow themselves to become victims. Some people thrive on being victims and have twisted it to their own advantage. That's not the way to advance in the long run.

My great-grandfather was a Pennsylvania coal miner. He was a slave in every way except that no one actually legally owned him. He worked 12-15 hours a day 7 days a week in horrid conditions, was fed poorly, risked death every day, and if he was told he had to work longer, he did. He could have taken his family and left, but there was no where to go. He had no education and no skills. What was he supposed to do? He finally died of black lung disease. Do I feel like someone owes me something for this? Do I feel like I should be given special privileges? A college fund? Preferential treatment when looking for a job?

Hell no. What does what I have made of myself have to do with what my great-grandfather did? I can make my own way in life, thank you very much.

11-07-2007, 01:50 AM
Well I don't think it's fair that you chose to single him out. Comedy naturally lends itself to the discussion and parody of controversial issues, such as race. Lewis Black makes jokes about the government and other social issues as do other comedians such as George Carlin. I think you need to take whatever a comedian says with a grain of salt.

No contemporary mainstream white comedian can use the "N" word. Period. No white public figure at all can use the "N" word. Period. Or say anything derogatory whatsoever. Period. No exceptions.

I know for a fact that there are many brilliant black Americans. I attend a college in Philly and I've had one African-American professor who was one of the best teachers I ever had even though his accent was a bit heavy.

This is why you aren't taken seriously. Grow up and get some actual life experience. I actually LOL'd at this. :D

Going back to the whole ignorance issue, I think that education is crucial in preventing racism and racist belief from spreading. My college requires that I take a "racism" course, I have no problem with it (besides that fact that I have to pay for it of course) and I think that all colleges should do the same especially if they are located in an urban setting.

So young, so ripe, so tender. Yep, white people taking "racism" courses is going to fix things. But tell me, how is that going to help solve the endless cycle of black teens dropping out of school and getting pregnant so they can get more government aid and teach their kids to do the same thing? You gonna set up a little booth on campus and hand out leaflets? LOL, I work at a major Catholic University. I see kids do this all of the time. I walk past their little stands every day when I go to lunch. It's pointless.

11-07-2007, 02:07 AM
For the record Imus never used the N word. He called a bunch of black girls nappy head ho's. He lost his job.

I am not one tp believe in philosophy and live my life from what I see. yes this makes me an ignorant person at times but in all reality my feelings go with reality as with the subject of this thread and mostly with Sepras first post regarding her e-mail.

I for one do not agree with any of what is going on. Itmakes me a very ugly person and forces me to look down on non whites. The majority hates whites and that is a fact. I think it's BS that anyone would have to take a racist course. I see no reason for it. What are they going to teach you? I can see myself in this class room and I would bring up every point that was in that e-mail that Sepra received. Is it racial to think that is racial? That's the problem and therfore I pick a side that reflects my skin color. To me it's Whites against the blacks, hispanics. To me they want equal right but consider it not equal if they do not get more than a white person. I am not saying there are not good people in these races but I have to go with what I am up against. A white male hardly has a chance today in the corporate world unless his parent has a lot of money. The average white male has to compete against not only everyone that is not white but today they have to compete against women as well. Add all that to the equation and the scale is by far tipped against the white male. Who makes these rules? Do you agree with them? This is why I will continue to work for myself and I will not be subject to these things. I remeber being accepted for corrections in NY state and when I received the letter I sent it back telling them to hire one of the minorities with a lesser grade + the 10 points. That's what they deserve and that's what we get. Call me a racist or what ever but until there are equal rights I will believe in my way as the only way. And if I ever see Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, I will no doubt scream on the top of my lungs to make sure they hear me the N word because they are and fit the description of the N word.

11-07-2007, 02:14 AM
I just want to add something for the college students. Next time you have a non white friend near you ask them how much aide they received for college compared to you. Now your parents are probably paying for you to go to school but do you think it's right that someone gets to go to the same school as you for much less? Do you think a blue collar white family can afford to send their children to college like everyone else?

What does this cause? I will tell you it cause very bright kids unable to attend college due to finances and having white skin.

11-07-2007, 02:30 AM
No contemporary mainstream white comedian can use the "N" word. Period. No white public figure at all can use the "N" word. Period. Or say anything derogatory whatsoever. Period. No exceptions.

Well it's very hard to ban a word because a single word only has so much meaning and connotations attached to it. I think variations of the n-word should be excluded from public speech but when it's used for the sake of example or argument then I think that it should be allowed.

This is why you aren't taken seriously. Grow up and get some actual life experience. I actually LOL'd at this.

Personally I don't think you're taken too seriously yourself, but we won't go into that. You propose no actual argument so I LOL right back at you. :rolleyes:

So young, so ripe, so tender. Yep, white people taking "racism" courses is going to fix things. But tell me, how is that going to help solve the endless cycle of black teens dropping out of school and getting pregnant so they can get more government aid and teach their kids to do the same thing? You gonna set up a little booth on campus and hand out leaflets? LOL, I work at a major Catholic University. I see kids do this all of the time. I walk past their little stands every day when I go to lunch. It's pointless.

Well I'm not as young and limber as I once was... It's not just white people taking racism courses it's all people. Everyone should understand what racism is whether it's against blacks, whites, asians, you name it. The issue of black teens dropping out of schools and getting pregnant is completely different and requires a different educational system (i.e. birth control).

No I don't think the solution is to set up little booths and hand out leaflets. That's about as useful as you make it out to be. I think that the educational system has to be strengthened, privatized (to encourage competition among schools for enrollment), and made readily available to parents and their children through government funding. All this "no child left behind" BS and grade inflation is making things all the worse for these teens.

11-07-2007, 02:51 AM
And if I ever see Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, I will no doubt scream on the top of my lungs to make sure they hear me the N word because they are and fit the description of the N word.

I would never do that. Really I wouldn't.

But I'd sure as hell buy you a beer or four for doing it. :D

Honestly, these two individuals have done much more harm than they have good. They zip around in their private jets feeding on, and perpetuating, racial unrest. They are racial ambulance chasers.

Rev. Al is my favorite. Remember when that young black stripper accused those white lacrosse players of raping her? The students all pleaded not guilty. Good ole Al was all over that and gave her an all expense paid scholarship to college, and used his influence to have the white boys sentenced to the maximum allowable extent of the law. Unfortunately, when the semen DNA samples came back from the lab it showed 5+ men had left a deposit in that fine young woman that day - none of which belonged to any of the accused lacrosse players. The charges were immediately dropped and all of the players were released. Wait - where'd Al go? No apology? No comment at all? Nope, he was on his jet flying away as fast as his custom ride could carry him.

11-07-2007, 02:56 AM
Yeah right after the stripper incident they flew right over to the poor black kids that jumped a white kid in a hate crime. And don't get me started on the twana brawley case.

These groups are racists and they cause racism. If they din't they would not have a job. Why no public official has called them out is beyond me. I would personally shoot them if they marched in front of my house.

11-07-2007, 03:00 AM
Also Sirc, don't get me wrong. I get heated about this subject but I do treat everyone I meet as an individual no matter what their race is. I will judge them bytheir appearance along with the way they speak. If they come across to me as a good person I will treatthem as that. If I see pants hanging down, hat bent sidewards, and talk like they are from the ghetto I consider them --Well you understand.

This goes for white trash as well.

11-07-2007, 03:02 AM
Well it's very hard to ban a word because a single word only has so much meaning and connotations attached to it. I think variations of the n-word should be excluded from public speech but when it's used for the sake of example or argument then I think that it should be allowed.

Personally I don't think you're taken too seriously yourself, but we won't go into that. You propose no actual argument so I LOL right back at you. :rolleyes:

Well I'm not as young and limber as I once was... It's not just white people taking racism courses it's all people. Everyone should understand what racism is whether it's against blacks, whites, asians, you name it. The issue of black teens dropping out of schools and getting pregnant is completely different and requires a different educational system (i.e. birth control).

No I don't think the solution is to set up little booths and hand out leaflets. That's about as useful as you make it out to be. I think that the educational system has to be strengthened, privatized (to encourage competition among schools for enrollment), and made readily available to parents and their children through government funding. All this "no child left behind" BS and grade inflation is making things all the worse for these teens.

You don't seem to understand anything deeper than what I explicitly say. Implicit meanings are lost to you. Particularly, the fact that you said...

I know for a fact that there are many brilliant black Americans. I attend a college in Philly and I've had one African-American professor who was one of the best teachers I ever had even though his accent was a bit heavy.

...was both funny and ironic. I'm not willing to take the time to explain why. You are very young and idealistic and I really don't have the time to write a novel for you explaining how real life is. Sorry.

11-07-2007, 03:17 AM
You don't seem to understand anything deeper than what I explicitly say. Implicit meanings are lost to you. Particularly, the fact that you said...

...was both funny and ironic. I'm not willing to take the time to explain why. You are very young and idealistic and I really don't have the time to write a novel for you explaining how real life is. Sorry.

All you do is criticize me and don't actually take any steps to further your argument leading me to believe... well what I already know. If you won't speak your mind and use explicit language then you can't expect me or anyone else try to understand what you mean. You also like to cut out parts of what I say instead of actually taking in the whole idea behind what I am trying to say. So in this respect you are very narrow minded. I may be young compared to you but I've had my share of "real life".

11-07-2007, 03:17 AM
This goes for white trash as well.

Truth. But sometimes you can't judge people by how they look or what they do to survive. I've seen both blacks and whites pushing shopping carts and collecting cans and walking their asses miles and miles a day just to squeeze out some sort of living. These people work for a living, and more than once I've slipped them a ten or even a twenty because I could. (And then moved away quickly, lol)

I'm talking about the welfare society that sits on their asses and don't do a damn thing. A lot of the homeless that you see walking around are doing it because they are too proud to live on handouts. Grats to them.

11-07-2007, 03:25 AM
Truth. But sometimes you can't judge people by how they look or what they do to survive. I've seen both blacks and whites pushing shopping carts and collecting cans and walking their asses miles and miles a day just to squeeze out some sort of living. These people work for a living, and more than once I've slipped them a ten or even a twenty because I could. (And then moved away quickly, lol)

I'm talking about the welfare society that sits on their asses and don't do a damn thing. A lot of the homeless that you see walking around are doing it because they are too proud to live on handouts. Grats to them.

I was actually referring to the whiteboys that oretend to be from the street and talk as if they are ghetto. I never judge anyone for trying to make it and actually would consider helping those people out as the way I donate instead of donating to any organization. I refer White Trash as people who pretend to be something they are not as if it's a style. I am sure many know what I am referring to as a little white punk who cannot speak proper english and acts black. That is total white trash in my book.

11-07-2007, 03:32 AM
Racism class? I am curious what can be taught in such a thing. I mean I cannot comment about it because I have no idea what they can actually teach a person. I hope you can explain some of the things for my better understanding but I also would ask do you think this would actually help someone? I am probably considered a racists and I am fine by that. Even members of my family know how I am and that I am fine with as well but what I want to know is when my argument is considered and explained to me where I myself feel a victim of racism. Can I sue someone? Can I have the politicians fired for racism? I guarantee theonly thing that make me appear racist is the argument and not my lack of respect for anyone.

11-07-2007, 03:36 AM
Racism class? I am curious what can be taught in such a thing. I mean I cannot comment about it because I have no idea what they can actually teach a person. I hope you can explain some of the things for my better understanding but I also would ask do you think this would actually help someone? I am probably considered a racists and I am fine by that. Even members of my family know how I am and that I am fine with as well but what I want to know is when my argument is considered and explained to me where I myself feel a victim of racism. Can I sue someone? Can I have the politicians fired for racism? I guarantee theonly thing that make me appear racist is the argument and not my lack of respect for anyone.

I have not taken any of these "race" classes yet, but this is taken directly from my uni's website here (http://www.temple.edu/bulletin/Academic_programs/core/race/core_race.shtm).

Different views of what "race" is and has been, the importance of personal and social racial identities, the impact of racism on individuals and institutions across cultures, historically, and in the United States today--all of these are studied in courses in the Studies in Race area of the Core. The knowledge and the communication skills gained in these courses help students better understand a critical aspect of their society and their own experience. Such understanding is essential for living and working in our racially-diverse world.

11-07-2007, 03:45 AM
All you do is criticize me and don't actually take any steps to further your argument leading me to believe... well what I already know. If you won't speak your mind and use explicit language then you can't expect me or anyone else try to understand what you mean. You also like to cut out parts of what I say instead of actually taking in the whole idea behind what I am trying to say. So in this respect you are very narrow minded. I may be young compared to you but I've had my share of "real life".

EXE, I've known you for a long time. You have been here forever, and I have been here forever. I know you well enough to know that your understanding of some of the more significant and complex things that are talked about is not really complete. It comes with age and has nothing to do with what is learned in college. I'm really not trying to put you down or insult you. Honestly I regard you as a very intelligent person. Some things though are learned through life experience. There is no substitute. I'm 48 years old. You cannot know what it is like seeing your brother get drafted for the Vietnam war and have your dad weeping on his knees in the middle of the living room floor. I've experienced it. I was luck enough to miss the draft. You cannot know how political domestic and world issues have affected my life and my struggle to raise a family. You've only read about it. Dude, when I grew up half of my neighbors had functional bomb shelters in their back yards. When I was born schools were still effectively segregated. You read about it but I've lived it.

There is a difference. Living something makes you who you are. Reading about it makes you glad you didn't have to live through it.

11-07-2007, 03:50 AM
I have not taken any of these "race" classes yet, but this is taken directly from my uni's website here (http://www.temple.edu/bulletin/Academic_programs/core/race/core_race.shtm).

Well if you plan on making this class or take it up can you please reflect to some of the things I say? I would like to know teh outcome and the comments being said. I know you probably won't argue it like I would:) but I think you understand what I am saying regarding what is racism.

I want a full essay on my desk inthe morning;) :thumbs:

11-07-2007, 03:56 AM
Well if you plan on making this class or take it up can you please reflect to some of the things I say? I would like to know teh outcome and the comments being said. I know you probably won't argue it like I would:) but I think you understand what I am saying regarding what is racism.

I want a full essay on my desk inthe morning;) :thumbs:
LOL Well since the race courses all seem to also meet the Writing Intensive requirement I'm sure I'll be writing papers out the wazoo. I'm curious myself on what I can learn from these courses besides historical facts.

As for Sirc: Thanks for being honest with me and yourself. I know that there are some things that simply cannot be expressed through writing (unless you write a novel :) ). However, I cannot help that I have a different opinion that you in some cases but I do like to consider both sides of an argument before making a final say on an issue.

11-07-2007, 04:14 AM
LOL Well since the race courses all seem to also meet the Writing Intensive requirement I'm sure I'll be writing papers out the wazoo. I'm curious myself on what I can learn from these courses besides historical facts.

As for Sirc: Thanks for being honest with me and yourself. I know that there are some things that simply cannot be expressed through writing (unless you write a novel :) ). However, I cannot help that I have a different opinion that you in some cases but I do like to consider both sides of an argument before making a final say on an issue.

Fair enough. One thing to remember though. History is written by historians and edited by politicians. The things you read and are taught aren't necessarily the truth. Keep an open mind. Always. Think about this - news media put their support behind political candidates as a matter of course. That alone should be an excellent reason not to trust any single news source. Sometimes more truth can be found in foreign news publications than can be found in the US media. Granted this has nothing to do with the original topic - it's just advice. It goes along with your comment about considering both sides of an argument. Beware of where you get your information from.

11-07-2007, 02:30 PM
Words that can be offensive are only words that many have given attention to and it gives it life and points to a negative way. I don’t see how it can help intellectually, and so I choose to ignore words that have no meaning to expand spiritually and mentally. People for some reason focus on words that have no representation to provide growth and when doing so by giving attention to a word that can be distasteful can bring it to life with unconstructive potency to continue. I find it useless and no development at all to help me progress.

11-07-2007, 03:12 PM
The case centers on Trevor Richards, a junior at Westside High School, who moved from Johannesburg to Nebraska six years ago.

Richards and his classmates, 16-year-old twins Paul and Scott Rambo, were booted from classes last week after distributing posters touting Trevor as a candidate for Westside High's "Distinguished African-American Student" award on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Trevor is one of only maybe one or two other people that are actually from Africa. Trevor is more of an African-American than any other "African-American" at Westside. It is also wrong that there is an award for only black students when every other award at Westside is for everyone and everyone has an equal chance to receive those awards if they try.

So...go figure...

11-07-2007, 03:32 PM
Nice find Nightbreed....a true African American.

Listened to Boortz the other day and heard about this.
Part of living in a dorm at the University of Delaware is to be indoctrinated with the "University of Delaware's handbook for students" which includes this little tidbit.
A Racist: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. The term applies to all white people (i.e. people of European descent) living in the United States regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the U.S. system they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities or acts of discrimination."

They must be using a different dictionary than the one that I have. By their definition only whites can be racist.
Merriam Webster.


Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
— rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

11-07-2007, 11:22 PM
Goober did his homework. :wootrock: :thumbs: