View Full Version : Power Suit

Gun Element
01-12-2008, 05:22 AM
Japan Probe covers a power suit that will be available for retail within four years and cost between 5,000 and 10,000 dollars.
When worn, it enables the person to lift heavy objects like Arnold Swarzenegger(sp? hah) and not feel a thing.
Initially designed for elderly farmers but can be used in a variety of situations - if you had one how would you use it?

Power suit in action! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPm3PDeSgE&eurl=http://www.dannychoo.com/fauna_detail/eng/1063/Power+Suits/)

to skip the Japanese talking, skip to about 25 sec. into the clip

The pic shows him squatting with ease carrying the 20kg (44 lbs)

01-12-2008, 05:38 AM
Can I just buy the pants?

01-12-2008, 05:57 AM
I would cover my power suit with a regular sweat suit go down to the gym and do some world record powerlifting.:D

On a serious note this could be handy in certain search and rescue efforts.

01-12-2008, 07:03 AM
Looks Bogus. Lets see an example of him actually weight lifting. It seems like a hazar if the machine breaks, so will his arm. I think teh design sucks as well. Why not just build a robot that you can climb in to. ofcourse you would need some sort of poer to run it but when that happens, you will have the perfect military.

Gun Element
01-12-2008, 07:46 AM
Looks Bogus. Lets see an example of him actually weight lifting. It seems like a hazar if the machine breaks, so will his arm. I think teh design sucks as well. Why not just build a robot that you can climb in to. ofcourse you would need some sort of poer to run it but when that happens, you will have the perfect military.

Are you talking about something like this :P

Jump into robot video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikKgcEzwBxY)

Siron Ex
01-12-2008, 12:00 PM
2.48 - End :rofl: Yea, sure. Alien hanging on her foot but she can hold the ladder with no problems.

Zio Paperino
01-12-2008, 12:54 PM
I miss that episode lol

01-12-2008, 03:03 PM
I wonder if they will be adding any accessories to that suit.... ummm... I mean pants?

01-19-2008, 08:54 AM

01-19-2008, 08:09 PM
44 pounds? That's like...nothing. A small child. They're gonna have to better than that. I would have loved to walk behind that guy with an 80 pound bag of concrete mix during the demonstration. :D

Gun Element
01-19-2008, 09:01 PM
44 pounds? That's like...nothing. A small child. They're gonna have to better than that. I would have loved to walk behind that guy with an 80 pound bag of concrete mix during the demonstration. :D

I think we are missing the point. Its for elderly people or people who work on farms in such. Working all day can be tough on those who lift all day, with this, you can work all day without putting strain on the back and whatnot.

Another note to point is, this is a prototype. They said in 4-5 years, alot can change within that time frame. More than likely it will be more impressive then.

01-20-2008, 02:44 PM
i think its very cool :)

01-20-2008, 09:51 PM
wish I had that suit before I blew my back out!!!

01-20-2008, 10:35 PM
I think we are missing the point. Its for elderly people or people who work on farms in such. Working all day can be tough on those who lift all day, with this, you can work all day without putting strain on the back and whatnot.

Another note to point is, this is a prototype. They said in 4-5 years, alot can change within that time frame. More than likely it will be more impressive then.

No, you are missing the flaws.

1. The demonstration would have been a lot more interesting if they would have actually used an elderly person. Some young guy lifting a weight that he could have easily lifted unaided isn't very impressive.

2. What farmer is going to be able to shell out 5-10K dollars on this thing? Sorry, I don't see one of these things ending up in every elderly farmer's barn.

3. What do they intend to use as a power source to run this all day?

4. It looks very awkward. The demonstrator seemed to be being very careful with his movements. It doesn't look like anything I'd want to wear all day, prototype or not.

5. In 4-5 years this thing is going to be a lot more expensive. The research and development costs are going to far exceed any return in selling these things.

01-24-2008, 09:20 PM
you will have the perfect military.maybe, if war becomes about destroying each other's robot and not killing each other.

5. In 4-5 years this thing is going to be a lot more expensive. The research and development costs are going to far exceed any return in selling these things.true, but most technologically advanced things are that way. the computer was ridiculously expensive in the beginning and they can't,(well..), even handle the smallest application from today!

But I agree.. from what I can see the design looks really unimpressive considering its supposed "new-agedness."

01-26-2008, 10:58 PM
its probbly gonna be used in military armor, companies from europe made a suit that cools down your body in afganistan by special fabric. with this heavy liftin prototype they could produce full armored heavy weapons squads. looks like the Powerarmor of the fallout series to me, lol