View Full Version : Corporations Area

03-07-2008, 05:53 AM
Corporations Area:

We are living in quite an interesting age, as it seems large corporations have taken over the role of government, at least in the sense of controlling the masses. They are the ones giving us the bread and the entertainment. I don't think we are living in an American Age, but rather in the Age of the Corporation.

More interestingly, is the fact that these corporations are footloose, and internationally based. They are prowling the earth for the cheapest place to create their products and the most expensive place to sell.

Eventually, I believe, the people will break free of this, or the market will plummet because of increase of technology etc, but one way or another, the Mega Corporation will eventually fall. Whether it is for good or for worse, I know not. History is full with turning points towards either.

What are your thoughts?


Mad Fox
03-07-2008, 12:46 PM
SAS I think that you wo0uld find it interesting that the begin of government showing more concern for the coporation over the citizen can be traced back to te construction of the eeire canal. The state of New York made it a priority to establish the canal as a mechanism of trade. Thus the state created a corporation friendly Canal board to deal with claims. this board dealt with claims of unfair emminent domain prices, destruction of property, and those that simply were opposed to the canal in their backyard, farmers whose land was split in half, and a whole other plethora of concerns.

Moral of the story, its been going on since the beggining, and there are some theories in government and public policy that try to develop rights for coporations.

Does a corporation have guareenteed rights in the constituion? No but neither do some people, where is the line drawn?

03-07-2008, 07:34 PM
military-industrial complex has existed for decades, starting to get most intense in the 50s that even eisenhower, who was scum to being with, saw this was going too far.

03-07-2008, 08:01 PM
There hasnt been an age to last forever yet!

Mr Clean
03-13-2008, 01:08 AM
I find your post disturbing Sas. First of all, the "role" of government as defined by the Constitution is quite narrow and leaves the vast majority of the "control" in the hands of the people. FDR, wrongly considered a great President for his New Deal and other abuses of power, led the charge to slowly eat away at this demarcation by the Founding Fathers so that they now have their little hands in all sorts of pies.

Companies, on the other hand, are nothing more than a manifestation of the great and wonderful system of economics in a free society that allows competition and success to feed the supply and demand of the masses. Massive corporations fail all the time, but others are always being created. This "creative destruction" is what allows the best and most efficient trade system the world has ever known to continue to flourish.

Technology is what has accelerated the global market, has allowed businesses to become more efficient. Things like real time inventories were not even dreamed of 30 years ago, but now it is a common business practice. Technology is not the ruiner of the big business, it is the friend and helper of big business.

And since we are on the subject, it is NOT the responsibility of a business to provide you healthcare. It isn't the responsibility of the United States Government either until someone amends the Constitution to make it so...

03-13-2008, 03:42 AM
Karma will bite FDR in the ass pretty soon. In fact, I'm sure he's reborn as a gay midget.