View Full Version : The new generation

11-24-2007, 01:07 PM
(i hope ya get what i mean, sorry for the crappy english)

latetly it cross my mind that the ppl around my age and younger are learing alot teknonologi more then ever, at this new generation arent happy with haveing 1-3 job our entire life,,

sorry if this offend some ppl but it really become true my thoughts when i saw it on 60mins today im right this new generation isnt like it used to be
they called new generation "millenniums"

like kids today raseing up when the parents protect them from everything ( i think thats really good but still hmm) saying everyones are special...special for what? what have u done? everyone winning a prize at a race...iknow some part its good but also they growing up to think that they are all special, and loveing ,and adorable.

The new generation does that the bosses at work that, are around age 50-60 need to be therapheut today cuz the new generation dosent take shit..they just think i can change work really fast...they dont care that much

and also the documentary said that the new generation think more about friends and family then on work...most of the new generation been travel more then they have been working!!

i dunno if this a good thing or a bad thing,,,,but it seems alot kids are really spoiled today for exemple some years ago it was really embarrasin living at home until you was 25 nowdays its a great thing to save money!!

im not saying the older generation is bad but i think this is kinda interesting thing to dicuss how much our commminuty/world really have change today even i notice diffrent since im not that old

when i was around 8 i never wear a pair of string and never did makeup i didient start with makeup untill i was 14..nowdays i can see girls that are around 8- and upp wearing string and makeup its just sick it really sickens me

i also notice some of the new generation really dosent have any respect for elder ppl i cant say all are that, but most of them are! even i sometimes but im trying my best... daily i can see younger ppl not holding up door to the elder...(by elder i mean elder 70-)

still some point i think its good that the new generation learing things fast with computers and games and so on...still i think its alot presssure today the new generation need to grow up so fast.

(((I dont know if it is like this everywhere but in sweden for exemple most ppl think that you should have a great work,family,house and cars when you are age 30!! everything most happend too fast!))

but this is intersting share your thoughts, and im NOT trying to offend anyone

Caged Anger
11-25-2007, 04:15 AM
lol, i'll agree with some of that...I'm a disgruntaled kid of the new millenium...

hell, i probably won't retire until i end up in the pine box and as for the jobs....ack. TY current generation for leaving us one heck of a mess to clean up

11-25-2007, 05:13 PM
lol, i'll agree with some of that...I'm a disgruntaled kid of the new millenium...

hell, i probably won't retire until i end up in the pine box and as for the jobs....ack. TY current generation for leaving us one heck of a mess to clean up

lol just readning your lines make me laugh sorry :P

11-25-2007, 05:39 PM
Holy crap... Sexy Jess is still around LOL Wow.. its been a while...


11-25-2007, 05:46 PM
alot ppl are still around here :)

11-25-2007, 05:50 PM
Holy crap... Sexy Jess is still around LOL Wow.. its been a while...


:D i havent been here all the time tho latelty i been on more and on :) NICE to see you are back :)