View Full Version : New Addictive Game - kdice

Death Engineer
11-25-2007, 05:04 AM
So some of you probably remember the old Dice Wars game (LINK (http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/dice/dice.html)). Good fun, but the computer AI was brainless and it got old in a hurry.

Now comes kdice (LINK (http://www.kdice.com)). This is a multiplayer version of the older game. It is very addictive. The rankings are sort of like poker where you have to have a certain rank to get into a game. Based on your finish in the game, you get more rank (or lose it, depending on your luck).

A few other links for the geeks like me:

Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kdice
Kdice Wiki: http://kdice.wikispaces.com/

Come join me and have some fun.

Death Engineer
11-27-2007, 11:14 PM
FWIW, they also have a pretty cool little poker interface. Did anyone try this out?

Death Engineer
11-28-2007, 03:47 PM
Hehe. k. I thought maybe I was just too old to have any say so here in the forums anymore. That or people only come here to wish each other happy birthday. ;)

Death Engineer
11-30-2007, 03:43 PM
I'm over 14, so that probably puts me in the geezer category on here. ;)

11-30-2007, 06:08 PM
I'm over 14, so that probably puts me in the geezer category on here. ;)


I did play the game for a sec, but I was @ work, so I didn't give it much time. I got murdered, but I'd have to give it more time.