View Full Version : GG Ripper

12-17-2007, 07:49 PM
A screenie for Ripper, not with he's tax, but i observed the game and he was just playing very good.:thumbs:

Just before this map, i observed a game in Hole. 2 guys were swimming and camping and teaming. One of them was standing with the canon on the top of the lavaroom, and he's friend was as swimmer standing on the lower platform beside the elavator in the lavaroom with a sniper. Many people joined and left again, but then Steve-O joined, and we that know Steve-O, knows that he take the challenge. We all know that these swimmers are awful players when you get them in a fair duel, and that did Steve-O also know. Get them once and before they can swim or camp again, take them out. Never a bad word from Steve-O, he just took them out, and won of course the map. Thats the way to do it Steve.:thumbs: Sorry no screenie.

12-17-2007, 08:06 PM
Thank You Very Much Boa :thumbs:
gg all :thumbs:

Yer Steve - o Is An Awesome Player:thumbs:

Die Hard
12-17-2007, 09:12 PM
Yep it's great to play Ripper and Steve :wootrock:

01-10-2008, 01:46 PM
GG's :thumbs: