View Full Version : Vue 6 it was made by me

11-17-2007, 12:47 AM
I Killed the link no one seems to be interested in 3D with landscapes and more.
This section is pretty much dead.

Too bad I saw some pretty good things by a few here at this section, Straightforward and nicely done.

11-19-2007, 11:36 PM
Damn I saw this message just now and when I went to look I read you deleted link. Grrrrr.

Sas, I like this sort of thing and wish I knew how to do this sort of stuff or better, have the creativity. Considering I get most of this software for free, I wish I knew how to use it.

Maybe this section can be a sublink inside the software section. I would hate to see it deleted regardless of how busy it may not seem.

Caged Anger
11-20-2007, 05:39 AM
Hey now, every forum section has its ups and downs. The crowd here right now just isn't really into art. Besides the fact this section has always been on the quiet side, msot people using it as a space to hsot their artwork.

And as for my artwork...i actually need to pay attention in class this year, humor me :P

12-01-2007, 12:57 PM
Hey now, every forum section has its ups and downs. The crowd here right now just isn't really into art. Besides the fact this section has always been on the quiet side, msot people using it as a space to hsot their artwork.

And as for my artwork...i actually need to pay attention in class this year, humor me :P

I would try to humor you but like you said it a quiet section and not much really into arts at this forum. If you need to be humored for arts, there are many great places to go for art work that I go to a lot. :thumbs: