View Full Version : I supported the war...

12-29-2007, 02:00 AM
... before we actually realized what the hell we were getting into with these medieval Muslim lunatics. And now after the events in Pakistan, I'm convinced that we need to take another approach. And I'm gonna sound a heck of a lot like BIGG when I say this.

First of all, Benazir Bhutto did not hit her head on the sunroof lever and fracture her skull. That's such utter bullshit. She was seen dropping down before the blast went off. And even if she was dropping back down into the armored vehicle she was in when the blast did occur, the shock wave from the blast would have reached her nearly instantaneously and by the time her head was even with the lever she would have been completely inside the vehicle and and not been affected. The US government is not the only one that can spew utter ridiculous nonsense, apparently Pakistan is very good at it also.

I think it's time for the US to pull all troops out of the Middle East and various other places, protect our own borders, and put these mothers on notice that if Islam doesn't clean up their act damn quick then we are going to start cleansing the hot spots. With strategic nukes. Pakistan, Iran, Irag, Syria, and probably Saudi Arabia.

It's interesting when you think back to WWII, how we put Japanese Americans into internment camps. Was that an atrocity and something we should be ashamed of? I think not. It probably saved a hell of a lot of US lives inside the US. The biggest problem with having done that is that we shut down any terrorist activity before it happened, so we don't know if it would have happened or not. Oh wait, the Japanese had suicide bombers too. Well then, good for us for not being politically correct and using common sense. Something to consider with the Muslims and their holy war.

12-29-2007, 02:53 AM
*evil laughter*

Yeeesss...it's all coming along just as planned!

...but really, let's all hold hands, cuddle and draw hearts in the sand ^_^

"They" like me. I'm such a riot! Old billionare chaps were so lame before they had moi =/

12-29-2007, 05:16 AM
*evil laughter*

Yeeesss...it's all coming along just as planned!

...but really, let's all hold hands, cuddle and draw hearts in the sand ^_^

"They" like me. I'm such a riot! Old billionare chaps were so lame before they had moi =/

You get less and less coherent as time goes on.

Die Hard
12-29-2007, 12:21 PM
Yep, you sound like BIGG.

12-29-2007, 01:25 PM
I agree with pulling troops out, but don't agree with nukes, nukes are just wrong.

He doesn't sound like Biggs, not a long enough post :P

12-29-2007, 04:40 PM
I dunno what to think when i see documentarys about usa and the solders who fight for ur own country it makes me sad bcuz..

just to see how its hurting their families with worries when they need to go out to war :( to see the tears is breaking my heart

but still i think its HONOR to do something like that to your own country

my question is how long is your president Bush gonna send soldiers to irak? does Usa wanna descide over irak? or just do the place calm?

Die Hard
12-29-2007, 05:03 PM
He doesn't sound like Biggs, not a long enough post :PWell it was long enough for my old eyes :cool:

Caged Anger
12-29-2007, 09:27 PM
Charlie Wilson's War was a great movie, dunno how much is truth, but it did highlight the american approach

run in, act great, run away 1/2 done

nukes won't solve anything, and once one country throws nukes, EVERYBODY throws nukes, and we all die

12-29-2007, 10:53 PM
Charlie Wilson's War was a great movie, dunno how much is truth, but it did highlight the american approach

run in, act great, run away 1/2 done

nukes won't solve anything, and once one country throws nukes, EVERYBODY throws nukes, and we all die



12-29-2007, 11:14 PM
if Islam doesn't clean up their act damn quick then we are going to start cleansing the hot spots. With strategic nukes. Pakistan, Iran, Irag, Syria, and probably Saudi Arabia.

clearly "ethnic cleansing" is the solution

Caged Anger
12-29-2007, 11:49 PM
why is it that people seem to draw out nukes as being some kind of cure-all? It seems to be much like the "loose 100lbs in 10 days!" breed of ads, ideas and notions created to solve incredably complex problems with one sweeping motion (anyone heard of Geo-Engineering climate change?)

Wake up people, there is no cure-all for angry religious types
(Although I do like the way these religious types worked things out :D)
Link (http://www.newser.com/story/15178.html?rss=y)

12-29-2007, 11:54 PM
why is it that people seem to draw out nukes as being some kind of cure-all? It seems to be much like the "loose 100lbs in 10 days!" breed of ads, ideas and notions created to solve incredably complex problems with one sweeping motion (anyone heard of Geo-Engineering climate change?)

Wake up people, there is no cure-all for angry religious types
(Although I do like the way these religious types worked things out :D)
Link (http://www.newser.com/story/15178.html?rss=y)

Hehe, seems like those commercials do it very well in the USA :D

Looks like ur loosing ur magic in a rather quick way Sirc :(

12-30-2007, 02:10 AM
the bottom line on this thread is...

Sirc admitted he was wrong :P :ha:

12-30-2007, 04:21 AM
Well I was hoping that this thread would get much longer and I had more opinions to support or refute. I guess everyone seems to agree that simply exterminating the extremists isn't possible unless we have weapons that can read minds and kill those who have extremist thoughts since there would be too much collateral damage ala the killing of innocent people.

Haven't we made any progress as human beings over the past few centuries. Or are we going to throw all of that away by exterminating the "enemy" by way of nuclear warfare. I think and hope not.

12-30-2007, 04:33 AM
the bottom line on this thread is...

Sirc admitted he was wrong :P :ha:

No, I didn't. What you see happening is very similar to what Hitler did. He was patient, insane, and insidious. Muslim terrorists are everywhere now. And they are more evil then Hitler ever was. And I assure you there are cells in the US and Europe. Waiting. Planning.

Some of you, as is historically the case, refuse to believe until something wakes you up. Get ready to be waken up. Because it will happen. It's already been happening.

Hell, 9/11 happened 6 years ago. Nothing has happened since, so we're safe. Right? Well, I mean besides the bombings in the UK underground and the Spanish railway. But yeah, other than that everything is fine. Our troops are safe. :rolleyes:

I say again, pull out all of our troops, protect our borders, and allow the Muslims to kill each other. Then when the dust settles allow the extremists to congregate and set up their camps, and then nuke them.

Some of you don't seem to realize what a tactical nuke is. It's not Hiroshima. It's very concentrated and contained, rather clean as far as radiation is concerned, and can be a damn good message to the Muslim psychos that we will not tolerate the medieval mentality that they are forcing on us.

Of course I don't think the US or Europe should be nuked. Instead I think the Muslim radicals should be rounded up and imprisoned. We know who they are and where they are. Screw politics and political correctness. Overreaction saves lives, sitting back and doing nothing will only lead to bloodshed until we finally get forced into action.

12-30-2007, 04:46 AM
Haven't we made any progress as human beings over the past few centuries. Or are we going to throw all of that away by exterminating the "enemy" by way of nuclear warfare. I think and hope not.

Yes, in fact we have. Most of us. And most of us would like to keep progressing. The radical Muslims would very much like to keep us in the dark ages, throwing acid on, or perhaps stoning to death, women they think may not be acting "properly". The radical Muslims would rather kill you then allow you to have any free will. The radical Muslims are willing to sacrifice their own lives by blowing themselves up in a crowded market place and killing countless innocents to force their will through terror and death.

I dunno. What aren't you guys getting? What needs to happen to make you realize the threat these religious maniacs are spreading? Sheesh.

12-30-2007, 04:56 AM
Trust me, nothing will happen until right before the November election......

Caged Anger
12-30-2007, 04:59 AM
Trust me, nothing will happen until right before the November election......

I'm still waiting for somebody to dust of Bin Laden in his cell and claim they captured him

...and Sirc, I'm sure glad they don't let you near the nuke button

12-30-2007, 06:35 AM
No, I didn't. What you see happening is very similar to what Hitler did. He was patient, insane, and insidious. Muslim terrorists are everywhere now. And they are more evil then Hitler ever was. And I assure you there are cells in the US and Europe. Waiting. Planning.

Some of you, as is historically the case, refuse to believe until something wakes you up. Get ready to be waken up. Because it will happen. It's already been happening.

Hell, 9/11 happened 6 years ago. Nothing has happened since, so we're safe. Right? Well, I mean besides the bombings in the UK underground and the Spanish railway. But yeah, other than that everything is fine. Our troops are safe. :rolleyes:

I say again, pull out all of our troops, protect our borders, and allow the Muslims to kill each other. Then when the dust settles allow the extremists to congregate and set up their camps, and then nuke them.

Some of you don't seem to realize what a tactical nuke is. It's not Hiroshima. It's very concentrated and contained, rather clean as far as radiation is concerned, and can be a damn good message to the Muslim psychos that we will not tolerate the medieval mentality that they are forcing on us.

Of course I don't think the US or Europe should be nuked. Instead I think the Muslim radicals should be rounded up and imprisoned. We know who they are and where they are. Screw politics and political correctness. Overreaction saves lives, sitting back and doing nothing will only lead to bloodshed until we finally get forced into action.

but in your original post you wanted to ethnically cleanse them? how would that make us better then Hitler? and how would that solve the problem, how would even resorting to nuclear war solve anything? how would violating LOADS of NATO crap solve anything? other then, of course, NOT doing the job it was intended to, while at the same time making us look like even bigger d*****bags then we already do, screwing over everything with NATO, and granting them their holy war with probably every muslim out there.

"never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
in this case, they are the idiot, and us following your idea would be getting drug down to their level...

12-30-2007, 12:48 PM
It's interesting when you think back to WWII, how we put Japanese Americans into internment camps. Was that an atrocity and something we should be ashamed of? I think not. It probably saved a hell of a lot of US lives inside the US. The biggest problem with having done that is that we shut down any terrorist activity before it happened, so we don't know if it would have happened or not. Oh wait, the Japanese had suicide bombers too. Well then, good for us for not being politically correct and using common sense. Something to consider with the Muslims and their holy war.

Japanese when they decided to put them in concentration camps even during World War II there wasn’t any thread of terrorism and if so they would have put the US German and Italians as well. The only thing that was really going on was that a few German and Japanese were spies, nothing beyond that was happening. If you don’t believe me check it out.

The only thread was spying our navel installation and the German that were living here were associated with the banks and exchanging and supporting the war through investments and more and I mean German spies only. That was on hold after the US realize and the only terrorism attack was in New York shipping yards and it was done by the Italian mobs because they wanted to make money and when the government decided to provide equipment and build items that was needed for the war the union so call wanted in for the action and when they blow up and started fires the government decided to work with them because the war was important to deal with, then to deal with the Mobs. That was the only terrorism attacks that happen in America during World War II. The other think was German Submarines by the eastern and western cost etc was attacking our cargo and spying.

Now as for Nuking, well thank god that's not going to happen because if it did then we would be enemies throughout the globe and all the nations would walk away from the table from us and no one will ever listen to us for a long time. That isn't the solution and I know you believe it but I think you maybe frustrated as many Americas are but it is important for us to be reminded that when ever you use a Nuke without any awareness from our allies or other nations etc can be an act of war.

12-30-2007, 03:38 PM
What a primitive race you humans are...so young still.

12-30-2007, 04:20 PM
organised religion (all of them!!).... what is it good for ?

have we not evolved yet ?


01-07-2008, 01:32 PM
Wow I love that I get mentioned in these threads. Not sure if I am being offended or not:rolleyes: but considering the tought of what is being said I will say that I still believe in my way as the answer. The problem with America and todays war is the average joe does not get affected as they did in past wars. That's a pretty big accomplishment for a country that people can judge things without out actually understandinging what is really going on. While GM is full of liberals that feel everyone should be at peace which I wish was possible but in all reality you can not claim peace with those that don't want or can consider it. Eventually one day the reality will change peoples minds when it actually affects their way of living. Because of the lack of reallity by Americans they shall get what is truthfully deserved. Too bad the lack of reality will make others really innocent suffer. The argument is useless between sides because as the liberals continue to give away America, this country will continue to decline in every single aspect. Eventually, one day, you will have liberals trying to fight to keep alive in a world gone mad. Nothing like cracking one in the jaw to see their reaction to be honest. Watch how peacefull they are when you bitch smack one across the face for being so dumb.

Liberals are equal to terrorists in my book. Both seem to want to bring down America.

Sirc it's useless to argue the point here at GM because they will never debate or make any reasonable comments. Too much fantasy land kids here that still live with their parents to even bother. I have been there and done that and like I said it's useless. Besides do you honestly believe you could count on any of them to make your country better? Stick with your beliefs and fight for them always. Never give up on reality and never hesitate to punch a moron in the head that affects your way of living.

01-07-2008, 01:59 PM
Wow I love that I get mentioned in these threads. Not sure if I am being offended or not:rolleyes: but considering the tought of what is being said I will say that I still believe in my way as the answer. The problem with America and todays war is the average joe does not get affected as they did in past wars. That's a pretty big accomplishment for a country that people can judge things without out actually understandinging what is really going on. While GM is full of liberals that feel everyone should be at peace which I wish was possible but in all reality you can not claim peace with those that don't want or can consider it. Eventually one day the reality will change peoples minds when it actually affects their way of living. Because of the lack of reallity by Americans they shall get what is truthfully deserved. Too bad the lack of reality will make others really innocent suffer. The argument is useless between sides because as the liberals continue to give away America, this country will continue to decline in every single aspect. Eventually, one day, you will have liberals trying to fight to keep alive in a world gone mad. Nothing like cracking one in the jaw to see their reaction to be honest. Watch how peacefull they are when you bitch smack one across the face for being so dumb.

Liberals are equal to terrorists in my book. Both seem to want to bring down America.

Sirc it's useless to argue the point here at GM because they will never debate or make any reasonable comments. Too much fantasy land kids here that still live with their parents to even bother. I have been there and done that and like I said it's useless. Besides do you honestly believe you could count on any of them to make your country better? Stick with your beliefs and fight for them always. Never give up on reality and never hesitate to punch a moron in the head that affects your way of living.

You don't agree with the way liberals want to solve problems which is fine by me since that is what they call democracy. But saying the intentions of liberals are the same as the terrorist ones sounds more paranoid than logical.

For the Bush-supporters: The purpose of a terrorist is spreading fear and the government of the USA nowadays ain't preaching awareness, but says it's true we should fear them. So you fear them so much that you only can think of one solution??

Hehe, the one with a true picture of reality please stand up.

01-07-2008, 02:18 PM
I take from your comment that you think people that have a smoke alrm in their house is being paranoid of their house catching fire?

As far as my view on liberals I refer to the following.

ignoring the problems in mideast so our soldiers won't die but our innocent civilians will such as those prior and on 9/11 due to an imagined enemy.

Allowing the country to be invaded by illegals and letting the tax payers pay for all of their living expenses, college, welfare, etc etc.

Allowing minorities to have a crutch that tax payers/mainly the blue collar/middle class familes pay for.

Worrying about global warming without true global support mainly because the profit in it.

Etc Etc.

01-07-2008, 02:23 PM
I don't understand this..

"For the Bush-supporters: The purpose of a terrorist is spreading fear and the government of the USA nowadays ain't preaching awareness, but says it's true we should fear them. So you fear them so much that you only can think of one solution??"

You think I fear terrorism? You are wrong. I fear people that think it's not real or see it as a threat considering now they are trying to get atomic weapons.

Wiper, when will stop being a little bitch and instead of bitching about what others may see as a solution and commenting as its wrong, come to the table with your own solution. I swear it's retards like I was referring to. Boo F'ing Hoo to what you think. What's your solution or at least idea of fixing things? Any little bitch can say something is wrong but where are you right? You are still an annoying little flea with no balls. You should be nuked as well.

Also not once has any liberal such as your pathetic little self offered any solutions. Just bitching about everything because the lack of peace. get F'ing real kid.

01-07-2008, 02:56 PM
I don't understand this..

"For the Bush-supporters: The purpose of a terrorist is spreading fear and the government of the USA nowadays ain't preaching awareness, but says it's true we should fear them. So you fear them so much that you only can think of one solution??"

1) You think I fear terrorism? You are wrong. I fear people that think it's not real or see it as a threat considering now they are trying to get atomic weapons.

2) Wiper, when will stop being a little bitch and instead of bitching about what others may see as a solution and commenting as its wrong, come to the table with your own solution. I swear it's retards like I was referring to. Boo F'ing Hoo to what you think. What's your solution or at least idea of fixing things? Any little bitch can say something is wrong but where are you right? You are still an annoying little flea with no balls. You should be nuked as well.

3) Also not once has any liberal such as your pathetic little self offered any solutions. Just bitching about everything because the lack of peace. get F'ing real kid.

1) Nuking is soooooo 1945. You should be worrying more about certain countries getting that stuff. Not to use it but to create a static situation. Besides I clearly mention awareness in my previous post.

2) Can act angry cuz you called me a bitch :( ...... but no:o. Solution ain't nuking, but showing a different style of living (like living in freedom and show some democracy like in Afghanistan....yes it takes some time). The community will "clean" itself. May I remind you that not that long ago the "civilized" western people were on a genocide against the indians. (And ofcourse I wouldn't have balls since that is bad for the aerodynamics )

3) Ahhh well, the world can offer you a zillion solutions but you're on a highway driving a 1000 miles/our without even looking around you. So the moment a cute little person shows you a sign with "WATCH OUT, concrete wall ahead!!!!" on the side of the road you have that person already crushed under your wheels while heading forward as usual. It's a way of living....just ain't mine :)

01-08-2008, 01:15 AM
Now Bigg calling Wiper a bitch really in my opinion was not called for. I would like to see this topic go futher in a mature manner because it is worthy of discussion. I have not moderated to many topics but everyone use your words wisely or I will delete,move or close this thread.
Sirc has a valid opinion.Bigg bought facts that are very true but still I beleive that if there was a way to solve the problem over there that most of the minds at the capital would have come up with a way to solve it.The president is being given facts from all kinds of people including generals that have alot more information than we do. Now is the info true that is debatable. When you have an enemy you must understand what is pissing them off. I decided to read the koran = http://i-cias.com/e.o/koran.htm
to try and get into why would they consider killing women ,children and innocent people. What I did was to try and look at how could they get out of the Koran the idea of killing people because of what the scriptures of the Koran said. As I read it I looked at it 2 ways
1 a peaceful way the way the Koran was meant to be read and 2nd A way that a person has lost a love one's way. When you have lost a love one you have several questions about God or Allah. And your religion changes in your mind. With alot of the people over there it is easy to see how their interputation of the Koran can be turned into violence. I did not read all of it but I did read sections and if you do the same you will understand what I am talking of.

01-08-2008, 01:38 AM
There is always a solution but it requires a great deal of change that this world is not prepared in doing so yet, and I mean all not just in the Middle East but at home as well. Nuke is the last resource for a solution and what I mean is to exhaust everything before ever using any conventional weapons of any kind. Most of all unity is a requirement because we all need each other to be able to move on even with distractions which are part of this imperfection world. If we should so happen to decide in going to a major war, it will be the end for all of us. I don’t know about many of you but I prefer to exhaust everything before dyeing and would hope that there is some expectation for this world we all live in.

I had a discussion with my uncle a few weeks ago and he said to me that we are creatures of destruction in which I must say is true but we are also creatures of giving and because of it there can be hope. To keep an open mind can mean tolerance which is required for this imperfection world in order to have some future for us and the next generation. Distraction which can mean terrorism of any kind or any other related negativity is going to play a role as the years pass no matter what but with the hope of progressing without destruction and the end all things on Earth.

01-08-2008, 02:08 AM
I take from your comment that you think people that have a smoke alrm in their house is being paranoid of their house catching fire?

As far as my view on liberals I refer to the following.

ignoring the problems in mideast so our soldiers won't die but our innocent civilians will such as those prior and on 9/11 due to an imagined enemy.

Allowing the country to be invaded by illegals and letting the tax payers pay for all of their living expenses, college, welfare, etc etc.

Allowing minorities to have a crutch that tax payers/mainly the blue collar/middle class familes pay for.

Worrying about global warming without true global support mainly because the profit in it.

Etc Etc.

Allowing the country to be invaded by illegals and letting the tax payers pay for all of their living expenses, college, welfare, etc etc.

Sounds like the UK

01-08-2008, 11:27 AM
Allowing the country to be invaded by illegals and letting the tax payers pay for all of their living expenses, college, welfare, etc etc.

Sounds like the UKwell, the UK is out founding Fathers :D

When are we going to learn that we are the disease on this planet, not Polio, HIV, West Nile, those are the planet's immune system trying to cure itself of it's biggest infection.

01-08-2008, 02:26 PM
well, the UK is out founding Fathers :D

When are we going to learn that we are the disease on this planet, not Polio, HIV, West Nile, those are the planet's immune system trying to cure itself of it's biggest infection.

Sounds like you are a proponant of massive depopulation and eugenics.

01-08-2008, 03:10 PM
Sounds like you are a proponant of massive depopulation and eugenics.sounds like you're talkin out of your butt

01-08-2008, 04:07 PM
Sounds like you are a proponant of massive depopulation and eugenics.

If trying to sound intelligent at least get the spelling right...

01-08-2008, 06:45 PM
Why do I bother with you idiots. You deserve what's coming, insolent peasants.

Caged Anger
01-08-2008, 10:14 PM
When are we going to learn that we are the disease on this planet, not Polio, HIV, West Nile, those are the planet's immune system trying to cure itself of it's biggest infection.

hmmm, now thats an interesting perspective :hmmm:

01-08-2008, 11:50 PM
hmmm, now thats an interesting perspective :hmmm:

01-09-2008, 06:22 AM
Nitro in reading your posts I seem to get the idea that your the only person here with a brain all the other people here seem to be beneath you. I was hoping that this worthy topic could be handled in a civil manner without name calling. If you are as intelligent as you see yourself then you will realize = name calling is not the road you need to be travelling here.
Act mature and discuss the topic at hand!!!!!!!!
Or ignore the temptation of posting in it just to spew words such as you humans & insolent peasants !!!!!!!!!!
Do you imagine yourself as an alien or something ?