View Full Version : American Gangster

11-10-2007, 07:00 AM
This movie is a true story that happen in New York City.

Denzel Washington one of my favorite actors and Russell Crowe performance as usual was excellent.

Deazel plays this notorious drug dealer, which did happen in real life in New York City. Russell Crowe plays a cop who is not liked by his own co-workers, which I rather not explain why for it has a bit of a impact in this movie.

Go check it out, I give it a 4 Star and worth going to the movies but you can wait for it to come out in DVD.

Rate this movie: 4 Stars
Audience rate: MA

Not for children to watch.

11-10-2007, 09:06 AM
I absolutely loved it, and that's saying a lot, considering that I've never like Russell Crowe, and especially not Denzel Washington.

11-10-2007, 03:42 PM
I absolutely loved it, and that's saying a lot, considering that I've never like Russell Crowe, and especially not Denzel Washington.

:confused: What actors do you like?!

Denzel always puts on a very powerful performance and Crowe is very multifaceted actor. I saw the movie as well and was waiting for someone to make a thread. I enjoyed it. I thought there would be a lot more violence, but the story and acting made up for it.

It's always nice to see RZA, of Wu-Tang Clan fame, in movies as well.

Hopefully I will get to see No Country for Old Men this Sunday. :thumbs:

11-10-2007, 04:12 PM
:confused: What actors do you like?!

Denzel always puts on a very powerful performance and Crowe is very multifaceted actor. I saw the movie as well and was waiting for someone to make a thread. I enjoyed it. I thought there would be a lot more violence, but the story and acting made up for it.

It's always nice to see RZA, of Wu-Tang Clan fame, in movies as well.

Hopefully I will get to see No Country for Old Men this Sunday. :thumbs:

Crowe is somewhat unfair of me...I watched about 20 min of Master and Commander and wanted to shoot myself, and I hated Gladiator. I did like LA Confidential.

Denzel, however, I cannot stand. I honestly feel like 95% of his movies, he plays the same guy, just a different situation. This is one of the few where he felt like a different character.

John Q - Man on Fire - Deja Vu - Manchurian Candidate - they all feel like the same guy in a different plot.

11-10-2007, 08:27 PM
Crowe is somewhat unfair of me...I watched about 20 min of Master and Commander and wanted to shoot myself, and I hated Gladiator. I did like LA Confidential.

Denzel, however, I cannot stand. I honestly feel like 95% of his movies, he plays the same guy, just a different situation. This is one of the few where he felt like a different character.

John Q - Man on Fire - Deja Vu - Manchurian Candidate - they all feel like the same guy in a different plot.

You still didn't answer my first question.

Some actors are naturally more suitable for one role than another. Not all of them are meant to play completely different characters. If they are good at who then play then let them be. Even professional actors can't pull off every role imaginable. Just because they play similar roles doesn't mean that they are BAD actors.

But I am really curious who you think are good actors (and name some movies) just so we can compare. I'll list mine after you list yours. :D

11-10-2007, 10:29 PM
You still didn't answer my first question.

Some actors are naturally more suitable for one role than another. Not all of them are meant to play completely different characters. If they are good at who then play then let them be. Even professional actors can't pull off every role imaginable. Just because they play similar roles doesn't mean that they are BAD actors.

But I am really curious who you think are good actors (and name some movies) just so we can compare. I'll list mine after you list yours. :D

Sorry, I read that question as a sarcastic comment like "if you don't like those 2, who can you possibly like?!" not literally.

I honestly dont' have many actors that I go "he's in it. Oh, I gotta see it.", at least for Dramas. For Comedies, that's totally different.

Spacey, Johnny Depp, and to a lesser degree, perhaps Robert Downey Jr, but I'm basing that solely on loving 1 more and will wait for seeing more to really add him to the list.

EDIT: Oh, I usually like Nicholas Cage. Adaptation FTW.

11-11-2007, 04:26 AM
I want to see this movie. Lots of talent. I actually like RC and respect how he really gets in to his parts. Not a movie he is in I disliked. Denz is also great and although not one of my favs he is good in the parts he plays. Denzel has not had the different parts in movies as RC but none the less I think both are good and worth any ticket.

11-12-2007, 01:43 AM

good movie, true story but I don't want to ruin it for the ones who haven't seen it!!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2007, 03:12 AM
Thanks Nitro for not ruining it !!!!!!!!!

11-12-2007, 03:26 AM
Sorry, I read that question as a sarcastic comment like "if you don't like those 2, who can you possibly like?!" not literally.

I honestly dont' have many actors that I go "he's in it. Oh, I gotta see it.", at least for Dramas. For Comedies, that's totally different.

Spacey, Johnny Depp, and to a lesser degree, perhaps Robert Downey Jr, but I'm basing that solely on loving 1 more and will wait for seeing more to really add him to the list.

EDIT: Oh, I usually like Nicholas Cage. Adaptation FTW.

Ok I have a similar approach to movies. To me it's more about what the movie is about and how it was made as opposed to who is in it. My personal favorite actor would have to be Christian Bale; he is great in EVERY movie that I've ever seen him in from Swing Kids to Equilibrium to Batman of course. I can't really think of any actors that I like as much as Bale.

11-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Ok I have a similar approach to movies. To me it's more about what the movie is about and how it was made as opposed to who is in it. My personal favorite actor would have to be Christian Bale; he is great in EVERY movie that I've ever seen him in from Swing Kids to Equilibrium to Batman of course. I can't really think of any actors that I like as much as Bale.

That's a good call...so far I think he's got a perfect track record w/ me (Machinist was a bit strange, and not my favorite, but still at least entertaining enough)

11-12-2007, 03:17 PM
That's a good call...so far I think he's got a perfect track record w/ me (Machinist was a bit strange, and not my favorite, but still at least entertaining enough)

I really liked The Machinist. Altogether it wasn't overly original, but it put an interesting twist on the horror/distorted reality genre. I was amazed at how skinny he was and I think that he pulled off the character perfectly.

11-12-2007, 04:35 PM
I really liked The Machinist. Altogether it wasn't overly original, but it put an interesting twist on the horror/distorted reality genre. I was amazed at how skinny he was and I think that he pulled off the character perfectly.

Did you know he did that immediately before Batman?

From what I read, he literally lost like 50 pounds for machinist, then immediately put on over 100 to get beefy enough for the Batman role.


11-12-2007, 05:39 PM
Thanks Nitro for not ruining it !!!!!!!!!

whoops, sorry about that. i didnt realize i put something that gave away anything because i was talking about frank lucas and what he did in real life.

put the spoilers code in my post next time instead of changin it :P

11-12-2007, 05:55 PM
Did you know he did that immediately before Batman?

From what I read, he literally lost like 50 pounds for machinist, then immediately put on over 100 to get beefy enough for the Batman role.


Yup. He is very dedicated to his roles. You should watch the making-of feature on The Machinist DVD, even more cool facts about Bale in there.

12-02-2007, 12:05 AM
just saw the movie and it was good, im so happy i didient saw it on the cinema lol its a loong movie :)

12-02-2007, 12:08 AM
and im also surprised that Denzel Washington played the role bad guy really awesome :) i only seen when hes playing the good guy ..:)

12-02-2007, 02:01 AM
He's played a few, these were two that came to mind

Training Day - Bad guy

John Q - Driven to be a bad guy

05-12-2008, 04:36 PM
I watched this last night and it's a great movie. I hate "hoodrat gangsta" type of movies, but this movie is based in the 70s and i'm sorry that I waited so long to see it. Crowe and Washington were awesome in their roles and if you have not rented this yet, you need to. It's a Ridley Scott movie so it HAS to be good .... 'nuff said!

I saw the things at the end that told what happened to the characters past what the movie showed but thought they were made up, but the movie was based on actual people and events. WARNING: Don't click this if you plant to see the movie

05-12-2008, 11:21 PM
Yea I liked it ,and Nitro I saw you leading into tooo much info and you stopped just in time ! So I was really saying thanks for not spoiling it !! So thanks again ( no Sarcasim)

05-13-2008, 12:00 AM
Liked the movie very much. Best and most interesting part is still that a present got him "killed" :D