View Full Version : Education

Gun Element
02-25-2008, 11:14 AM
My spirit was broken today when I looked into studying abroad. My plans were to get education in Japan as an exchange student or something to quicken and most efficiently learn the culture and the language. Unfortunately, it seems that it costs more money than I originally had thought. 20 weeks for $25,000? Talk about painful.

When I looked around, it seemed to be the average point in cost. So I decided to talk to my private tutor (who I can no longer do because of the money) who mentioned about a "jet program" that does exchange students. I looked into that and see that I need to write a paper to the JAPANESE EMBASSY. THEN, if my paper was qualified, I have to go over the Japan and have an interview with the Japanese Embassy. They also mentioned the brutality of the students who suceed and fail. 1 out of 100?

It's something I'm aiming for and I won't let anything get in my way, but this is ridiculous. Makes me a sad man :bawling:

Anyone in Japan willing to host? :P I don't bite

02-25-2008, 12:15 PM
Good luck, and hey, 1 in 100 isn't all that bad, get used to it, I've interviewed for jobs with worse odds and gotten offered the job.

Die Hard
02-25-2008, 03:24 PM
Speak to Leon GE :)

02-25-2008, 05:19 PM
My school has the JET program. I was a little interested, but I'm not sure at this point. What goes on here is that after taking all the courses here in japanese (which ill have done after this semester) you can go teach english in japan and make a salary while over there, and that will in turn pay for the trip. I, well, haven't heard of what you speak of with the Japanese Embassy, but the reason why so many people fail is probably because they just want to go visit japan, and not care about the work involved. As long as your conscientious, youll be fine (and its also possible he exaggerated the odds a little to scare you so you ARENT lazy there). And you will have plenty of free time to do whatever you please in the country as well. its not ALL work

Who knows

02-25-2008, 06:54 PM
ofc its hard!

u should become a gigalo :D rofl jkjk :D

yeah thats alot of money, in sweden it dosent cost money to go in school :P

japan is a nice country i will go there myself one day :) its really expensive to live there tho..

02-25-2008, 10:54 PM
I actually got an email today about a study abroad program information session.
Temple University actually has a campus location in Tokyo, Japan which offers a full BBA program. So I'm thinking it might be cool to go there next semester if the price is no object. Apparently Temple charges the same tuition for all of their campus locations (there's also one in Rome and London).

Maybe I'll see you there Gun if it all pans out. Then we can watch hentai together all night long!

EDIT: Wow Temple even offers this 2 course, 6 credit program:

Japan: Studies in Japanese Popular Media: Manga and Anime Undergraduate credit available. For
students interested in studying manga and anime through an interdisciplinary approach drawing from
history, art history, anthropology, sociology, literature, and film.

02-26-2008, 07:23 AM
Hey Gun,

One thing i've learned about applications is not to get discouraged by the odds, and always try anyways. I applied to medical school last year as a longshot, and actually came very close (unexpected. I will try harder next year!)

02-26-2008, 01:29 PM
Whoaa, Great!
I didn't know you had interest in Japan too much.
I admire to your plan. :thumbs:

Actually, Mr.Gean came to the primary school of Rion with ALT (assistant language teacher), and stayed for about 1 year.
Homeroom teacher of Rion said "He came from Canada by the JET program."

I will try to check about the JET program a little more.

Gun Element
02-26-2008, 08:15 PM
Thank you all for your advice and support. I know I shouldn't let the odds go against me, this is to be expected. When things get tough, you'll going to have to overcome those odds with determination and will. Sounds cheesy, but I understand for the first time the effort that is required to aim towards your goals.


Oh and good luck Raven :)

(ignores EXE) :P

02-26-2008, 09:42 PM
Thank you all for your advice and support. I know I shouldn't let the odds go against me, this is to be expected. When things get tough, you'll going to have to overcome those odds with determination and will. Sounds cheesy, but I understand for the first time the effort that is required to aim towards your goals.


Oh and good luck Raven :)

(ignores EXE) :P

Pwned! :P

You should move to PA.

Gun Element
02-26-2008, 10:18 PM
Pwned! :P

You should move to PA.

Is it similar to Japan? If so, Im there! :babe:

02-26-2008, 10:30 PM
Is it similar to Japan? If so, Im there! :babe:

If by similar you mean nothing alike then... I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU!!! :babe: :babe:

Asian Invasian
02-27-2008, 12:05 AM
Good luck buddy. :)

02-27-2008, 02:39 PM
*About Jet program

I don't know the explanation of the JET program in USA.
The actual condition of the JET program is referred to at the Japanese forum. According to that forum, it thinks that reward and support to ALT are good in Japan.
The actual condition of ALT in Japan is as the next.

1.Working hours are about 30 hours at the week.
2.Reward is about 2,800 dollars in month. (Tax is contained)
3.round-trip flyght ticket is paid. (Airport tax isn't contained)
4.Residence is a rental apartment in the Board of Education ownership.
(Rental fee is very cheap)

ALT's of the majority are enjoying trip on weekend. In other words, They can have money and time.


First, I groped for the favorable condition by the recommendation system.
because I have the acquaintance of the professor of English to Kinki university.
Today, I had an opportunity to negotiate with the university bureau and the public office.
That result, general ALT can't be recommended though joint research student can recommend it. And, they said exception couldn't be agreed.
Therefore, though it is disappointing, you must apply like Raven many times.

I regret your dissatisfaction but trust that you will understand.
Do your best without losing heart.

Good Luck.

Gun Element
02-28-2008, 08:25 PM
*About Jet program

I don't know the explanation of the JET program in USA.
The actual condition of the JET program is referred to at the Japanese forum. According to that forum, it thinks that reward and support to ALT are good in Japan.
The actual condition of ALT in Japan is as the next.

1.Working hours are about 30 hours at the week.
2.Reward is about 2,800 dollars in month. (Tax is contained)
3.round-trip flyght ticket is paid. (Airport tax isn't contained)
4.Residence is a rental apartment in the Board of Education ownership.
(Rental fee is very cheap)

ALT's of the majority are enjoying trip on weekend. In other words, They can have money and time.


First, I groped for the favorable condition by the recommendation system.
because I have the acquaintance of the professor of English to Kinki university.
Today, I had an opportunity to negotiate with the university bureau and the public office.
That result, general ALT can't be recommended though joint research student can recommend it. And, they said exception couldn't be agreed.
Therefore, though it is disappointing, you must apply like Raven many times.

I regret your dissatisfaction but trust that you will understand.
Do your best without losing heart.

Good Luck.

Wow. Thanks for trying to help me out as much as you did. Its fine, I don't expect to have special treatment. This is reality and Im going to have to give it all I got.

Now I feel bad having you go through all that trouble for little ol' me. :P