View Full Version : Where are you now and where will you be in 3 years?

01-24-2008, 09:31 PM
Now: I'm still in college.. and while it should be my last year, my credits stand on par with a junior. And new "revelations," which are more related to my inability to handle stress, are leaning me towards different career classes which in turn lead to another semester or two before graduation.

3 years: Well, I hope I'll be making money as a pilot,(my new path of education, which started last night at approximately 6:30 p.m), but still have the time and will-power to do all the little things I want to do career wise besides being a pilot..

01-24-2008, 10:06 PM
Wow a pilot! Like Crism. Good deal. Just make sure that you aren't colorblind or your stress problems may go overboard (movie reference).

I wouldn't worry about spending another year in college assuming that it's within your budget. In the end it's all about doing something that you love. And perhaps a special someone as well.

Good luck.

01-24-2008, 10:32 PM
kewl :)

Now: Got my own aparment (since 3years back now), study computers atm some courses ,and working and trying to take driving licence :D and brought a little cute car here he are, i know he isnt a "wow" car still good enof as first car :) for me. Hope to get into a good university in autumn.

3 years: In university study to work with computers almost done i hope :P, want a aparment with Simon(bf), want a better job, going to Japan :), and to Hongkong again :). Have taken my driving licence.
Wish will have a awesome computer! and a huge flat screen :P

why u only pick 3 years thats not much :/ lol

Future: after age 30-33 :Much money, good work, big family, 2 dogs, a car a huge JEEP :D, one big house and one aparment in Asia. And hope to travel to USA, Mauritius :D & Africa.

I hope :) but life can swing diffrent ways fast :)

01-24-2008, 11:08 PM
I was a stay at home mom for 7 years and right now I'm pretty much doing the same thing except a few months ago I got a little part time job which I'm love having. :D

In 3 years, I expect I'll be doing pretty much the same thing I'm doing now considering my kids are still pretty young. I do however know for a fact that within the next year or two we'll be upgrading to a bigger house. My goal is to double in size. (no, not my waist line!! )

Die Hard
01-25-2008, 12:41 AM
Don't ask it's not pretty. But then it depends on your frame of mind ;)

Perfect aim
01-25-2008, 01:35 AM
in 3 years i hope to be in my second year of college :)

01-25-2008, 01:59 AM
Living in Iberia with a lucrative fashion line in order to make money for a massive project later on.

01-25-2008, 02:31 AM
Wow a pilot! Like Crism. Good deal. Just make sure that you aren't colorblind or your stress problems may go overboard (movie reference).

I wouldn't worry about spending another year in college assuming that it's within your budget. In the end it's all about doing something that you love. And perhaps a special someone as well.

Good luck.

Little Miss Sunshine FTW! Fantastic movie!

"and where's your grandpa right now?"

"he's in the trunk."

01-25-2008, 04:11 AM
Little Miss Sunshine FTW! Fantastic movie!

"and where's your grandpa right now?"

"he's in the trunk."

:thumbs: I enjoyed it as well.

Asian Invasian
01-25-2008, 04:55 AM
I am still in college and will still hopefully be in college in 3 years and almost graduated :D

edit: Little miss sunshine was awesome.

01-25-2008, 04:58 AM
not unemplyed.

I fear the worst though. My roommate (a friend) and I are planning on spending the summer on getting some sort of business together, and I hope he doesnt drop out before he knows if it will succeed or fail. My other friend who was going to help us with this "business" just got put on academic probation, and were debating whether we think he'll stay in the game long enough to get whatever we do off the ground. In three years Ill be in my final semester in college probably persuing a mathematics route, and have an eye toward being an actuary (middle job starting: $45, to $55,000 a year).

If my friend(s?) and I are successful, I will be able to use the money from this to pay off school loans and maybe a few other bills and crap, and use everything else i can for the better. Maybe Ill have a family someday in which I should accumulate enough for my wife to stay at home with the kids.

Heres hoping for a bright future!

Ill fourth "Little Miss Sunshine" ;)

01-25-2008, 02:29 PM

Almost 2 years removed from college, about 1.5 years into my marriage. Working for a small company 2 hours away from any sort of real city. I have a dog. Just started a diet.

3 years...

Moved back to GR (a real city), new job. Should have 1 kid, probably expecting the next. Hopefully this diet will have gone well and I'll be teh sexah.

PuRe AnGeL
01-25-2008, 06:18 PM
Now: High school. Doing GCSE's.

3 Years: Finishing school. As in, where you become a lady and stuff. :down:

01-26-2008, 01:34 AM
just ended a job in purchasing at a Veneer Mill...

starting at a landsurveyor firm on monday...hoping this is THE job(good chance).

I commend you guys for the long studies !!

I was tending bar at that age...and having a ball :P :D

solid snake295
01-26-2008, 04:40 AM
now: working at a garage, living at home, saving money to buy some awesome crap that i really dont need but still really want.

3 years from now: doin' alot of doobie rollin.... living in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!

haha just kidding, that was for anyone that remembers chris farley.

3 years from now, probably still working in a garage, making good money (unless they just lied to me about that when i signed up for it :hmmm: )
proabably going to be well on my way to owning my own house (possibly on the moon)... if i didnt waste all my money on awesome crap that i dont really need but still really want. i will have my own hover car AND jet pack. robots will make all my meals for me and brittany spears will be mowing my lawn or rakeing up moon rocks if the whole moon house thing goes according to plans. at my moon house, i will have the biggests projector in the universe (not "in the world, because technically i wont be on earth so...). the giant moon projector will be aimed at a giant projector-screen-satalite-dealy that will play the movie "cloverfield" 24 hours a day, 8 days a week (tom cruise took over the world with his scientology bullshit and now theres 8 days in a week, go figure.... thats probably why im living on the moon, to get away from that jerk.) anyways, cloverfield will be played on a contunious loop, untill everyone on earth gets motion sickness and pukes, all at the same time.... umm i forget where i was going with this. i was gonna add somthing about pirates, or space dogs, or space midgets (they prefer to be called "little space people").

k bye.

(if anyone was wondering what the 8th day of the week would be called, its "caturday (http://mostlycajun.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/caturday.jpg)")

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-26-2008, 05:22 AM
Thanks for the laugh solid snake295, quite funny. :D

02-15-2008, 11:16 AM
...hahaha.. as always, funny stuff.

Death Engineer
02-15-2008, 08:22 PM
Now: 28, married with 2 kids and one on the way. Part owner of very lucrative software defined radio business.

In 3 years: Will have at least 3 kids (probably another on the way by then...). Hope to be out of debt including vehicles and mortgages.

Probably my biggest goal is to continue learning/growing so that looking back, I can see the cumulative effects of stronger character (and the previous lack of it).

02-15-2008, 10:39 PM
By the second or third year I should be on my way in getting my B.S. in Geology. I have always wanted to do something worthy and to my nephews who I am showing them an example by going to college. One is 13 and the other now hit 15 years of age and they are planning to go to college like me too. Hehehe

It is never too late to go back to school and finally I am going and selecting something I have always wanted to do instead of working in the computer fields but yet the only part I love is when creating 3D for work but not great at it but I do some work for my family company besides web and apps development, which to me is boring as hell.

Mr Clean
02-16-2008, 08:39 AM
Now: Wife, 2 kids, mortgage, old dog, and a yard full of weeds. Currently studying for my PE exam that I plan on taking in the fall, just got promoted to Construction Management Manager. Dieting. Getting ready to write my first book. Occasionally popping up on GameMecca.

3 years: Hopefully the wife and 2 kids still, the dog I hope it is dead I can't stand the damn thing, and the yard will still be weeds because spending money on fertilizer, seed, and water just so all the plants look the same is ridiculous and I refuse to do it. Will hold my Professional Engineers license in Missouri and Illinois and be managing a decent size staff of peeps in Construction Management. Still dieting (how's that for confidence). Hopefully writing another book because someone published the first one. Occasionally popping up on GameMecca.

Gun Element
02-16-2008, 12:13 PM
Currently on my way to my East Asian Languages and Literature Degree. The language, Japanese. I will be studying abroad in Japan Spring of next year. Hopefully in 3 years I would have my degree and work towards education.

Thought of being a translator for anime or just for people. Possibly be a private tutor for Japanese lessons.

Anything to get away from my current job as a grocery store slave. :P

02-16-2008, 03:47 PM
If that's your interest, you might want to pursue some sort of English and/or teaching degree.

My aunt who was a teacher/tutor here in the US for many years, moved to Korea and got a job at a university creating English exams and also tutors private lessons on the side. There's a big demand for American English tutors and she loves it.

Gun Element
02-16-2008, 08:54 PM
If that's your interest, you might want to pursue some sort of English and/or teaching degree.

My aunt who was a teacher/tutor here in the US for many years, moved to Korea and got a job at a university creating English exams and also tutors private lessons on the side. There's a big demand for American English tutors and she loves it.

Well their is a big problem with with teaching english over in Japan.

It was an idea I had for awhile until I met a few people have done that exact thing. I've talked to 6 people who went to Japan, taught English, and 1 year later or so they come back here because of these reasons.

1) Its very lonely over there. The Japanese (because of the views towards Americans right now) don't try to make contact with you.
Long story short, students used to come over to the teachers house to learn and ask questions until the parents found out that he was an American. Suddenly they stopped showing up and wouldn't talk to him.

2) The hours are brutal. We all know the Japanese have a strict school system.

3) Similar to 1, Teachers that you work with don't talk to you. Makes it hard to work at a place where you cannot know anyone.

4) I know money shouldn't be an issue, but the pay is pretty bleak ESPECIALLY with Japan being as expensive as it is, makes it hard to do anything.

These were the main reasons I heard about teaching English/tutor in Japan. Kinda got less interested.

Caged Anger
02-16-2008, 10:52 PM
Currently enrolled at Fitchburg State College, majoring in CIS, working in the college IT department 20-25 hrs a week, VP of the FSC Anime Club, and Resident Assistant of the Mara 2 Residance.

3 years from now I will have graduated and be well on my way to becoming the CIO of the college. Hopefully still be living on campus as a building director and still be employed in the IT department.

02-16-2008, 11:49 PM
CIO? damn dude, take life a little slower and have some fun haha