View Full Version : my football season

Seriously Deadly
12-11-2007, 04:22 AM
This year im a a freshman, so i played on the freshman team, but i got moved up for one J.V. game. I had a good season, till i hurt my ankle and missed two games, but i returned to play the last two. I play WR and Outside linebacker. For my last two games i switched from RB and WR throughout the game. I also was Punt Returner and the a Kick Returner. Only time i was out was on extra points. i think i may have played more jv if i was a little bigger. im 5'6" 120lbs, maybe if i was 150 i could have played it. No other freshman played anything more then freshman team, besides me, and 6'1 250lbs Colton. Just gotta get in the wieght room, and get ready for varsity.
Also the pics are bad since they were got by me pressing prtscn and pasting from game films.

heres a tackle i got in a freshman game versus Issiquah

this is a interception against Jaunita in the jv game i was moved up for.

and theres me running it back.

another tackle, trying to strip the ball

and i got the ball striped :D

and than heres a highlight film from the jv game i played, if anyones interested. #17 with jv jersey

12-11-2007, 06:03 AM
That's cool SD, keep it up

12-11-2007, 07:16 AM
Nice dude , in 2 years .. I'll maybe start playing american fotball :D

12-11-2007, 05:24 PM
Stay with it SD...looks like you're off to a great start !!!

12-11-2007, 08:34 PM
Keep it up, maybe some day we will see you playing on Sundays.