View Full Version : In DNA Era, New Worries About Prejudice

11-13-2007, 01:57 AM
Many people are going to take this in the wrong direction because there is a lot more to this and the clue is pretty much further down of this article.


Caged Anger
11-13-2007, 04:43 AM
A scientist over good standing got into a lot of hot water for saying dna evidence said people of african american heritage are not as smart. Dunno if its true or not, all i know is that within a day or two the guy was out of his position and had a big headache.

11-13-2007, 12:54 PM
A scientist over good standing got into a lot of hot water for saying dna evidence said people of african american heritage are not as smart. Dunno if its true or not, all i know is that within a day or two the guy was out of his position and had a big headache.

I think its how you learn and because of this standard ways of this world incomparability of how it’s being approach can have it’s disadvantage for many others for example, English language you learn it and watch the tape or video and pronouncing the words etc. But to remember the word can be done in so many different ways like I may say it in Italian or in Spanish and it will provide me the understanding of the word and help to remember it. This example is undersized, and probably not a good illustration but I think you can understand what I am trying to say. If you look further down on this article I believe it talks about it but in a much improved method.

11-13-2007, 05:15 PM
black people perform more poorly than white people. it's a fact. i dont believe it to be genetic at all, however. the reason i believe that black people perform more poorly than whites in tests, jobs, etc, is because of this white privilage that we anglos have. research has shown that when a group is discriminated against and treated worse than another group, which is treated better, then even cognitive skills start degrading....all of which is psychological.

however, if there indeed was a genetic difference in terms of intelligence, that is one more way of discriminating against a group of people and claiming superieority...not a loving thing to do.

11-13-2007, 05:41 PM
black people perform more poorly than white people. it's a fact. i dont believe it to be genetic at all, however. the reason i believe that black people perform more poorly than whites in tests, jobs, etc, is because of this white privilage that we anglos have. research has shown that when a group is discriminated against and treated worse than another group, which is treated better, then even cognitive skills start degrading....all of which is psychological.

however, if there indeed was a genetic difference in terms of intelligence, that is one more way of discriminating against a group of people and claiming superieority...not a loving thing to do.

I think its how you learn and because of this standard ways of this world incomparability of how it’s being approach can have it’s disadvantage for many.