View Full Version : Deadly Nebraska Mall Shooting

12-09-2007, 05:32 AM
I found this to be a very tragic, but at the same time interesting story. Someone said something about it at work today and I went on CNN.com and found this article on the front page.

Link to story. (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/12/08/mall.shooting.ap/index.html)

Link to video (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/12/08/mall.shooting.ap/index.html#cnnSTCVideo).

Basically a 19 year old kid, named Robert Hawkins, walked into an upscale clothing store (Von Maur) at a mall in Omaha,Nebraska and proceeded to shoot and kill eight people there with an AK-47 and then kill himself.

I don't think that the police or anyone else has discovered a motive for the brutal killings. It didn't seem like Hawkins had any mental problems and his friends said that he wasn't a loner. So what would drive a 19 year old to walk into a public place and kill complete strangers and then kill himself?

Personally I feel that this has something to do with the way he perceived the people who shopped at the store itself. Most likely they were upper class women. I'm taking a guess because I've never seen or been to a "Von Maur". Hawkins was not rich and he basically had no place to live prior to the incident. So is there a link between his feeling of possible despair and the jealousy that he might have felt when walking into such a store.

What do you guys think?

Asian Invasian
12-09-2007, 06:51 AM
Wanna know what I think?

I hope when he shot himself he suffered miserably for an immense amount of time.

12-09-2007, 01:49 PM
^No sense of compassion.

From what I read, the man was using anti-depressants for depression. Now, we all know that anti-depressants actually cause people to get suicidal thoughts and act violent and this type of behaviour like the shooting in that mall can occur sometimes. Then, you will get a few socialists start shouting out about how guns should be made illegal or similar unconstitutional restrictions such as Giulinai (formally a Democrat) is in favour of. HOWEVER, nobody EVER mentions the antidepressants that literally caused the shooting, like in this case. There should be an outcry to ban all antidepressants such as Prozac and whatnot. I don't understand why people are so foolish to believe the guns are the thing that should be restricted when in reality, the antidepressants are the literall cause of the murder of those people. Antidepressants are drugs...just because they are legal does not make them good. How many drugs make people want to murder others? I can only think of the worst ones out there such as PCP (angeldust).

I'll also add...isn't it odd that the president of this country was in Omaha only 2 hrs before this happened and had a photo-op in that very mall in that very store? Coincidence? Interesting point nonetheless.

12-09-2007, 03:12 PM
good point ! feeding drugs to young kids, teenagers (and adults off course) is not exactely news. it makes business great. taking up a read on this seeing some numbers, in the us alone, makes one scared of the dark. and no difference anywhere else. psychs got enormous power.

Caged Anger
12-09-2007, 03:32 PM
know what I think?

If we stopped putting these people on the news then it wouldn't seem like a ticket to 10 seconds of fame

12-09-2007, 03:46 PM
know what I think?

If we stopped putting these people on the news then it wouldn't seem like a ticket to 10 seconds of fame


12-09-2007, 06:07 PM
Here's a copy of his suicide note.


I'm so sorry for what I've put you through I never meant to hurt all of you so much and I don't blame any one of you for disowning me I just can't be a burden to you and my friends any longer You are all better off without me. I'm so sorry for this.

I've just snapped I can't take this meaningless existence anymore I've been a constant disappointment and that trend would have only continued. just remember the good times we had together

I love you mommy

I love you dad

I love you Kira

I love you Valancia

I love you Cynthia

I love you Zach

I love you Cayla

I love you Mark (P.S. I'm really sorry)



To all of my friends I'm so sorry for what I've done to you and put you through. I've been a peice of (expletive) my entire life it seems this is my only option. I know everyone will remember me as some sort of monster but please understand that I just don't want to be a burden on the ones that I care for my entire life. I just want to take a few peices of (expletive) with me. I love all of you so much and I don't want anyone to miss me just think about how much better you are off without me to support. I want my friends to remember all the good times we had together. Just think tho I'm gonna be (expletive) famous. You guys have always been there for me I'm just sad that I'm gonna have to go this alone. You guys are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. That's all I have to say is that I (expletive) you guys.

P.S. I didn't eat that (expletive) sandwich or the toielet thing either!


my will

I'm giving my car back to my mom and my friends can have whatever else I leave behind

Signed (Hawkins' signature)

Social (his Social Security number)"

12-09-2007, 06:39 PM
I think that it's also important to note the recent outbreak of youth violence ever since the Columbine attack in 1999. Not all of these kids were on drugs but they did seem to share similar traits. None of them seemed to be able to communicate their problems and felt that they were continually rejected by society. So in their mind if society doesn't want them then why should they want to uphold the values of a society. So is there a lingering societal problem nowadays that keeps teenagers in such a desperate state?

12-09-2007, 06:59 PM
So is there a lingering societal problem nowadays that keeps teenagers in such a desperate state?

Of course there is. That should be painfully obvious to everyone.

12-09-2007, 11:15 PM
I would like to know how the kids were raised. Unfortunately, I feel a large part of the problem is the breakdown of the family unit and people being just too damn self absorbed.

Asian Invasian
12-09-2007, 11:34 PM
^No sense of compassion.

From what I read, the man was using anti-depressants for depression. Now, we all know that anti-depressants actually cause people to get suicidal thoughts and act violent and this type of behaviour like the shooting in that mall can occur sometimes. Then, you will get a few socialists start shouting out about how guns should be made illegal or similar unconstitutional restrictions such as Giulinai (formally a Democrat) is in favour of. HOWEVER, nobody EVER mentions the antidepressants that literally caused the shooting, like in this case. There should be an outcry to ban all antidepressants such as Prozac and whatnot. I don't understand why people are so foolish to believe the guns are the thing that should be restricted when in reality, the antidepressants are the literall cause of the murder of those people. Antidepressants are drugs...just because they are legal does not make them good. How many drugs make people want to murder others? I can only think of the worst ones out there such as PCP (angeldust).

I'll also add...isn't it odd that the president of this country was in Omaha only 2 hrs before this happened and had a photo-op in that very mall in that very store? Coincidence? Interesting point nonetheless.
**** that kid. Just because he doesnt like his own life does not mean he needs to go ruin hundreds of others. He is a POS. Im so sick of seeing stories like this on the news its becoming more and more common.

12-10-2007, 12:23 AM
**** that kid. Just because he doesnt like his own life does not mean he needs to go ruin hundreds of others. He is a POS. Im so sick of seeing stories like this on the news its becoming more and more common.

Yes, but that type of attitude is not going to solve this problem.

12-10-2007, 12:56 AM
There is no such thing as depression. It is a Western myth designed by psychiatrists to generate more money, just like ADD and ADHD. Anti-depressants don't solve depression. That state exist but I call it being sad and lamenting. I agree with you that his negative state was caused by something as well but my point is that anti-depressants are directly responsible for the murders he committed. If he was not on anti-depressants, he would just stay in his sad state but he wouldn't 'go postal' and committing murder/suicide. The odds are close to nil.

Anti-depressants are the biggest factor in this but not the only one and I understand that. Other factors may include psychosis, neglecting parents, mind control, cognitive chaos/reality makes no sense, etc etc

As you see, I'm very concerned over everyone who is under the influence of these anti-depressants. It makes me want to cry when people are influenced in such a negative way beyond their control.

Asian Invasian
12-10-2007, 01:33 AM
There is no such thing as depression. It is a Western myth designed by psychiatrists to generate more money, just like ADD and ADHD. Anti-depressants don't solve depression. That state exist but I call it being sad and lamenting. I agree with you that his negative state was caused by something as well but my point is that anti-depressants are directly responsible for the murders he committed. If he was not on anti-depressants, he would just stay in his sad state but he wouldn't 'go postal' and committing murder/suicide. The odds are close to nil.

Anti-depressants are the biggest factor in this but not the only one and I understand that. Other factors may include psychosis, neglecting parents, mind control, cognitive chaos/reality makes no sense, etc etc

As you see, I'm very concerned over everyone who is under the influence of these anti-depressants. It makes me want to cry when people are influenced in such a negative way beyond their control.

Ya I agree antidepressants ftl.
Btw I am only saying how I feel, the kid is worthless.

Seriously Deadly
12-10-2007, 03:10 AM
there were 2 more shootings today.



Asian Invasian
12-10-2007, 05:08 AM
Ya not too far from here.. :/

12-10-2007, 05:52 AM
there were 2 more shootings today.



That's the same shooting, I think. Trust me, people get shot everyday so I don't see why this particular incident is getting headline news. Are the American public so infatuated with morbid news and death?

Seriously Deadly
12-10-2007, 05:55 AM
That's the same shooting, I think. Trust me, people get shot everyday so I don't see why this particular incident is getting headline news. Are the American public so infatuated with morbid news and death?

do you mean both the nebraska ones are from the same guy?

12-10-2007, 02:36 PM
do you mean both the nebraska ones are from the same guy?

No, but the Omaha one didn't happen the same day as the Colorado one ;)

Caged Anger
12-10-2007, 02:43 PM
if you feel you're a piece of shit, so be it, end it, don't go taking others while you're at it

12-10-2007, 03:12 PM
DHS Advisor was Present at Omaha Mall During Shooting

http://www.hstoday.us/National/DHS/20071207_DHS_Advisor_was_Present_at_Omaha_Mall_Dur ing_Shooting.cfm

I don't believe in coincidences, boys.