View Full Version : Kick Code

Frag Junky
02-22-2003, 06:15 PM
OK, help me out here

Last night I was hosting a server, and had an unusually annoying camper in the Lava Room, Its not so much that he is camping, mostly we just ignored him, but he was posting all kinds of comments. Soon it became ridicules.

I tried the kick code I found, but it did not work. Tell me where I went wrong.

F1 then /kick player name or /kickclient 2 (“no campers”)

02-22-2003, 09:08 PM
press the F1 key or the ~ key
type this in exactly


press enter

then type this to kick the player
/kick goober

if the player has a tag such as mine =DOA|MH= Goober
you could use a wild card to make it easier like this

/kick *goober

02-22-2003, 09:45 PM
You could try the wild card that works on most big name and fancy tags...

if the player is for example called OH . I .AM GOOD||||\\\///

i:e /loadcommands()
then /kick*.*
OR /kick*|*
or even kick*/*

but be carefull to check the other fraggers you want to stay dont have the specific wild card symbol in their name other wise you kick them into cyber space too...hope this helps .... :thumbs:

Frag Junky
02-22-2003, 09:50 PM
Thanks Gobber, I will try it. :thumbs:

Just had two campers in the lava room. Only other players in the game, some would attach, play for a minute then leave because of the campers. One camper is bad enough, but when they team up it really screws up the fun.

I believe in camping for a short time while you have a smoke. I love to take them out. But when they dominate the game, it gets ridiculous.

Frag Junky
02-23-2003, 07:44 AM
Thanks to both of you, kicked the camper. He come in right on que. Kicked him with a message of "No Campers" five times before he got the message.

Did have trouble making the command work.

/kick *e* "No Camping" was the one that did the trick. Typed his name a couple of times, got no error when I did, but it would not kick him.

Thanks again.

And thanks to all the players that kicked my ass. I learned alot, just won my first match in the Hole. :jammin:

02-23-2003, 08:06 AM
one thing you might want to do is ban that ip. I don't know how to do this, for I can't set up a server till I figure out how to properly open my ports on my router. But if he is a pain, then I would use the ban feature. ;)

Frag Junky
02-23-2003, 02:19 PM
Banning them would be an option, but I believe in giving them a another chance. I like people to join my server and know they can have fun. My own son was a dedicated camper until he learned his lesson.(Where did I raise him wrong :bandhead: ) After I took him out a few times, he learned. Now he plays fast and hard. Hard to grin when a 12 year old kicks your but nearly every time :wacko:

I did pick up on some code in a conversation Intense Fury was having. Have not tried it yet, but here it is. ( funny they used Evil Team, my kids want to start a clan named that :P )

/AddIPMask(""); _ _// ban that one ip
/AddIPMask("192.168.*.*"); _ _ _ _// ban the whole local subnet
/AddNameMask("John"); _ _ _ _ _ _ // john gets grounded
/AddNameMask("[EvilTeam]*");// the evil team is not welcome on this server

Mostly I play the Hole, becasue it is where I can do the best. I run "Run Like hell" come kick my but sometime. I like players that play fare and play fast.

The Router setup should not be to much of a problem as long as your provider has not got you blocked. I use a DSL connection and set the players to 5. sometimes I get complaints of lag, and I will reboot before I crank up again. I use a Lynksys Router on my network, you have to set a few things, here are the settings I use, they should be close on what ever router you use.

under the Forwarding options set Ext. Port 0 to 65535 with TCP and UDP enabled, and set it to your IP for handeling.
( can run Winipcfg) at the DOS or Run to see your IP.

DMZ Host IP must also be set to your IP

Hope this helps. You get it running, and I will come check it out if you let me know the server.

02-23-2003, 03:11 PM
Cool frag junky glad it worked for you ... :thumbs:

02-23-2003, 11:46 PM
hey Frag Junky...

what name(s) was this camper using???

and what is the starting 3 digits of his IP???

Frag Junky
02-24-2003, 03:39 AM
Two of them teaming up. They come in as Player1 and Player2, which means they wereworking together. I wrote down the IP, but I tossed it when they did not come back for a while.

It's funny you should mention their IP address, I had one today that was swimming constantly, and making all kinds of comments. I put up with it for a while, then kicked him. a few minutes later, we had another come in and do the same thing. After the game, I checked the IP address, and they were different, but Iknow it was the same guy with a different name, because he was making the excat same comments. I tried to kick him again, and I would get a parse error????????. and nothing would happen. Figure I could not kick him, so I dedicated myself to blowing him to hell. He got tired of getting killed, and left.

I will be trying the ban code for IP on this one. The only thing I don't know is, do you enter the code at the server console, or place it in an ini file? Another thing is can they be un-banned. I test the code on my kids, and I don't want to ban them.
what name(s) was this camper using???

02-24-2003, 07:49 AM
Frag Junky Posted on Feb 23 2003, 10:39 PM

Figure I could not kick him, so I dedicated myself to blowing him to hell. He got tired of getting killed, and left.


They could be using: anonymous proxy. :bandhead:

Frag Junky
02-25-2003, 06:44 AM
Found a glitch in the hole I thought you might get a kick out of. Found it by accident. Makes a great perch for bouncing gernades at campers under the walk :lol: Had a cannon camper on the ledge uder there, He would blast the hell out of anyone that would go after it in the middle. He could not figure out where they were coming from, when he would run out, he would get nailed.

I'm sure a lot of you know about it, but I get a kick out of it. I'm beginning to like campers, they make good targets. :lol:

02-25-2003, 06:52 AM
thats the spirit....go get'em tiger :thumbs:

Die Hard
02-26-2003, 09:04 AM
How do you kick observers?

I know you can password protect to stop them coming in but
sometimes this is not a suitable option.

Also there is a way to stop observers entering in the first place,
when you get the message "No observers allowed" but how do
you do that?

Frag Junky
02-28-2003, 06:36 AM
Not sure, but after doing /Loadcommands() you can do /Listplayers() and see if they show. If you can get a name and player number you can kick them.

The command to stop observers is

/net_strobserverpassword="password here"

I had a Lava Camper tonight I kicked. used the name Mac, after I kicked him, he come back as JFK. Same IP, was not fooling anyone, least he did not camp for a while. but High Ping Camper and Escalater bloodied his but. :jammin:

02-28-2003, 07:04 AM
"die hard"

why do u want to kick observers???

what could you be hidding :hmmm:

02-28-2003, 12:33 PM
Observers will slow down the game, and possibly the person they are observing.

Die Hard
02-28-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by WEAPON_XxX@Feb 28 2003, 07:04 AM
"die hard"

why do u want to kick observers???

what could you be hidding :hmmm:
1/ Cause most of the verbal spammers are observers
2/ Cause of what Goober said
3/ I don't want them to learn my tricks for free

OUTLAWS Behind You?
02-28-2003, 09:12 PM
Try this:
net_iMaxObservers = 0;

Die Hard
02-28-2003, 10:04 PM
Thank you :thumbs:

03-03-2003, 05:37 AM
I too will admit that most of the trash talkers are/were observers! I even had one giving away my position, what weapon I had in hand , and what direction I was going in. The other players were telling the Client to be quiet! Really annoying to say the least. :bandhead:

03-12-2003, 07:36 AM
Its best to use a plane name, and do /kick "^*", then it would kick everyone that has effect in there name, evil though.

03-22-2003, 07:42 PM
To kick clients use the kickclient command like this

First press tab then enter /loadcommands()

Then type /list which gives a list of players and their client ID's

Kick with the /kickclient (client ID,"reason")

ex. /kickclient (4,"stop spamming the server!!!")

Have fun :jammin:

03-23-2003, 12:35 AM
Ummm, whole bunch of stuff here... I don't believe in banning ips, at least not for more than a day. Most people will have dynamic ip addresses, and most isps will have multiple ip pools to draw from, so banning by ip ranges will probably not work. I occasionally log in and get the message that I am banned from one of the gods servers. As far as I know, I have never done anything to offend anyone, so it is a ban on the ip used by someone else. a dsl restart changes that, but it is annoying. If you want to ban, it is better to do it by logins.

Also router port forwarding. Serious sam II will use 25600 by default, if you have multiple servers, then more, but you should only set up forwarding for tcp&udp for 25600-25603. One of the benefits of having a router is that it acts as a firewall to prevent access to your computer. When you forward everything, you open yourself up to potential attacks.

lastly, for observers, yeah, they will suck up a position and some bandwidth, but the server sends everything about everyone at the same time, so you are not going to lag a character. if you wanted to learn someones secrets, then you can record a demo while playing with f7, move it to the demo folder, and replay it, using + to cycle to the character you are interested in. so your focus needs to be more about technique and aiming and anticipation rather than secrets. People can get some of that from watching a demo. The rest has to be worked at.