View Full Version : MP3 player bought from Wal-Mart preloaded with porn

12-31-2007, 04:31 PM
MP3 player bought from Wal-Mart preloaded with porn

A father gave his 10-year-old daughter a Christmas present that would make Santa blush.

Now Daryl Hill wants to know why an MP3 video player he bought at a Wal-Mart in Sparta was preloaded with pornography and explicit songs.

Hill bought three of the players as Christmas presents for his children. He said one of the devices had apparently been returned to the store from a previous owner who loaded sex clips and songs with lyrics about using drugs.

"Within 10 minutes, my daughter was crying," Hill said Thursday. "I wish I could take the thoughts and images out of her head."

Hill questioned why Wal-Mart Stores Inc. would sell used merchandise as new, which he said violates its own policies.

A company spokesman said in an e-mail to WSMV-TV of Nashville that stores are not supposed to return opened packages to the sales floor and that the matter was under investigation.

Hill said he declined Wal-Mart's offer to replace the MP3 player. He said he has already bought his daughter a new one and is hanging onto the controversial one until he talks to a lawyer.


Siron Ex
12-31-2007, 05:18 PM
lol marz :P that's not the point

12-31-2007, 05:45 PM
The girl was crying Blake...

12-31-2007, 05:56 PM
whats the problem? i was watching porn at 10

Dude, it's a girl. :rolleyes:
It doesn't explicitly state what kind of porn it was and it may have been something gruesome.

12-31-2007, 05:59 PM
Guess I was wrong about you Marz.....

Don't feed the trolls.

12-31-2007, 06:02 PM
Hill questioned why Wal-Mart Stores Inc. would sell used merchandise as new, which he said violates its own policies.

A company spokesman said in an e-mail to WSMV-TV of Nashville that stores are not supposed to return opened packages to the sales floor and that the matter was under investigation.

Ehhh..you know damn well they put returns right back on the shelf..I've seen all kinds of boxes and packages taped shut at our local store..Not very much I buy there, but I do like to see the show the customers put on..

He said he has already bought his daughter a new one and is hanging onto the controversial one until he talks to a lawyer. :rolleyes: the American way !!

12-31-2007, 06:36 PM
But this is about the lawsuit against walmart and breaking their own contract...

12-31-2007, 06:41 PM
Ehhh..you know damn well they put returns right back on the shelf..I've seen all kinds of boxes and packages taped shut at our local store..Not very much I buy there, but I do like to see the show the customers put on..

:rolleyes: the American way !!

I think that it's rare that Wal-Mart would put an opened MP3 player back on the shelves just because of the way they are packaged.

Look at it this way. It's Christmas and your daughter has been anxiously waiting to open the box that contains the coveted MP3 player. Upon opening the box and taking out the device she's ecstatic and rushes to her room to play around with it. A 10-year old probably knows how to turn it on without the help of an adult. So it's on and after a few moments of browsing through the contents of the player she finds images of possibly gay or straight couples engaged in explicit sexual activity. I am sure that we can both imagine just how BAD those images COULD have been.

What's the girl supposed to think or do? Naturally she goes to her father confused, angry, disappointed, and in hysterics. The father is naturally angry and is inclined to seek some justice. The American legal system works in a way such that it makes the tortfeasor (Wal-Mart) compensate the injured party by paying them MONEY. Why should the father accept another MP3 player? Granted this issue will probably settle out of court and the father will receive a decent amount of cash but will this money really make the girl forget what she saw? I guess it depends on how the father sees it.

The point is that the consumers should have the power NOT the corporations.

12-31-2007, 06:45 PM
will u shut up? seriously, this shouldnt even make any sort of news. so a young girl sees some porno, big ****ing deal? I saw goodfellas the other day on basic cable and it showed almost a dozen people get beat to death and shot in the face.

The girl will grow up one day to see dicks, pussies, and tits, but will she ever see someone get shot in the face? nudity and porn is very overrated.

Stop changing the subject. This topic isn't about violence vs. pornography/sexuality. I agree with the fact that violence is much worse than various sexual activities but "America" doesn't seem to think so. It's a recurring issue but it isn't the issue at hand.

In other countries 10 year old girls are forced into prostitution, I bet you dont see them crying!

Yes I am sure that they are happy as clams. Think before you post sh*t like that.

12-31-2007, 06:58 PM
1. its wal-mart, u cant exactly win lawsuits with them
2. exe's a ******


That's why they will probably SETTLE since it would be a relatively small suit. R-E-A-D.

Name calling is great. Especially when I can't see what you wrote.

12-31-2007, 07:14 PM
:( poor girl