View Full Version : Team Fortress

11-29-2007, 02:43 AM
Man OUTLAWS you have got to get this game. Imagine when we all first got into SS2 and we where having so much fun. That is what this game is like. I AM TOTALLY SERIOUS you have got to try this game it ROCKS . Iplayed in some guys server last night till 2 am. I was having so much fun after playing Bingo in our Gamemecca server that I wanted more so I found another server with about 30 people in it and oh man IT ROCKED. TIP you would love this one !!!!!!! Therm oh gawd man. Heck all the OUTLAWS would $pike even. $pike I'm just trying to rib ya bro.hehehe

11-29-2007, 03:10 AM
it it a 3rd person shooter??

11-29-2007, 04:38 AM
3rd person yes I don't know if you can change the veiw !!!

11-29-2007, 04:52 AM
It would probably run like crap on this pc. It looks like it is a team based game and I am not a team player. LOL

I'm not getting any new games till I build my next pc. I've been putting it off so long, but it seems like nothing new and great on the market now for games or hardware. Looks like I won't be putting it together until next year sometime. I am seriously thinking I will end up getting an Xbox and just play games on it. Screw building a great pc and then in a year I can't even play games on the highest settings.

I'll just keep playing Sam until then. I still play it a bunch and like it better than any other game I've tried.

11-29-2007, 06:46 AM
I think you can but will have to see!
I have been also looking for people on gm and like you said it is always empty. Shogun just likes to buy games and put them away so he won't be on there. Bingo is on from time to time but plays alot of card games so that takes a bit of his time. I played enough to know that you really are on your own but team work really helps and Sam is not even on my pc now. Therm I usually try to turn on teamspeak before I go into any of the servers. So any of you guys want to play get on teamspeak and I'll go to the GM server or try to tell you if the server I'm on is good.

11-29-2007, 11:23 AM
You will also see me more as soon as I upgrade my RAM and hopefully my vid card!

11-29-2007, 11:28 AM
So is Team Fortress 2 a 3rd person Shooter too?

11-29-2007, 11:49 PM
Heck all the OUTLAWS would $pike even. $pike I'm just trying to rib ya bro.hehehe

Are ther any 2 legged deer in this game? if not, phuck it!:P lol

maybe one of these days I'll get it, I just can't sit at home atm :cool:

11-30-2007, 08:39 AM
This game looks awesome but it only is bad that you only can buy it with Half Life 2. Or does this game only run with Half life 2 what I don't believe?!

Death Engineer
11-30-2007, 03:54 PM
What are the system requirements? Is it going to run on my XP3200+ and Radeon 9800 Pro? Is there a demo I can try before I buy it?

11-30-2007, 04:32 PM
Love this game also....team work is definitely necessary but you can still make the difference on ur own :D

Maybe we should crash the GM server with enough people this weekend so people don't need to wait to have enough players in the server :)

11-30-2007, 11:23 PM
You got it Wiper !!!!!