View Full Version : Is it normal?

Caged Anger
12-22-2007, 06:27 PM
Pasts emester between work and school, the time I've had to devote to gaming went through the floor....pretty much out the door. I find this mighty depressin as gamin is one of the things in life I have enjoyed for years...

This something you guys have had happen too, is it a phase that comes and goes? :confused:

12-22-2007, 07:58 PM
For me? Yeah, it's a phase.

I'll go through periods when it seems like I have hours a day to devote to playing something. Then I'll go through a phase (like now) where I can barely seem to scare up 15 minutes a week! It's irritating, to be sure.

Die Hard
12-22-2007, 08:21 PM
Yep it's a phase for me too. Although being single helps the phase to be a little biased towards gaming :D

12-22-2007, 09:27 PM
For me it's not so much a phase but a change of interest. Shooters are pretty much out of there and have been replaced with Sim Racing on rFactor, but I don't really do so much of that either versus the car painting (skins) that I do for other people.

12-22-2007, 10:04 PM
dont really know. I wasted my entire semester playing games, and STILL made chancellers list. But im a freshman, so I dont count

12-23-2007, 12:02 AM
Well, I've been missing in action for almost two years now. From time to time I will play a hour but that's about it. I would say this whole year due to my business taking off and my GF (ball and chain) maybe 20 total hours. (I used to spend that much time in a week playing.)

I did get a hair up my butt and went out and bought a Xbox360 just the other day. I got TW PGA Tour 08 (I'm a golf freak) and my GF is getting CoD4 & Forza Motorsport 2 for Christmas for me. I will see if this re-sparks my interest in games again. If not about April there will be a cheap Xbox360 Elite system for sale...lol

12-23-2007, 12:11 AM
a time i played to much wow :P i went to work got home from work and played hours it was like that for some months until my bf got pissed and said i spend to much time with the comp and not him hehe

then i took a break in it and did not come back :P it really took alot of time :/ but was fun :)

nowdays i play call of duty 4 and can sitt some hours with it and ss but not everyday some days i take the day off from all gameing and just watching anime or movies :) or hang out with family, bf and friends

12-23-2007, 05:44 AM
I don't think that it's really a phase for me. Growing up I've always liked video games and I think that they will remain a part of me until the day I die. I had a similar experience as you Caged. When I started college I began to have a gradually decreasing interest in gaming and once I gave away my gaming PC to my brother then I hardly ever played.

I've had the 360 for several months now and I have not played it for more than 20 hours. After beating Bioshock I went back to browsing the intertubes and watching movies and occasionally doing schoolwork. For me there aren't any games out right now that spark my interest. I still love sam and could probably squeeze in a couple UT2004 matches but other than that I simply stopped being a hardcore gamer.

I still read gaming blogs and check sites like GameSpot and IGN daily and will occasionally read snippets of reviews and keep up to date with upcoming games. But overall I still lose interest pretty quickly when booting up a game. Seems like reading about them and getting all hyped up is better than spending the $60 and playing for a couple hours.