View Full Version : Illegals getting drivers licenses

11-07-2007, 04:22 AM
Yes or no and if you want explain why

11-07-2007, 04:32 AM
isn't it obvious? it feels like you're asking the same thing as if an infant should drive lol

11-07-2007, 04:34 AM
What appears to me that our politicians already agree it's ok to break the law and that Illegals should get away with entering the country regardless of the process of how immigrants have come to America. Not once have they given an accurate reason for why they should not be doing their job and deporting all illegals once they are caught. I find it pathetic that the Democrats way is to try to take the easy way out. Anyone knows the only reason they are supporting this is so they can get these illgals to vote for them. I have said it before and I will say it again these Democrats would sell theri mothers out to get in to office. Hillary CLinton is s disgusting pig. You have to listen to her answer regarding this in the debate. She says there will be three different kinds of licinces. I almost threw up after hearing this C. She blames Bush like always as if all these illegals just came here recently.

I am against this for the following reasons.
They are illegal and should be deported
The process makes no sense because anyone will be able to use any name considering they do not have the correct documents to get a license. 3 proofs of Identification the last time I checked. Can I go and get a new license and tell them I am from Mexico? This way when I get a speeding ticket I can always show my mexico name.
They use stolen identities now and get licenses.
They will never pay taxes as they are not qualified to work in offices. They are or will be back breaking grunts that live on the paid cash scneario. No other way to be able to make it in America.

Caged Anger
11-07-2007, 03:00 PM
Would you go to an RIAA run illegal torrenting site?

haha, they aren't going to be dumb enough to put down on paper their name, #, and where they are living...oh yea, and that they are here illegally.

Notwithstanding, they are here illegally, they do not deserve the privelegs that come with being here legally.

11-07-2007, 03:09 PM
they are here illegally, they do not deserve the privileges that come with being here legally.

Exactly......I really am concerned about our government. I mean what part of "Illegal" do they not understand.
They apply for a license, it is discovered they are here illegally then they should be arrested and deported.

If one of us "legals" applies for a license and it is discovered that there is a warrant out for our arrest, what happens?

11-07-2007, 03:35 PM
If you ask me, the day they walk into the DMV for their licenses is the day to round 'em up and ship 'em out..

11-07-2007, 08:56 PM
Only if they plan on getting their licenses and driving themselves and their friends out of the country forever.

11-08-2007, 07:48 AM
Wow 2 people voted in support of this. It seems typical they do not give a reason though. I can probably figure out the two as well.:rolleyes: I wish some people would grow a pair.

11-08-2007, 08:11 AM
Yes, if they keep on staying (which appears to be) they shouldn't have a legit excuse why they are not working (work to far away/need a car for that). Especially in the US, distance to work can be quite long.

A way to get rid of the fangs (read: excuses) I think :)

Ps. correct registration is required to avoid fraud of course. That would be a nice job for the gouvernment.

11-08-2007, 12:53 PM
I say yes, because I see so many fake ones, fake foreign liscences, I have no way of knowing who we have in custody or even pulled over ( Yes, I work for the police) At least if they have a legit one, we know who we have.

And no, there's nothing we can do about the fakes because INA doesn't care.

11-08-2007, 05:24 PM
I say yes, because I see so many fake ones, fake foreign liscences, I have no way of knowing who we have in custody or even pulled over ( Yes, I work for the police) At least if they have a legit one, we know who we have.

And no, there's nothing we can do about the fakes because INA doesn't care.
1- That is a cop out (pun intended) there is absolutely no way that a legit drivers license will guarantee to let you know who you have, the DMV doesn't require any formal paper work to prove who you say you are or where you live, all they want or need is a recipe from the utility or phone company. At least here in Cal. thats all they need.
2- Ever hear of the "Motor Voter"? this allows these illegals to register to vote, do you really want these people to have that privilege to influence who our elected officials are, especially the presidency!?
3- You put the heat on congress and the executive branch to make the INA give a damn and do the job that they supposed to to do.

11-08-2007, 08:15 PM
my bad, I meant INS.

Unless people start using those fake licenses to kill a bunch of people, the Govt just wont care.

I don't care how they get them, but once they're issued the license, at least we have a starting point for a criminal history.

Also, if it was that easy to get one, kids wouldn't have to pay $50 for a fake ID, they'd just get a a recipe from the utility or phone company :o

11-09-2007, 01:59 AM
I can't even believe this is an issue in the U.S., the only thing an illegal is entitled to is a ride back to the border.

11-09-2007, 02:20 AM
I can't even believe this is an issue in the U.S., the only thing an illegal is entitled to is a ride back to the border.

Unless of course if Hillary gets elected. Then it's a free ride into the welfare state for all illegals. So that she can be sure to get re elected

11-09-2007, 02:25 AM
well i am totally against this, as when the muslims of the community are walking around, they are in there ninja outfits, and only a pair of eyes visible. Over here in the uk if you ride a bike, you have to remove your helmet before going into a bank or post office. They dont remove there head stuff, on our driving licenses we have to have a full face photo, do they ?

And at least in the usa they are actually illegal, when they get to the uk, they get give damn houses, all the benefits they could wish for. Its bloody wrong.

And just to add on the whole subject of these illegals taking over, the muslim side have already had 2 people fired from manchester airport, 1 guy weaaring a cross, and the other had a picture of jesus behind his desk. These bastards said they found it offensive.

Also apparently they dont celebrate xmas, I will for sure be lighting up my house for my son, and will have a 30 foot inflatable santa in my garden.

I know i went slightly off topic, and i aplogise, but the entire subject of illegals and muslims, and jews, taking over our countries and benefits systems pisses me off.

Again, im sorry if i steared a little off topic.

11-09-2007, 02:28 AM
It doesn't matter who is elected Goober. They all do the same thing, no exceptions because this is how it is set up to be.

11-09-2007, 02:42 AM
It doesn't matter who is elected Goober. They all do the same thing, no exceptions because this is how it is set up to be.

Jeez Nitro don't you ever get tired of posting the same pretentious crap over and over again. Post something we can all understand and agree or disagree with once in a while instead of leaving us in the dark. Be a bit more philosophical about these things.

11-09-2007, 03:29 AM
Jeez Nitro don't you ever get tired of posting the same pretentious crap over and over again. Post something we can all understand and agree or disagree with once in a while instead of leaving us in the dark. Be a bit more philosophical about these things.

that's not how i roll

Caged Anger
11-09-2007, 03:32 AM
It doesn't matter who is elected Goober. They all do the same thing, no exceptions because this is how it is set up to be.

Think I'm gonna find a good independent runner ;)

11-12-2007, 01:49 AM
Think I'm gonna find a good independent runner ;)

Independants are thrown at the peons as a false hope. Your independant Naders of the world will never be preselected to win any elections. It's your reality although you believe the contrary.

Caged Anger
11-12-2007, 02:07 AM
lol, definition of forum troll : See Nitro

11-12-2007, 03:33 AM
lol, definition of forum troll : See Nitro

Or cult-think forum figure.

11-13-2007, 12:36 AM
Wow 2 people voted in support of this. It seems typical they do not give a reason though. I can probably figure out the two as well.:rolleyes: I wish some people would grow a pair.

I would vote but before doing so, I rather try to understand it's purpose for having it, so I think I will pass because I am a bit busy reading other things that interest me more at this time but will be looking into it soon.

11-13-2007, 12:48 AM
Think I'm gonna find a good independent runner ;)

Like voting Bush for two terms. :eek:

It goes to show you how unintelligent American people have been lately when voting. :banghead:

11-13-2007, 05:24 AM
I would vote but before doing so, I rather try to understand it's purpose for having it, so I think I will pass because I am a bit busy reading other things that interest me more at this time but will be looking into it soon.lol, read my post as to why it's needed, I'd right more, but my hands are tired form playing with my large pair :D

11-13-2007, 06:47 AM
Like voting Bush for two terms. :eek:

It goes to show you how unintelligent American people have been lately when voting. :banghead:

I voted for Bush both times, does that make me unintelligent? I beg to differ considering the candidates. :mad:

11-13-2007, 12:13 PM
lol, read my post as to why it's needed, I'd right more, but my hands are tired form playing with my large pair :D


I read your post and it makes sense to me to vote and the funny thing about it at the Gym I workout and run into a lot of cops and they most want it because it's easy to keep track of them. I will vote yes after hearing many talks about it at the gym especially cops.

I find it best because maybe this way they can be tracked and have a history record but mostly they can easily be track to be deported especially if he has a bad record and has course a great deal of trouble.

11-13-2007, 12:21 PM
I voted for Bush both times, does that make me unintelligent? I beg to differ considering the candidates. :mad:

My deepest apologies Bigg's it was wrong of me to say it that way believe me I do apologies. I am not perfect and when I post it I was going to change it but I forgot to do so and no excuses of me in posting it that way. Once again I do apologies.:o

I think what I should have said is how so many voted for bush and to my surprise he won the election twice and I don’t feel he was qualified for the job.

11-13-2007, 05:18 PM
I voted for Bush both times, does that make me unintelligent? I beg to differ considering the candidates. :mad:

because the peasants are allowed to elect but not select. you are given two evils, and you must chose one. both will do the same thing, but half the population will not notice for the falsified 'opposing' view and v.v. for the other puppet.

11-13-2007, 05:20 PM
try going to the polls and looking, there are more than 2, always :rolleyes:

11-13-2007, 05:21 PM
try going to the polls and looking, there are more than 2, always :rolleyes:

bush v kerry

where is there another? oh yes, the good ol 'independant' thats given to you like a dangling carrot that you will never receive.

11-13-2007, 05:29 PM
that's because too many sheep follow the money and vote for the poor choices.

I only have to go back to Jesse Ventura to show proof the independent CAN win the bigger race and make a difference.

11-13-2007, 08:06 PM
You do not have to keep track of illegals aliens if they are not here. I say tell them they can have licenses, and as they show up, pack their asses in a cattletruck and take their asses back home.

11-14-2007, 06:03 PM
i dont care :P

11-14-2007, 08:11 PM
New York governor tanks plan for Illegals getting license.


Caged Anger
11-15-2007, 10:16 PM
good call ;)

11-25-2007, 05:46 PM
I support them getting licenses... have you seen how Adrian Fernandez drives?
