View Full Version : LCD monitor

02-06-2008, 02:50 AM
I been thinking about upgrading my monitor. Nothing wrong with my sony crt other then it's huge and well bigger is better.

Here are a couple I been looking at:




On newegg, there are more reviews on the first link, the 22" one. I'd like to have height adjustment, long story short, I am thinking about a 19" below it on my desk, which will be my gaming screen, but I will use both for gaming (RPG ftw!)

I am not up with all the new stuff, so I thought I'd ask here for your thoughts, opinions, ect.


He Is Legend
02-06-2008, 04:57 AM
Widescreen/lcd if you want the best color and best picture

If you want that extra smoothness when you make mouse movements on a FPS go with a CRT for the high refresh rate

02-06-2008, 08:09 AM
I been thinking about upgrading my monitor. Nothing wrong with my sony crt other then it's huge and well bigger is better.

I am not up with all the new stuff, so I thought I'd ask here for your thoughts, opinions, ect.


Take a look around this site, read the FAQ, it will tell you how the LCD is different from a CRT and it will give you some information that will help you make a decision on what to look for when you buy.


I recommend this site for anybody that has a widescreen LCD monitor.

If you want that extra smoothness when you make mouse movements on a FPS go with a CRT for the high refresh rate

The refresh rate doesn't mean a thing on a LCD, it's the response time that matters, anything 5ms and under will game just fine. I suggest that you go to that site and learn something about LCD monitors.

He Is Legend
02-06-2008, 08:54 AM
The refresh rate doesn't mean a thing on a LCD, it's the response time that matters, anything 5ms and under will game just fine. I suggest that you go to that site and learn something about LCD monitors.

You should learn to read at a first grade level again, I said " If you want that extra smoothness when you make mouse movements on a FPS go with a CRT for the high refresh rate "... was I stating that LCD monitors suck because they cant go passed a certain refresh rate ? No I said that gamers usually go with a CRT monitor for a HIGH REFRESH RATE.

I would choose a LCD over CRT any day anyway

02-06-2008, 09:25 AM
You should learn to read at a first grade level again, I said " If you want that extra smoothness when you make mouse movements on a FPS go with a CRT for the high refresh rate "... was I stating that LCD monitors suck because they cant go passed a certain refresh rate ? No I said that gamers usually go with a CRT monitor for a HIGH REFRESH RATE.

I would choose a LCD over CRT any day anyway

Well it's obvious that you don't own a LCD monitor because you don't know what you're talking about.
A LCD with a 5ms or less response time is just as smooth as a CRT at 100Mhz+ refresh rate. The response time on a LCD is what the refresh rate is to a CRT, the lower the response time would be the same as higher refresh rates on a CRT.
Maybe you should learn to read at a first grade level again.

Do yourself a favor and do some reading and educate yourself about LCD monitors, better yet, buy one, you just might be surprised.

02-06-2008, 04:12 PM
I have owned a 19" LG LCD monitor with a claimed 2ms response time and I could still notice motion blur which is a direct result of the pixels turning from one color to the next. If you don't mind a slight amount of blurring then go with the Samsung monitor. The colors on these are very bright and great to look at.

Most of the LCD monitors also have light bleeding around the corners which can be annoying in a low-light environment.

I still prefer a CRT for gaming (especially Serious Sam which moves very fast) but for almost anything else I'd go for the LCD. Or wait for the LED and SED monitors "with the superior viewing angles, contrast, black levels, color definition and pixel response time of CRTs" to come out .

Also let's not fight kids.

02-06-2008, 05:47 PM
I just ordered the Acer ;)

02-06-2008, 06:49 PM
I think my first post was being helpful, I gave Grimmy a site that had information that would help him on what to look for in a LCD monitor, and make a good decision on a monitor.

I wasn't being an ass until he responded to my post with the "learn to read at a first grade level." He was talking refresh rates on a LCD, I was pointing out that refresh rates don't mean anything on a LCD monitor, they don't work the same way as a CRT does.

I don't know what kind of LCD monitor you had, I don't see any motion blur no matter how fast the action is on the one I have now, I notice some blurring on the other one I have , it is a 12ms response time.
As far as the light bleeding through the edges, it depends on the contrast ratio on how much you will see, if it is only 500:1 - 700:1 you will see it bleeding through, the higher the ratio the less you see. Mine is 1000:1 and it isn't very noticeable at all, and that is when the screen is totally black, otherwise you don't see it at all.

All I have to go on is the experience I've had with the 2 LCD monitors that I have, and what information that I gleaned from reading about LCD monitors.

I guess that doesn't qualify me to post anything about them, at least on this forum. I am not young enough to know everything, I should have left it to the experts here. (yes I'm being an ass here)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-06-2008, 08:38 PM
Have fun lugging your CTR around to your next LAN party......I've had both and prefer LCD.....my HPw2408 rocks! :)

02-07-2008, 12:09 AM
Have fun lugging your CTR around to your next LAN party......I've had both and prefer LCD.....my HPw2408 rocks! :)

I still have my laptop that I can use for gaming, much easier then bring the whole tower setup n stuff, which was a pain in the arse for the Outlaws LAN we had way back when. But if I ever go to another LAN party, I will worry about it then :)

02-07-2008, 12:40 AM
He is Legend/Chao I enjoy your posts but if you can't carry on a discussion without attacking someone personally with insults then it's probably best that you not contribute. Oscar has anyways been helpful and his posts add to the conversation too as do yours and I for one enjoy reading his posts so please lay off the insults.

02-07-2008, 01:05 AM
Good choice Grimmy. I would have gone for the extra 2" as well. The bigger the screen is the better. I'm sure that you'll enjoy it. Most of the time the benefits of an LCD outweigh it's shortcomings.

Caged Anger
02-07-2008, 02:35 AM
I've been pretty happy with my HansG 19" widescreen :) price was excellent :D

02-12-2008, 03:54 AM
Just an update, got my Acer today and OMG I think I just fell in love!!! Everything looks sooooo much better. I think I might have to take it to bed with me :)

Only got one night of gaming in on it, and it's been working great so far. Will give more info and come pics in a day or so ;)

02-16-2008, 09:54 PM

02-18-2008, 05:42 PM
I know, I haven't had time. Since I got the darn thing, the only thing I been doing is working overtime up the wazoo and/or spending 4+ hours a day moving snow out of my driveway :(

Soon, I will get some take :)