View Full Version : Amazon & Sony

11-20-2007, 08:27 PM

Sony - Which is what I think would be better for me because it supports PDF files and it's very important for me that it supports it. The price is also good by about $100

11-20-2007, 08:35 PM
The Sony seems better to me, but I'd take Audiobooks on an MP3 over either, any day, at least from a reading novels standpoint.

However, if you're looking for a portable PDF reader for something like business, obviously that doesn't come into play :P

11-20-2007, 09:13 PM
I've been reading books on my Hp PDA for years and I love it. Being able to carry over fifty books in my pocket comes in handy when I am waiting for something and need to kill some time. Those readers look like they would be nice to keep near the bed or sofa.

11-21-2007, 12:45 AM
these seem somewhat cheaper
LINK (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/)


Trees seem to disappear as well.;)

11-21-2007, 12:49 AM
The Sony seems better to me, but I'd take Audiobooks on an MP3 over either, any day, at least from a reading novels standpoint.

However, if you're looking for a portable PDF reader for something like business, obviously that doesn't come into play :P

I disagree and I know it will only get better and looking forward to it. :P

11-21-2007, 12:50 AM
I've been reading books on my Hp PDA for years and I love it. Being able to carry over fifty books in my pocket comes in handy when I am waiting for something and need to kill some time. Those readers look like they would be nice to keep near the bed or sofa.

You can go anywhere with it like camping and having a quiet time of reading. :)

11-21-2007, 01:43 AM
Well this technology has really caught my attention and I spend a good amount of time yesterday reading about the Kindle and seeing what people thought about it.

Personally I agree that the Kindle is too expensive; however, it does offer many features that the Sony reader does not including FREE wireless network access for reading Wikipedia as well as purchasing and downloading books, newspaper, magazine, and blog subscriptions. The wireless network (EVDO) can be accessed pretty much anywhere you can get a cell phone signal.

The Sony reader does not have wireless functionality built in which really doesn't make it a stand-alone reader like the Kindle.

The other distinguishing feature both of the readers have is their innovative electronic ink display technology. Supposedly you have to see it to believe it but it looks much like regular paper and can only be viewed in well lit places.

Anyway you CAN view PDFs on the Kindle but they have to be converted into a different format for the Kindle.

Overall I don't think that this technology will reach a wide audience because of the price and people's lack of understanding of what this product can and can't do. If Amazon cuts the price of the Kindle by at least $150 making it cost $250 then more people are likely to buy it. Otherwise we will have to wait for another company to release one.

Lastly, some have complained that the Kindle looks much uglier than Sony's device and from looking at the pictures I would have to agree. However, if I ever got a chance to actually hold the device and use it then my opinion might change.

11-21-2007, 03:30 AM
I disagree and I know it will only get better and looking forward to it. :P

To each his own.

I find that I can't stand reading off a screen for pages and pages (if I'm reading a long website, I'll print it), whereas I actually enjoy listening to audiobooks quite a bit.

11-21-2007, 03:39 AM
You can go anywhere with it like camping and having a quiet time of reading. :)
I agree with the camping part. It's just too big to just throw in my pocket for some outings. Like shopping with the wife. I can stand anywhere waiting on her and be reading.
However I do like the large size of the book. My pda only will show 3 or 4 sentences at a time, so that a 150 page paper back is 1000 pages or so on the pda. I'll bet that in a couple of years the price will drop by more than half when they catch on.

11-21-2007, 01:26 PM
To each his own.

Thank God we been bless with it. :thumbs: