View Full Version : Got banned on Gamezone-24 aka pamperszone

Stone Cold
12-18-2007, 12:18 PM
For informing the community about a SSSE cheating hacking website :rolleyes:
What a bunch of endorsing cheating NOOBS :down:

Well there are still some good respectable people there but many are just that Losers who just want to fvking ruin this game for all of us :down:

I suggest you guys not to waste your time there as its laughing joke now :thumbs:

12-18-2007, 01:31 PM
For informing the community about a SSSE cheating hacking website :rolleyes:
What a bunch of endorsing cheating NOOBS :down:

Well there are still some good respectable people there but many are just that Losers who just want to fvking ruin this game for all of us :down:

I suggest you guys not to waste your time there as its laughing joke now :thumbs:

why you cant inform people about it :confused: its good that we all know what is going on in this game... it explains a lot to me!

Stone Cold
12-18-2007, 02:12 PM
if they banned Zeb from the start we wouldn't be having this problem today...he is behind this whole thing as i suspect...That website goal is too ruin SAM period ...

Merry Christmas and happy holidays

12-18-2007, 02:54 PM
if they banned Zeb from the start we wouldn't be having this problem today...he is behind this whole thing as i suspect...That website goal is too ruin SAM period ...

Merry Christmas and happy holidays

Totally agree but they're afraid to lose members. :funny: Look at Gamezone, just look. Kids. When I came there again I got trashed without any reason. Always trash etc. No reaction. They keep talking that Gamemecca is shit cos we keep order in here. Yeah trashing is better. :funny:

Btw Stone my friend now you will see comments on Gamezone that we suck etc, that there are shits at GameMecca etc. LOL. When you come to Gz you hear automatically : " go back to gm " LOL.

And you got banned ( I talked with Duke Nukem ) cos they though you sent cheats to everyone HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. LOL man I died. :P

Siron Ex
12-18-2007, 03:03 PM
And you got banned ( I talked with Duke Nukem ) cos they though you sent cheats to everyone HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. LOL man I died. :P
Actually he did (by sending the sites link per pm) :) But ofc everyone knows that he just wanted to inform everybody about that site, so everyone could see what's going on. I wouldn't of banned him for that.

12-18-2007, 03:52 PM
Gamezone24 is complete and utter GARBAGE, now moreso than ever. Look who the new moderators, coordinators and admins are. Gamezone24 should be called Cheaterszone24. I am very pissed off at them. They are the reason Zeb89 gets the audience he does and then distributes hacks and cheats. Just seeing a recent poll to see if Zeb should be banned, the majority of those pricks said no. I implore everyone here to not go there, not post there, not go to their servers, and to ignore those cheaters who are a disgrace to any gaming community, particularly this one. Why the hell does Seerious Sam have the most immature gamers in any game that's being played out there?! You will see from playing other games, hell even CSS doesn't have such immature pricks on the massive level sam has.

People try PM'ing me ALL the time on that forum and then never are able to because I don't clean out my PM box so screw anyone trying to message me there.

It's too late banning Zeb now Gz24 crew. You screwed up already, there is no way you can make it up. You ARE the reason serious sam has lost its last surviving playerbase.

Why are people so screwed up in the head to get pleasure for making others suffer...

Duke Nukem
12-18-2007, 06:51 PM
For informing the community about a SSSE cheating hacking website :rolleyes:
What a bunch of endorsing cheating NOOBS :down:

Well there are still some good respectable people there but many are just that Losers who just want to fvking ruin this game for all of us :down:

I suggest you guys not to waste your time there as its laughing joke now :thumbs:

sry for ban, but tell us next time ur hard messages ;)

ur pamperszone fan :D

The Game
12-18-2007, 07:38 PM
if u think so i think this thread is very dumb maybe at gz is 1 cheater (zeb) if u are pissed of gz it musn't interest u how gz looks like!

The Priest
12-18-2007, 08:38 PM
Hey i don't mind GZ :) ok they may talk about cheats in sam and may use them but we all love a bit of drama even if it's about sam.

12-18-2007, 08:51 PM
if u think so i think this thread is very dumb maybe at gz is 1 cheater (zeb) if u are pissed of gz it musn't interest u how gz looks like!

sure? only Zeb?

there are more than 2000 people who are registered there...;)

I only can repeat what I said at GZ too.

Very sad what happened with Sam:(

Die Hard
12-18-2007, 11:42 PM
No wonder I'm tired all the time! You guys, sheesh!!

12-19-2007, 12:54 AM
got a great idea ;-) the players tired of cheats...
come to serious sam FE... :-)

(Villains) Fragjunky
12-19-2007, 09:49 AM
i hate cheaters but u gotta live with it cheaters are everywhere :(

Zio Paperino
12-28-2007, 12:15 PM
WE banned Zeb 5 times from figona's servers and he's still there