View Full Version : Cute video

12-18-2007, 04:21 AM
I liked this one...these two girls had it going on!!


12-18-2007, 04:40 AM
Too much clothes and not enough box. :P

12-18-2007, 04:44 AM
Too much clothes and not enough box. :P

I agree 100%!!!

12-18-2007, 04:55 AM
20 bucks says they're 15 :P

Die Hard
12-18-2007, 11:14 AM
Make that 13 :o

12-18-2007, 02:21 PM
at least it is Cute.

12-18-2007, 06:43 PM
^^ its weird and that older guys like u like that ofc u do still kinda discusting -.-

they are under 18 hope u can see that i bet around 13 and u think its cute? really weird if that whould be my daughter i whould slap her ^^

12-18-2007, 06:45 PM
i was no angel myself...still feels weird u posting that kind of stuff of that young girls manson kinda perv sorry

and it also offend me a bit im hate when older men looking on younger girls special on the net really its just so wrong and creepy it chould be ur own child whould u like that?

12-18-2007, 07:29 PM
I think the video was very creative and well done. I can appreciate looking out for us but I don't see anything wrong with it, there was nothing sexual about the video and since we can't see their faces they could be 18+ for all we know.

To everyone ..... DO NOT misread my post and start posting lolita/underage/sexual /etc .... type stuff here to see how far you can push the limits, I'm warning you now ... DO NOT test me on this!

12-18-2007, 07:34 PM
"it takes a lot of practice and coordination. well done"

sure its true, but wed never admit to saying that :D

12-18-2007, 07:36 PM
I think the video was very creative and well done. I can appreciate looking out for us but I don't see anything wrong with it, there was nothing sexual about the video and since we can't see their faces they could be 18+ for all we know.

To everyone ..... DO NOT misread my post and start posting lolita/underage/sexual /etc .... type stuff here, I'm warning you now ... DO NOT test me on this!

-.- u whould not like it if it was ur own daughter in it

12-19-2007, 04:09 PM
I dont really see anything wrong with it. :confused:

I dunno, but I was watching it from a creative perspective and thought it was a really cute idea and well executed. As far as their outfits if that's what the concern is about, they're in ordinary excercise attire. Nothing that you wouldn't see in an everyday gym. They werent in panties or anything...... <shrug> Furthermore, I can most definitely guarantee that they are not in the 13 year old range just by their body shape. At 13 your body is still very straight and not curvy at all.

12-19-2007, 05:03 PM
They are sure under 18,was nice idea but badly done.Taste is different by everyone, and i guess some watched not only cose of creative and cute..

12-19-2007, 05:13 PM
^^ its weird and that older guys like u like that ofc u do still kinda discusting -.-

they are under 18 hope u can see that i bet around 13 and u think its cute? really weird if that whould be my daughter i whould slap her ^^

hehehe i bet they have boxes cose of parents

12-19-2007, 06:45 PM
20 bucks says they're 15 :P

Maybe so but pretty good in my book...took lots of times practing it I am sure.

12-19-2007, 06:46 PM
^^ its weird and that older guys like u like that ofc u do still kinda discusting -.-

they are under 18 hope u can see that i bet around 13 and u think its cute? really weird if that whould be my daughter i whould slap her ^^

Guess you can't dance? lol

12-19-2007, 06:56 PM
i was no angel myself...still feels weird u posting that kind of stuff of that young girls manson kinda perv sorry

and it also offend me a bit im hate when older men looking on younger girls special on the net really its just so wrong and creepy it chould be ur own child whould u like that?

Hmm...I saw nothing bad in this video or I would not of posted it in the 1st place. Perverted? I take that as a insult!! My daughter is on the dance line at her school and that is what it made me think of when I ran accross it watching her school perform. It takes lots of hours of practice to do things like that!! Not everyone in this world is a pervert SexyJess? Have you had some bad experiences with some? Not many of the people here thought of it that way it seems just not sure why you did? To each his own!

12-19-2007, 07:06 PM
My daughter with her school at a game!

12-19-2007, 07:16 PM
I can't see the complaint about being mad at the girls for making it. i don't think it really comes across as provocative at all. Just something creative, and like Sep said, they're not in underwear or anything, just workout clothes. It's derivative of this, which has been posted at GM before, I believe:


I respect the time that both would take to get down, though I give the nod to the one w/ hands, simply b/c that's one person doing all the words, not splitting them between 2 folks.

Either way, very cool :thumbs:

12-19-2007, 07:47 PM
Hmm...I saw nothing bad in this video or I would not of posted it in the 1st place. Perverted? I take that as a insult!! My daughter is on the dance line at her school and that is what it made me think of when I ran accross it watching her school perform. It takes lots of hours of practice to do things like that!! Not everyone in this world is a pervert SexyJess? Have you had some bad experiences with some? Not many of the people here thought of it that way it seems just not sure why you did? To each his own!

ok? i whoulndt compere what ur daughter do agaist that lame video LOL
your daughter seems alot more talent and cool then that video u posted so...anyway

I wont change my mind i really dont think its a "cute video" puppies and kittens and babies are CUTE not two young girls showing their bodies in a lame dance rofl thats just sooooo lame

and for the record i sure can dance ;)
men saying its cute?? HELLOOO its not the right word for it lol whould it be cute if it was two teenage boys in underwears? i dont THINK u whould! SO ROFL

12-19-2007, 10:22 PM
For those who liked that, you might like this one too. I showed this vid to someone and they linked this back to me. :D


12-19-2007, 10:25 PM
Somebody didn't read my post :bawling:

I posted the same link Sep :P :thumbs:

I love that video.

12-19-2007, 10:27 PM
Somebody didn't read my post :bawling:

I posted the same link Sep :P :thumbs:

I love that video.

Oh sowwy :P I read it, but not fully I guess and I didn't click the link.

12-19-2007, 11:57 PM
ok? i whoulndt compere what ur daughter do agaist that lame video LOL
your daughter seems alot more talent and cool then that video u posted so...anyway

I wont change my mind i really dont think its a "cute video" puppies and kittens and babies are CUTE not two young girls showing their bodies in a lame dance rofl thats just sooooo lame

and for the record i sure can dance ;)
men saying its cute?? HELLOOO its not the right word for it lol whould it be cute if it was two teenage boys in underwears? i dont THINK u whould! SO ROFL

Well it might not be the right word for it in your eyes...but that is the way I see it..just a cute video which I know those two girls had to of practiced that routine a million times to get it right. I was impresses by it because I know I could never even attempt something like that. Anyway it is not worth arguing over. I didn't post it to make people mad..just thought it was a CUTE video!

12-19-2007, 11:59 PM
For those who liked that, you might like this one too. I showed this vid to someone and they linked this back to me. :D


Yeah I saw both the links!! lol Don't make me mad Sexyjess!! I will get in my underwear and make a video to that song!!! lmao I would get banned for sure!! Would make people really sick!!!

12-20-2007, 01:45 AM
For those who liked that, you might like this one too. I showed this vid to someone and they linked this back to me. :D


now I'm offended by that one Sep, that girl flipped the the fickle finger :P

12-20-2007, 02:46 AM
now I'm offended by that one Sep, that girl flipped the the fickle finger :P

Yeah me too spike!! That really hurt Sepra!! :(

12-20-2007, 09:27 AM
Well it might not be the right word for it in your eyes...but that is the way I see it..just a cute video which I know those two girls had to of practiced that routine a million times to get it right. I was impresses by it because I know I could never even attempt something like that. Anyway it is not worth arguing over. I didn't post it to make people mad..just thought it was a CUTE video!

iknow u didient still i choulndt hold back lol i just had to say what i think :P im a person who always yell out my opinion and i dont care if ppl dont AGREE with me or not ^^ and yeah im stubborn too :)

12-20-2007, 01:10 PM
LOL ppl in here love drama :D check the views on this thread haha

"Next episode continues next week" :D

12-21-2007, 12:06 AM
iknow u didient still i choulndt hold back lol i just had to say what i think :P im a person who always yell out my opinion and i dont care if ppl dont AGREE with me or not ^^ and yeah im stubborn too :)

haha I hear ya!! :)

PuRe AnGeL
12-27-2007, 05:03 PM
ok? i whoulndt compere what ur daughter do agaist that lame video LOL
your daughter seems alot more talent and cool then that video u posted so...anyway

I wont change my mind i really dont think its a "cute video" puppies and kittens and babies are CUTE not two young girls showing their bodies in a lame dance rofl thats just sooooo lame

and for the record i sure can dance ;)
men saying its cute?? HELLOOO its not the right word for it lol whould it be cute if it was two teenage boys in underwears? i dont THINK u whould! SO ROFL

Are you like 13? Gosh that was petty. I think you abused the word 'lame' there. How many times did you say it?! :rolleyes:

12-27-2007, 08:49 PM
Are you like 13? Gosh that was petty. I think you abused the word 'lame' there. How many times did you say it?! :rolleyes:

unnecessary comment little girl i notice your under 18 since u sound so rude

Gun Element
12-27-2007, 10:38 PM
The video was an interesting idea, seems to be a popular song to dance to with your bodies n' such.

To the comments about the pervertedness (not a word :P)
1) I dont get it, I dont see it, frankly I see cute girls of all ages. Its like saying
"oh that 1 year old girl is so cute!"

2) I think we are saying the idea and the video itself is cute, not the girls, since we can't see the faces.

3) Cute and hot can mean and usually does mean different things, if we were saying "hot video" then I would say thats a bit perverted, but everyone has their own perspectives as long as it doesnt hurt anyone right? :)

just my thought on the subject.

12-28-2007, 12:22 AM
Very creative and nicely coordinated!

Kanye West eat your heart out (I don't like his remix of this great Daft Punk song)

The boxes also refer to Daft Punk because the original artists also like to disguise their identity by wearing robot masks and such

PuRe AnGeL
12-28-2007, 12:28 AM
unnecessary comment little girl i notice your under 18 since u sound so rude

Yes, i'm under eighteen, but doesn't mean i have to act like it, and i certainly don't.

I think your first couple of posts were extremely rude, and until you can claim that they're not; you've no right in calling ME rude for my last comment.

12-28-2007, 04:55 PM
Yes, i'm under eighteen, but doesn't mean i have to act like it, and i certainly don't.

I think your first couple of posts were extremely rude, and until you can claim that they're not; you've no right in calling ME rude for my last comment.

rude :D

12-28-2007, 06:45 PM
The video was an interesting idea, seems to be a popular song to dance to with your bodies n' such.

To the comments about the pervertedness (not a word :P)
1) I dont get it, I dont see it, frankly I see cute girls of all ages. Its like saying
"oh that 1 year old girl is so cute!"
2) I think we are saying the idea and the video itself is cute, not the girls, since we can't see the faces.

3) Cute and hot can mean and usually does mean different things, if we were saying "hot video" then I would say thats a bit perverted, but everyone has their own perspectives as long as it doesnt hurt anyone right? :)

just my thought on the subject.

I think it is big difference about 1 year old girl and 14 years! So comments about cute its also differently. Example: When some over 30 years old man would make a comment to 1 year old girl " cute girl" no1 would see him perverted, but when he would do this to 14 y. girl, he will get 95% stamp "perverted"! But of course maybe i am not right..

12-28-2007, 06:46 PM
I think it is big difference about 1 year old girl and 14 years! So comments about cute its also differently. Example: When some over 30 years old man would make a comment to 1 year old girl " cute girl" no1 would see him perverted, but when he would do this to 14 y. girl, he will get 95% stamp "perverted"! But of course maybe i am not right..

:D i love u u go girl at last someone understand

12-28-2007, 06:47 PM
I <3 U 2! :D
:D i love u

12-28-2007, 07:19 PM
So I guess the catfight is off for now? :D

Gun Element
12-28-2007, 07:30 PM
I think it is big difference about 1 year old girl and 14 years! So comments about cute its also differently. Example: When some over 30 years old man would make a comment to 1 year old girl " cute girl" no1 would see him perverted, but when he would do this to 14 y. girl, he will get 95% stamp "perverted"! But of course maybe i am not right..

I knew I would get myself involved :P

My guess is that it depends on where you live. People's ideas and views are so different theirs no point in telling who is right from wrong.

I still don't get why cute can be such a perverted word for the average guy. I would post my views on it more, but wouldn't go anywhere.

Peace ;)

12-28-2007, 09:44 PM
I knew I would get myself involved :P

My guess is that it depends on where you live. People's ideas and views are so different theirs no point in telling who is right from wrong.

I still don't get why cute can be such a perverted word for the average guy. I would post my views on it more, but wouldn't go anywhere.

Peace ;)

I know you are right about diferents people's views, and it is depends were you live,ages, genders...but we all must know what is wrong and what is right! Or how you would take a "pedofile" view?
Whatever, i only understand SexyJesss " misunderstanding" about this "cute" video, cose for me this video was also not cute but very funny.
And i think Mansons expressing in his second post did many views ( i mean this about" too much clothing"..and they wearing only underwear!),such view can man misunderstanding( sry Manson i wont insult you cose i dont know you and maybe you was mean this in comical view) At last Gun you can freely say your view abot this cose i am curious, only i dont know if i can share same meaning:P :D

12-29-2007, 12:07 AM
Darn, I can't call anyone "Cute" anymore.

12-29-2007, 09:18 PM
Darn, I can't call anyone "Cute" anymore.

Your never to use that word again Tip!!! LOL

12-29-2007, 09:30 PM
To me Cute means...Cute....it doesn't mean anything else. I do not know how old the girls were in that video and do not even care..if they were 14 or 25 I still think it was a cute video. Now if someone wants to think that is perverted then oh well that is your problem. Sounds like you have issues you need to work on? Now if I would of said this is a Hot video I could undetstand that looking bad if we knew the girls were underage, but I would of never posted anything saying this was hot with underage girls in it. It amazes me how differently people think. But oh well that is what makes us unique I guess. Anyway Hope everyone has a great New Year!!

Lady Doom
12-30-2007, 02:18 PM
To me Cute means...Cute....it doesn't mean anything else. I do not know how old the girls were in that video and do not even care..if they were 14 or 25 I still think it was a cute video. Now if someone wants to think that is perverted then oh well that is your problem. Sounds like you have issues you need to work on? Now if I would of said this is a Hot video I could undetstand that looking bad if we knew the girls were underage, but I would of never posted anything saying this was hot with underage girls in it. It amazes me how differently people think. But oh well that is what makes us unique I guess. Anyway Hope everyone has a great New Year!!

This video is good idea for me. Interesting :). We all can say here what we think(not always hehe) ,but usually:D. I can understand Sexyjess and all ppl here so PEACE yeah and hope all will have great New Year :).

12-30-2007, 05:27 PM
I still do not see what all the fuss is about, the thread title is "Cute Video", not "Cute Girls".

12-30-2007, 05:42 PM
The problem may be with the definition of "Cute". It does not mean sexy. I think that may be the main culprit.

01-03-2008, 01:10 AM
This video is good idea for me. Interesting :). We all can say here what we think(not always hehe) ,but usually:D. I can understand Sexyjess and all ppl here so PEACE yeah and hope all will have great New Year :).

Thanks for all the Cute words Lady Doom!! ;)

01-03-2008, 11:27 AM
Very cute.

Thanks for posting it.

01-04-2008, 02:31 PM
The problem may be with the definition of "Cute". It does not mean sexy. I think that may be the main culprit.

Could be a Euro-US confusion :-P

01-04-2008, 07:54 PM
I read this entire thread and I have a headache now. Sexyjess I guess by looking at this video you instantly have chosen that Manson is a pervert.I know him personally and I would not agree. But when you judge a person so quickly you need to be carefull. In this country we have a saying "Judge not unless you are ready to be judged".
A person looks at a picture and sees a pretty woman holding a flower.
1 person says it is art
2 person says it is a pretty flower
3 person says it is a sexest picture of a woman
4 person says it is erotic just because her legs are showing
you have taken a cute video and judged it to be perverted.
Now see I have become the judge,I have judged you to be a type of person that looks at something so clean and made it out to be so dirty.And taken a person you know nothing about and made him to be a pedophile.Manson is raising 2 daughters on his own. He is an outstanding indvidual and a good father.Until he is arrested for something indecent then I have to beleive him to be nothing more or nothing less than a good person.
You on the other hand I have to worry about.

01-04-2008, 11:51 PM
Chico has just flamed Sexyjess. You have reached the end of the internet. There's nothing left to see, please unplug your modem now.

01-05-2008, 02:34 AM
I read this entire thread and I have a headache now. Sexyjess I guess by looking at this video you instantly have chosen that Manson is a pervert.I know him personally and I would not agree. But when you judge a person so quickly you need to be carefull. In this country we have a saying "Judge not unless you are ready to be judged".
A person looks at a picture and sees a pretty woman holding a flower.
1 person says it is art
2 person says it is a pretty flower
3 person says it is a sexest picture of a woman
4 person says it is erotic just because her legs are showing
you have taken a cute video and judged it to be perverted.
Now see I have become the judge,I have judged you to be a type of person that looks at something so clean and made it out to be so dirty.And taken a person you know nothing about and made him to be a pedophile.Manson is raising 2 daughters on his own. He is an outstanding indvidual and a good father.Until he is arrested for something indecent then I have to beleive him to be nothing more or nothing less than a good person.
You on the other hand I have to worry about.

Well said Chico!! My hat goes off to you.

01-05-2008, 08:12 AM
I didn't see it as a sex thing never entered my mind thought it was pretty cool at least they weren't out doing something Illegal. that must have took some time to coordinate it. pretty cool Manson :thumbs:

01-06-2008, 02:10 AM
Could be a Euro-US confusion :-P
no ! u got that really wrong dude - at least when it comes to me, coz ...pure angel is the first one in this topic posting like a man !! :thumbs:
chicho is 100% right about it all and i think anyone who dissagree with him/her is a ass kissing scared sob :D

01-06-2008, 05:03 PM

01-07-2008, 01:14 PM
Am I the only honest person here? I looked at every part of both chicks as they shook what their momma gavem. Anyway not my kind of attraction as I like a little size and curves on my women:D . The only bone I want to see in a chick is mine;) .

Yeah I know, I am the only pig here. Oink Oink:D

01-14-2008, 06:59 PM
rofl i been away on vacation

01-14-2008, 07:08 PM
I read this entire thread and I have a headache now. Sexyjess I guess by looking at this video you instantly have chosen that Manson is a pervert.I know him personally and I would not agree. But when you judge a person so quickly you need to be carefull. In this country we have a saying "Judge not unless you are ready to be judged".
A person looks at a picture and sees a pretty woman holding a flower.
1 person says it is art
2 person says it is a pretty flower
3 person says it is a sexest picture of a woman
4 person says it is erotic just because her legs are showing
you have taken a cute video and judged it to be perverted.
Now see I have become the judge,I have judged you to be a type of person that looks at something so clean and made it out to be so dirty.And taken a person you know nothing about and made him to be a pedophile.Manson is raising 2 daughters on his own. He is an outstanding indvidual and a good father.Until he is arrested for something indecent then I have to beleive him to be nothing more or nothing less than a good person.
You on the other hand I have to worry about.

whooow whoow whooow HEY there i never said hes a pedophile -.- thats a huge diffrent from beeing a perv! lol so stop trying make me sound like the bad person here i have my own opinions who are u to say YOUR the one whos right....?

diffrent humans have diffrent views and u cant change that..
I never said hes a bad person i think hes a very funny and nice person so chico plzzz stop sound like a dramaqueen :)

01-14-2008, 08:09 PM
no ! u got that really wrong dude - at least when it comes to me, coz ...pure angel is the first one in this topic posting like a man !! :thumbs:
chicho is 100% right about it all and i think anyone who dissagree with him/her is a ass kissing scared sob :D

I was referring to the linguistic confusion about the meaning and/or interpretation of the word 'cute'.

I get the feeling from reading this thread that it is interpreted differently on each side of the ocean.