View Full Version : Aliases

12-08-2007, 01:22 AM
Im posting this here, and not at no way aimed at any villains members, as we always tell people who we are..

But to the dick heads, that cry and cry to get into a clan, and then not to wear there clan tags. What is the point, why not just say who you are, your normal name, It doesnt hurt... Villains as it is wear anniversary tags, you ask us who we are we tell you, so take the time out to repay it.... We all like to know who we are playing against. Other that some strange screenshots sort of appear saying "this was me at the top". have the balls to say who you are....

To "insane", you played great you owned me, whoever you may be. No doubt you will post an "ownage" screenshot at some point..

Dan i am, i played the game you was in for like 5 mins, and got pissed off, gg to you :)

Many players from back in like 2002 have left this game because of stuff like this, so why not when some1 asks who you are, dont say " a noob", and just come straight to the point.. Lots of the "legendary 2002" people have come back to this game, to play it as it was.. HAVE SOME DAMN RESPECT :)

12-08-2007, 01:39 AM
Yes, many have left for petty issues such as this but think about it...this is not something to "quit" playing a game over! If you love the game, you could have just as much fun by typing in the commands to turn off chat and turn off tags, scores, etc and just play an intense and fun deathmatch like in other FPS games where you don't see the players and scores for the entire game...you have to press a button for them to come up. I think games would be more fun withouth the tags and scores being displayed all the time but that's just me. :)

12-08-2007, 01:43 AM
Im posting this here, and not at no way aimed at any villains members, as we always tell people who we are..

But to the dick heads, that cry and cry to get into a clan, and then not to wear there clan tags. What is the point, why not just say who you are, your normal name, It doesnt hurt... Villains as it is wear anniversary tags, you ask us who we are we tell you, so take the time out to repay it.... We all like to know who we are playing against. Other that some strange screenshots sort of appear saying "this was me at the top". have the balls to say who you are....

To "insane", you played great you owned me, whoever you may be. No doubt you will post an "ownage" screenshot at some point..

Dan i am, i played the game you was in for like 5 mins, and got pissed off, gg to you :)

Many players from back in like 2002 have left this game because of stuff like this, so why not when some1 asks who you are, dont say " a noob", and just come straight to the point.. Lots of the "legendary 2002" people have come back to this game, to play it as it was.. HAVE SOME DAMN RESPECT :)

Plz don't get so offended by me using an alias after firing up a game after 2 months. Anywayz, the game was good :)

I was just lucky and spammin' around a bit before some arrogance is taken out of the comment above :D

12-08-2007, 05:19 AM
:) i tell people my name. no one gets mad :D

12-08-2007, 07:02 AM
I really dont care if i get beaten by an alias or by a player that is wearing he's tax. But i respect those players that always play with there tax. If someone wants to " hide" behind an alias, it is no problem for me.:)

Die Hard
12-08-2007, 08:36 AM
Plz don't get so offended by me using an alias after firing up a game after 2 months. Anywayz, the game was good :)He wasn't! His post was about Aliases that don't say who they are when asked :rolleyes:

And I agree with BOA, doesn't bother me either :)

12-08-2007, 01:26 PM
He wasn't! His post was about Aliases that don't say who they are when asked :rolleyes:

And I agree with BOA, doesn't bother me either :)

You can rolleye me, but I didn't say it in the game so...guess he was :)

I almost forgot why I didn't fired up a game the last 2 months, even the Villains got caught in the web of "don't do this & that". The game is so freakin' awesome but the community is killin' it.

12-08-2007, 02:04 PM
Sorry people, I was in one my worst moods ever. Had a lot of crap going on with this dumb pc. Doesnt normally bother me, but for some reason, I installed last night, and guess i shouldnt have played seeing as I wasnt in the right frame of mind to do so.

12-08-2007, 08:26 PM
Sorry people, I was in one my worst moods ever. Had a lot of crap going on with this dumb pc. Doesnt normally bother me, but for some reason, I installed last night, and guess i shouldnt have played seeing as I wasnt in the right frame of mind to do so.

Hehe, still like grabbin' a game with ya :wub: :D