View Full Version : religious domination!

11-11-2007, 06:30 AM

oh MAN, thats hardcore face wreckin right there

11-11-2007, 06:59 AM
Sounded like a bunch of intimidated kids to me. I did not hear one intelligent comment from either party. I will say that I do not follow the Mormons but I will tell you I would listen to them before any one of those black boyz. I laugh at thos morons all the time when I see them in Manhattan. They act like an army and try to intmidate people on the streets. I remember the first time I saw them and wanted to see whatthey were about and after they told me I laughed right in their faces and told them to get real. Ever since them I laugh and call them jokes. they are actually racist morons that believe that a space ship is going to come and take all the black people and rise above. During there BS the first question I asked them was if they were the chosen why were they slaves and the jerk off laughed and was happy to answer saying they were being punished for something by god and when he comes back on the space ship they would rise. They are as pathetic as muslims saying they will get all those virgins for becoming a marty for blowing themself up in a crowd of people. They really are a joke and I should actually go to Manhattan and record their corner meetings where everyone could see them as a bunch of idiots. True Jews--lol--Send them back to Africa where they belong.

Die Hard
11-11-2007, 10:47 AM

11-11-2007, 11:22 AM
Jesus has said it so many times love your enemies and don’t turn away. The guy on the tape was no different because as well as he quoted the bible, yet he did not accepted the young mans hand to shake and for someone who seems to quote the bible so well should have remembered what Jesus said to love all and show respect like for them young Mormons and not deprived them spiritual. When you do this to a soul because of ego, it can be consider the worse sin of all. I on the other hand do not believe in religions but that we have a purpose and a believer of a higher power that transmit in spirit, love and understanding but most of all to do away of ego for it can restrict us of ever growing. I tell you what if there was a judgment in the end of the world and here we facing god, The Young Mormons will past through the gates before that guy with the tape and his quotes of the bible. Jesus once said something like this of being like a child will pass first through the gates of heaven.

Respecting other peoples beliefs is important but it doesn't have to mean you have to be force to believe it but respect it and if the conversation seems to go no where then a smart man would have said and acted by accepting his hand and thanking him for this conversation but I must go. Bless you and go in peace.

11-11-2007, 06:31 PM
Mormons = full of sh1t.

11-12-2007, 01:37 AM
the origins of mankind [according to mormons], summarized: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy0d1HbItOo

The black guy, as Sas said, didn't show the love that christ talked about when the mormon gave his hand out for him to shake. why did he not shake his hand after talk to them about christ and citing scriptures? hypocrites are worse than liers. although it did seem superficially that he put the mormons in their place, just because someone quotes something from a sacred text like the bible, does not make them a good individual. the mormons driving around on bikes is something new to me..