View Full Version : Election 2008

Mad Fox
11-29-2007, 07:39 PM
Why, and what are some predicitions

11-29-2007, 08:34 PM
I haven't done much of any research yet, as the election is a full year off (i know, primaries are earlier, and either way I should be, but I haven't)

In any case, I wouldn't have any clue at all, except that someone sent me this test to help see who you agree the most with.

While I think of myself as more of a moderate, and am willing to consider democrats, the test makes it pretty clear that I lean conservative, as the results listed every conservative first, then the dems.

According to the test, Duncan Hunter is the most like what I think, so I marked him for my vote. Dunno if that's where I'd really end up come primaries, but according to the test I theoretically like him the best, so I gave him the nod here.

11-29-2007, 10:42 PM
you're foolish for putting RP in an "other" option.

dont bother voting.

I want to see a Paul/Kucinich ticket

11-29-2007, 11:52 PM
you're foolish for putting RP in an "other" option.

I think there are only 10 choices allowed in the poll.

When the US dumps the electoral system and my vote actually counts directly towards who becomes president then maybe I'll start caring.

11-30-2007, 02:52 AM
I think there are only 10 choices allowed in the poll.

When the US dumps the electoral system and my vote actually counts directly towards who becomes president then maybe I'll start caring.

You are correct. However, that's only one out of many things that would have to change before I would ever vote in any election.

Caged Anger
11-30-2007, 04:39 AM
A shame Stephen Colbert couldn't get on that list....

11-30-2007, 11:08 AM
i dont think doritos was putting enough funds into it :P

12-01-2007, 02:58 AM
Duncan Hunter is a war vet and uses a terminology for military like a football team. Not only will he get us in war with Iran but will deepen the confrontation with China. He doesn’t talk about making a logical approach to talk with China but more of making demands against them which to me does not help diplomatic issues with China. As for Iran, I feel he will not waste time and hit Iran, which can course a global world war. His views are typical like most Republicans and he doesn’t interest me at all but a dangerous man who uses the term in diplomacy like a football team. I would rather have Hilary Clinton because at least her husband can help with Middle Eastern and China foreign affair but mostly because he has charisma and knows how to talk when it comes to foreign policy issues from his experience. Hilary Clinton will get good advice from her husband who I believe is one of the very best diplomatic spokesmen of this century. My vote goes with Hilary Clinton only because there really isn’t anyone that I think that can do better and again because of Bill Clinton.

12-01-2007, 03:46 AM
I haven't decided yet but I would take any of them before Hillary. I totally despise her.

12-01-2007, 03:50 AM
Duncan Hunter is a war vet and uses a terminology for military like a football team. Not only will he get us in war with Iran but will deepen the confrontation with China. He doesn’t talk about making a logical approach to talk with China but more of making demands against them which to me does not help diplomatic issues with China. As for Iran, I feel he will not waste time and hit Iran, which can course a global world war. His views are typical like most Republicans and he doesn’t interest me at all but a dangerous man who uses the term in diplomacy like a football team. I would rather have Hilary Clinton because at least her husband can help with Middle Eastern and China foreign affair but mostly because he has charisma and knows how to talk when it comes to foreign policy issues from his experience. Hilary Clinton will get good advice from her husband who I believe is one of the very best diplomatic spokesmen of this century. My vote goes with Hilary Clinton only because there really isn’t anyone that I think that can do better and again because of Bill Clinton.

*jaw drops*

I thought you knew better SAS :(

He Is Legend
12-01-2007, 04:38 AM
I dunno how you all feel about it , I liked bill as president .. he was a laid back peacefull guy that got caught up in bs

and basically he took orders from his wife .. so if I liked him i'd like hillary

12-01-2007, 12:32 PM
*jaw drops*

I thought you knew better SAS :(

Nitro there really isn’t any better and if it was up to me I fire all at the white house and start from the bottom. I think right now the best chance we have in order to get good diplomacy would be having Hillary because of her Husband who has more experience and can provide the help that is going to be needed for the next few years because it is a dangerous time for us and I have no choice of the matter to go with Hillary only because of Bill Clinton.

As for knowing better and if I disappointed you, I need only to be inspired for my part and feel I am right about this only because there isn’t much of a selection.

As for Paul/Kucinich they will lose badly but these guys are good but right now Hillary is the closes to winning and knowing the voters I would rather have Hillary instead of the others that might have a chance to win.

12-01-2007, 09:28 PM
Well written, I respect that. However, I it's just that I have a personal thing for not supporting royal bloodlines and globalists even though I was both at one point or another and was affiliated/am affiliated still.

I think this 2008 election will be as important as the first televised election and perhaps as historic as the 1789 election of Washington.

12-01-2007, 11:05 PM
Well written, I respect that. However, I it's just that I have a personal thing for not supporting royal bloodlines and globalists even though I was both at one point or another and was affiliated/am affiliated still.

I think this 2008 election will be as important as the first televised election and perhaps as historic as the 1789 election of Washington.

Yes I agree. . .

12-04-2007, 04:32 PM
I wonder if Hillary would have Al Gore as her VP :hmmm:

If she did that, she'd be hard to beat.

I still think Edwards is the best the Dems have to offer to support the lower middle class (me).