View Full Version : Gay Men

03-15-2008, 10:26 PM
I'm back. Momentarily anyway.

I had an experience yesterday that made me wonder about homosexuality and what is instinctive and what is learned.

First of all, let me say that I have nothing against gay people. Seriously, whatever makes you happy is fine. I have no moral objections, no religious objections, no objections whatsoever. Everyone should be able to live and love as they wish. I have not been brought up to hate homosexuals, nor have I been brought up to accept them. They simply have never been an issue with me.

I think it's hot to watch girls make out, but I digress. :D

Actually that wasn't a digression. It makes an interesting point. Why is it that seeing women kiss is erotic, and watching men kiss is repulsive to me? I've never been "taught" this. It's a natural reaction for me. Instinctive.

Anyway, to get back to the point, I was in a video store yesterday and there was some guy working the counter that was clearly gay. Dramatically gay. Bette Midler gay. Pure 100% flaming-drama-queen-has-all-the-mannerisms-and-the-voice gay. This guy made Chris Rocker look straight. No kidding. He was loud and talkative, and well, frankly it was rather overwhelming to me. And I'm pretty sure he was wearing mascara.

I experienced what can only be described as a visceral reaction. Not a learned reaction, because I've never been personally exposed to this before, and like I said, I was never taught this. Honestly, I'm a very non-confrontational and tolerant person. Cris is not Sirc.

I'm going to be honest. I wanted to hit this guy. I stood there witnessing what I felt to the very core of my being was a total abomination. I felt disgust, anger, and hatred. I actually got out of line and moved to the back of the other line just so I didn't have to interact with this guy.

I have to wonder. Am I homophobic? If I am then there must be a reason for it. I don't believe my reaction was anything more than an instinctive emotional response to something that was wrong. How am I supposed to overcome that? Learn tolerance? You may as well ask me to learn to love child molesters. It ain't gonna happen. Ever.

Now, before you ban me forever, please note that this was an honest and true account of an experience that I had. I'm hoping it will lead to a discussion rather than a ban. I will accept either.

And sorry for the wall of text. That's what happens when Sirc stays away for so long. :)

03-15-2008, 11:02 PM
Sirc, no one can make you or tell you how to feel. I personally have no problem even with the most drama queen goy people. I see many of then in Mnahattan and so be it. They do not bother me at all and if they are happy than that is what matters. Now you have to consider some questions that may be true:P .

What really bothered you about this guy who you definetly assume was gay.

Was it the way he was acting that bugged you?

Is it that you were picturing him kissing another guy?

Was he hitting on you?

And the one question that may piss you off and with all honesty not my intention. Is there a time in your life that you may have thought you were attracted to anothe man?

Now no matter what I can deal with anyone as long as they have no posters or agenda. As some hear may think I am just some nut who screams all the time, that is not the case. You should never let anyone bother you in real life unless of course he is intentionally bothering you. If you just come to the realization that you just don't liike gay people than that I can accept because like I said no one can tell you how to feel. I think the people you should be angry or dislike are the gay people that hide in a closet and keep it quiet. It's a sign of weakness and to me makes that person a liar which is the main reason I would be pissed if he was gay. Sometimes people make jokes with no true intention of hurting peoples feelings and if someone is around who is in the closet hears that joke may be offended or hurt and no one would be aware of it.

Also don't consider gay people Child molestors. I actually know some gay people and the only difference between them and me is they are attracted to their same genda. I'm cool with it.:thumbs:

03-15-2008, 11:26 PM
Okay, the reference to child molesters was wrong. I'm certainly not trying to infer any connection whatsoever. It was simply a comparison of my feelings - neither had anything to do with the other.

I'm assuming he was gay. I doubt that I was wrong in my assumption. No I wasn't fantasizing about him kissing another guy. No he didn't hit on me. No, I've never been attracted to another guy.

I think it may have something to do with the culture you are used to. Here in SW Ohio we have no gay parades. There isn't any need for this. If you're gay, fine. If you're not fine. No one cares, no one feels the need to scream to the world that they are gay. No one feels the need to scream to the world they are heterosexual. As it should be. I realize things get a bit weird in the big cities and well, whatever. Free balloons are alway good. Closing off streets can kinda suck sometimes though. I know this because we have an annual strawberry festival that closes off one of our main streets.

So to be fair, now tell me BIGG, have you ever been attracted to another man?

Sirc, no one can make you or tell you how to feel. I personally have no problem even with the most drama queen goy people. I see many of then in Mnahattan and so be it. They do not bother me at all and if they are happy than that is what matters. Now you have to consider some questions that may be true:P .

What really bothered you about this guy who you definetly assume was gay.

Was it the way he was acting that bugged you?

Is it that you were picturing him kissing another guy?

Was he hitting on you?

And the one question that may piss you off and with all honesty not my intention. Is there a time in your life that you may have thought you were attracted to anothe man?

Now no matter what I can deal with anyone as long as they have no posters or agenda. As some hear may think I am just some nut who screams all the time, that is not the case. You should never let anyone bother you in real life unless of course he is intentionally bothering you. If you just come to the realization that you just don't liike gay people than that I can accept because like I said no one can tell you how to feel. I think the people you should be angry or dislike are the gay people that hide in a closet and keep it quiet. It's a sign of weakness and to me makes that person a liar which is the main reason I would be pissed if he was gay. Sometimes people make jokes with no true intention of hurting peoples feelings and if someone is around who is in the closet hears that joke may be offended or hurt and no one would be aware of it.

Also don't consider gay people Child molestors. I actually know some gay people and the only difference between them and me is they are attracted to their same genda. I'm cool with it.:thumbs:

03-15-2008, 11:37 PM
So to be fair, now tell me BIGG, have you ever been attracted to another man?

Well there was this one time in Phili where we shared the same hotel room. But then I took my shirt off, showed my man boobs and he ran away.

You do bring up a good point sircles, why is it that seeing two women together will turn some of us men on? Of course if one of the two women has the butchy manly characteristics, then that is no turn on at all. But two men doing the same thing almost makes me want to hurl. I can handle being around a gay guy, but I really...I mean really don't think I could stand being around 2 guys making out.

03-15-2008, 11:47 PM
omg i am rofl'ing so hard at this shit.
sirc u are totally RANDOM as hell, wow.

Random how? Concerning the topics I post or within the topics I post?

And hey, enjoy. I love being me. :)

03-15-2008, 11:55 PM
Well there was this one time in Phili where we shared the same hotel room. But then I took my shirt off, showed my man boobs and he ran away.

You do bring up a good point sircles, why is it that seeing two women together will turn some of us men on? Of course if one of the two women has the butchy manly characteristics, then that is no turn on at all. But two men doing the same thing almost makes me want to hurl. I can handle being around a gay guy, but I really...I mean really don't think I could stand being around 2 guys making out.

Honesty. Good! Not that you aren't always honest with your opinions. I've always loved ya Goober. In a manly sort of way. :)

I can handle seeing guys holding hands and even give each other a quick affectionate kiss. Making out? No. But then I don't really think making out is appropriate for heterosexual couples to do in public either. If you want to get hot and heavy then find some privacy. Tongue wrestling isn't something that should happen in a public place in my opinion.

03-16-2008, 12:15 AM
Unconditional love is not the same as unconditional acceptance. Unconditional love should be had for all, no exceptions but unconditional acceptance should no and would be silly actually.. Much easier said than done, of course. You seem to have a subconscious repulsion to that type of person which may indicate something from your childhood but only you would know this. As for males expressing love to each other by kissing, I think seeing two manly men such as MacGyver (hehe) doing that and two 'pretty boy' men such as Johhny Depp circa 1990 would create two different reactions, the first creating a feeling of repulsion while the second being less negatively affected since their physical attributes are more reminding of women, in the natural way and not with mascara and other cosmetics.

Glad to see Sirc back =]

03-16-2008, 12:33 AM
Unconditional love is not the same as unconditional acceptance. Unconditional love should be had for all, no exceptions but unconditional acceptance should no and would be silly actually.. Much easier said than done, of course. You seem to have a subconscious repulsion to that type of person which may indicate something from your childhood but only you would know this. As for males expressing love to each other by kissing, I think seeing two manly men such as MacGyver (hehe) doing that and two 'pretty boy' men such as Johhny Depp circa 1990 would create two different reactions, the first creating a feeling of repulsion while the second being less negatively affected since their physical attributes are more reminding of women, in the natural way and not with mascara and other cosmetics.

Glad to see Sirc back =]

I'm not looking to be psychoanalyzed, but thanks. I also find it somewhat disturbing that the very word "psychoanalyzed" could also be interpreted literally as being psychologically butt fu....erm, yeah. Anyway...

Why do you assume that my childhood has any bearing on my reaction to a flaming gay man? It's fine that he's gay, but what's up with the over-the-top expression of his sexuality? What happened in his childhood to make him act like this? He was basically a guy acting like he was a girl. That was beyond gay I suppose.

As for your childhood - you need to call Stephen King. I think he may need some new ideas.

03-16-2008, 01:05 AM
You seem to have a subconscious repulsion to that type of person which may indicate something from your childhood but only you would know this.

Focusing on this, I'm thinking it's primal instinct. Psychologist wannabes always assume any reaction is based on learning. That is not so. You suckle at your mother's breast as a new-born because your brain is hardwired for you to do that. Shit and decaying flesh smells bad to you because you are hard-wired to be repulsed by it. Flies on the other hand are hard-wired to be attracted to it. Self-survival is a very basic instinct.

I'm suggesting that it may be possible that heterosexual males are hard-wired not to tolerate homosexual males. Especially when homosexuals are flamboyant about it.

Of course subconscious instincts can be overcome by conscious decisions. We do this all the time. Instinct and behavior are two entirely different things.

03-16-2008, 01:05 AM
I'm just saying that most people who not get so emotionally intense in that type of situation.

As for your childhood - you need to call Stephen King. I think he may need some new ideas.

Already did ;)

03-16-2008, 01:12 AM
I'm just saying that most people who not get so emotionally intense in that type of situation.

You can get desensitized to anything given enough exposure. That doesn't make it right.

03-16-2008, 01:57 AM
I know this because we have an annual strawberry festival that closes off one of our main streets.

Hey! We just had our Strawberry Festival too. Good times. Lots of Country Music. Lots of Strawberry Shortcake.

03-16-2008, 01:58 AM
You can get desensitized to anything given enough exposure. That doesn't make it right.

That is one reason I don't want people telling me I have to "accept" a certain lifestyle. I can love anyone, I can hug another man that I care for without getting a sexual buzz from it. I understand that in some countries a peck on the cheek is an acceptable way of greeting another man or woman, don't have a problem with that either. But having sex with the same gender is just wrong. Sex...In my opinion, was intended for the continuation of a species, and two men or women cannot bring forth a child no matter how hard they try.

Gun Element
03-16-2008, 02:01 AM
I hope we all agree that being gay is not a bad thing, nor should it be a way to hate others. On the other hand it's hard to not notice these things and when we do, it whacks out the mind.

"he must be gay, weird"
"Hes definitely gay"
"I wonder if hes gay"

Once we think of this we don't stop thinking about this and becomes awkward and bothersome.

"I can't ever imagine loving another man"
" how can you NOT like women"
and so on...
When you think about natural instinct, it makes sense. We were made to live on this planet to find a mate of the opposite sex to produce, grow and expand. So when we see something that doesn't evolve this idea, it feels well I dunno... wrong?

I really hope this had a point, probably a bunch of rubbish, but to make things interesting...

One time this girl screamed "I need to see 2 guys make out!"
So my friend who unfortunately liked this girl wanted to get noticed chose me to be the other guy...

He grabbed me and forced his lip against mine and I wanted to die, very very badly. Afterwards I felt like my life was over, wanted to clean my whole body and start over. Was the worst experience ever. Honestly, Im glad Im not gay. (dont hate me) :P

03-16-2008, 02:14 AM
But having sex with the same gender is just wrong. Sex...In my opinion, was intended for the continuation of a species, and two men or women cannot bring forth a child no matter how hard they try.

I really don't care who has sex with who. Or whom. I still get confused by that.

And I'm honestly not gay-bashing in any way here. If two or more people wanna have sex, then that's fine. It doesn't matter what the combination is. I don't need to know about it unless it's two girls, and then I want the video. But that's just me.

Goober, that sounded very Catholic. I'm just curious, are you Catholic? Because sex is fun simply as an activity. My procreation days are long over. Got kids, done that, don't want anymore, still wanna have sex.

03-16-2008, 02:24 AM
One time this girl screamed "I need to see 2 guys make out!"
So my friend who unfortunately liked this girl wanted to get noticed chose me to be the other guy...

He grabbed me and forced his lip against mine and I wanted to die, very very badly. Afterwards I felt like my life was over, wanted to clean my whole body and start over. Was the worst experience ever. Honestly, Im glad Im not gay. (dont hate me) :P

I don't think you're gonna be allowed to be a Merc anymore.

Beyond that, just :funny:

Thinking back, I did a lot of stupid crap that could have gotten me killed when I was in school. Mostly car related. Kissing another guy for the amusement of some girls - well, that just makes you hot Gun. I've always thought you were hot. I want you now! :P

Dude, nothing you do in high school or college counts. Unless you actually get arrested for it. Otherwise it's fine.

03-16-2008, 02:29 AM
I really don't care who has sex with who. Or whom. I still get confused by that.

Goober, that sounded very Catholic. I'm just curious, are you Catholic? Because sex is fun simply as an activity. My procreation days are long over. Got kids, done that, don't want anymore, still wanna have sex.

I didn't really say that the best way. Let me rephrase. I may be 50 and am not planning on having anymore children (non procreation to you)
but I still like to have sex.....I like it a lot. Maybe when I'm 80 or so I'll quit....maybe.
I was just making the point that biologically we were designed for a male female type of sexual activity.

03-16-2008, 03:06 AM
I didn't really say that the best way. Let me rephrase. I may be 50 and am not planning on having anymore children (non procreation to you)
but I still like to have sex.....I like it a lot. Maybe when I'm 80 or so I'll quit....maybe.
I was just making the point that biologically we were designed for a male female type of sexual activity.

Viagra. An amazing drug that lets you have sex even when you don't want to. I'm still trying to figure out the "when you don't want to" part.

Yes. Males and females procreate naturally. That's one of those "hard-wired" things I was talking about.

So what do you think about gay men donating sperm and gay females getting artificially inseminated?

This really wasn't the direction I wanted to take this thread. I was really only concerned about gay men acting like they were women. There is a huge gray area here. Heterosexual - bisexual - homosexual - transvestites - transsexuals. Maybe this guy was tipping towards wanting to actually be a woman. He was acting like one. Actually it was a an ugly guy acting like - well - pretty much like Bette Midler. Maybe it was the fact that he was a guy acting like a girl that set me off.

Whatever, I had a very basic and unexpected reaction. I didn't act any of it out of course. I simply moved to the other line. With no conscious or social filters in place I'm pretty sure I would have gone over the counter and beat this person. That's saying a lot for me. That doesn't happen. Ever.

03-16-2008, 03:06 AM
I don't think you're gonna be allowed to be a Merc anymore.

You forget Sal and Lev's saucy affair :babe:

03-16-2008, 03:45 AM
Well Freud said that we are all a bit bisexual by nature. Both men and women can have attractive qualities and if they are secure in being able to flaunt their attractive characteristics in public then no one should keep them from doing so.

Also, nothing is "hardwired", I belive that everything is either based on reason, choice, and tradition/experience.

03-16-2008, 04:29 AM
Well Freud said that we are all a bit bisexual by nature. I think that both men and women can have attractive qualities and if they are secure in being able to flaunt their attractive characteristics in public then no one should keep them from doing so.

Also, nothing is "hardwired", I belive that everything is either based on reason, choice, and tradition/experience.

A myriad of things are "hardwired" into us. It's foolish to think otherwise. Your heart beats, you breath, you suckle at birth. Language itself is hardwired. No other species can do this. Language is learned, the ability to speak is hardwired. So many things are hardwired into us. Sex is hardwired. And I'm pretty sure black fishnet stockings are hardwired, although I'm not sure how that happened.

You are born with a complete framework. Some things happen naturally, some things need to be learned. Are you saying that significant operations of your very existence aren't hardwired? Some social aspects certainly are amongst the more basic functions of the brain.

03-16-2008, 05:12 AM
A myriad of things are "hardwired" into us. It's foolish to think otherwise. Your heart beats, you breath, you suckle at birth. Language itself is hardwired. No other species can do this. Language is learned, the ability to speak is hardwired. So many things are hardwired into us. Sex is hardwired. And I'm pretty sure black fishnet stockings are hardwired, although I'm not sure how that happened.

You are born with a complete framework. Some things happen naturally, some things need to be learned. Are you saying that significant operations of your very existence aren't hardwired? Some social aspects certainly are amongst the more basic functions of the brain.

Everything can be altered. There are no concrete things in the world. It is foolish to think otherwise. Of course it's hard for people to cope with that. I like to go along with the idea that the only thing true is that there is no truth. As humans we are all victim to our preconceived notions. I don't think you can just "blame" everything on nature. Sure we all have impulses and urges as living creatures but I think that everyone understands why it's important to eat, sleep, interact with other people. That's all given. However, there is a break-off point where you should start looking beyond what is laid bare in front of you. Then you start to get into things like religious belief, spirituality, and the like.

What do you think is more important: the material world, the id, the carnal world OR the intangible, pure, spiritual world?

03-16-2008, 05:19 AM
Have I ever been attracted to a man? No:) . And I think Goober hit the nail on the head when he said seeing two butchy women going at it. I think it would repulse anyone even seeing two over weight people male/female go at it. The acceptence would have to go with one's preference I believe.

As far as gay bashing, I dont see you doing that Sirc. I think your topic was basically saying you got annoyed or freaked out by thisone person who seemed to be a flamer. I think you bringup some pretty good points including to what we see every day and how it may seem normal to a person who lives in a big city to a person who lives in a small town. I myself personally just don't judge people or better I do judge people by their character. Now who is to say I or anyone would not get pissed off that day as you did. My questions would be to myself the same questions I asked you to see what was it that bothers me. You are right I see things like this everyday and I can accept it but to your point which I think you are correct I have to because it is to be accepted in todays day. Not sure if that makes sense but try to see what I am saying. It all comes down to what can bug a guy. I can get pissed off just as easy as a straight person at the counter.

Now as far as Gays go I don't judge anyone for the simple facts is my ignorance. My church says it's wrong yet the priests are molesting little boys. I can also say it's wrong because you can not produce and this would be my main reason for not agreeing with gays. But the truth is who am I to say or how am I to know if it is not something that a gay person is born with. Maybe the x's are crossed and someone is born a man but has the feelings of a woman. They say you are born gay so if that is the case who am I to say otherwise. I think people should just live theri own lives unless someone elses is interfering with yours.

What bugs me about this subject would be if someone feels that this should be tought to our children. This angers me more than anything as if it should be normal. Not to sound like a hypocrite from everything I said but I do think it's a born deficiency if this is in fact the truth a person is born gay. I think it's ok to accept it but I feel very strongly about teaching it. I also feel very strongly that people should be able to feel how they want if they are grossed out by it or not. I do not suggest anyone accept anything that makes them uncomfortable no matter who gets offended. Speak up always and that's the way I live.

03-16-2008, 05:38 AM
Everything can be altered. There are no concrete things in the world. It is foolish to think otherwise. Of course it's hard for people to cope with that. I like to go along with the idea that the only thing true is that there is no truth. As humans we are all victim to our preconceived notions. I don't think you can just "blame" everything on nature. Sure we all have impulses and urges as living creatures but I think that everyone understands why it's important to eat, sleep, interact with other people. That's all given. However, there is a break-off point where you should start looking beyond what is laid bare in front of you. Then you start to get into things like religious belief, spirituality, and the like.

What do you think is more important: the material world, the id, the carnal world OR the intangible, pure, spiritual world?

I think I wanted to hit a man who was acting in a strange manner. I think I reacted to what I subconsciously considered a deviant member of society. Not necessarily because he was gay, but because he was acting in a manner that my instincts told me was wrong.

Just because you may understand how some of your mind works, and you can even control your impulses, doesn't mean those impulses aren't there. You talk about crossing a line into higher mental functions that let you delve into things like religion and such.

Let me set things straight. There was no way I was gonna confront this guy in any manner. In fact I avoided this guy. I'm not an idiot. I understand social norms. I'm a perfectly normal person, believe it or not. I handled the situation appropriately.

Don't start with the spiritual stuff. That's all smoke and mirrors and a topic for another thread if you choose to start one. I am not a spiritual person - I'm an atheist. There is nothing but the material world. We're all animals. Again, if you want to start some crap about religion or spirituality then start another thread.

I'm talking about subconscious primal instincts - particularly regarding gay people that feel the need to broadcast themselves in a public place where people are simply trying to rent a movie for their family.

03-16-2008, 11:05 AM


03-16-2008, 12:20 PM


hahahah , he is so sexy !:D Although, he should wearing red slip, fits better with hair decoration! :P

03-16-2008, 01:08 PM
i love fab 5 :D

but see pics like that u posted YUCK its really ewww :S

03-16-2008, 01:29 PM
I find that the fact you wanted to hit the guy was disturbing. A violent reaction to a appearance.

You can be repulsed by something and feel ill or disturbed, but the fact that you felt the desire to lash out suggests you have deeper issues than homophobia

Die Hard
03-16-2008, 04:00 PM
I agree with you Pure. Maybe we are gay :rolleyes:

03-16-2008, 05:05 PM
I find that the fact you wanted to hit the guy was disturbing. A violent reaction to a appearance.

You can be repulsed by something and feel ill or disturbed, but the fact that you felt the desire to lash out suggests you have deeper issues than homophobia

I agree ..... Seek Help

03-16-2008, 07:53 PM
I think I wanted to hit a man who was acting in a strange manner. I think I reacted to what I subconsciously considered a deviant member of society. Not necessarily because he was gay, but because he was acting in a manner that my instincts told me was wrong.

Just because you may understand how some of your mind works, and you can even control your impulses, doesn't mean those impulses aren't there. You talk about crossing a line into higher mental functions that let you delve into things like religion and such.

Let me set things straight. There was no way I was gonna confront this guy in any manner. In fact I avoided this guy. I'm not an idiot. I understand social norms. I'm a perfectly normal person, believe it or not. I handled the situation appropriately.

Don't start with the spiritual stuff. That's all smoke and mirrors and a topic for another thread if you choose to start one. I am not a spiritual person - I'm an atheist. There is nothing but the material world. We're all animals. Again, if you want to start some crap about religion or spirituality then start another thread.

I'm talking about subconscious primal instincts - particularly regarding gay people that feel the need to broadcast themselves in a public place where people are simply trying to rent a movie for their family.

First off there is no "higher mental function" everything you ever needed to know is right in front of you. You are simply looking at it from a different perspective. That spiritual stuff isn't smoke and mirrors, you just don't attempt to understand it and simply dismiss it. Your religion is probably that of convenience.

Feeling like you need to hurt another human being is not a primal instinct, subconscious or not. There were probably other factors contributing to the way you felt and you just don't feel like sharing them with us which is fine.

03-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Feeling like you need to hurt another human being is not a primal instinct, subconscious or not. There were probably other factors contributing to the way you felt and you just don't feel like sharing them with us which is fine.

Maybe, maybe not. I think that the urge to pound someone can be triggered by another persons actions....not necessarily just their looks. I know I get that urge sometimes when I see young punks acting tough at a playground around little kids.
What we need in this conversation is a behavioral scientist and perhaps an anthropological professor.

03-16-2008, 08:59 PM
Maybe, maybe not. I think that the urge to pound someone can be triggered by another persons actions....not necessarily just their looks. I know I get that urge sometimes when I see young punks acting tough at a playground around little kids.
What we need in this conversation is a behavioral scientist and perhaps an anthropological professor.

I kinda agree. A week ago that was this punk who came on the train which was packed and he had his ipod and a pair of sunglasses on. I hate being crowded in the first place and was already unhappy with the train situation getting out of manhattan. I wanted to just pound this guy just for wearing sun glasses in the train at penn station while he was standing I felt too close. Now considering the fact that unless you understand what the commute is like which already puts you on edge but the fact that this guy was standing next to me with sun glasses on at 7:00 pm in a crowded train I was just waiting for him to bump in to me for the justification to hurt him. I also felt the same that same train ride from the guy eating popcorn which stunk and he sounded like an animal. I don't think I need help but I do know I was frustrated and irritated. I think it comes down to frustration at the moment where quite possibly you just are not in the mood. Also Penn Station can do that to anyone.

He Is Legend
03-16-2008, 10:31 PM
Feeling like you need to hurt another human being is not a primal instinct, subconscious or not.

Ok so if you see someone beat on another woman, what's your first instinct?

If you see some guy hitting on your girlfriend, what's your first instinct?

If a bully pushes you into a locker at school, what's your first instinct?

If someone flips you off, what's your first instinct?

If your answer is anything but becoming furious, you have no balls

03-16-2008, 11:21 PM
Ok so if you see someone beat on another woman, what's your first instinct?
To stop him

If you see some guy hitting on your girlfriend, what's your first instinct?
To think to myself "Damn right she's hot. And guess what, she's going home with me. It's a shame that dude doesn't even know he's got no shot. Jeezus I lucked out. Heh"

If a bully pushes you into a locker at school, what's your first instinct? To tell him my Momma hits harder than him. He's gonna have to hit a lot harder than that if he wants my attention. Then to walk away cause I've got better crap to get in trouble for than a loser who can't hit harder than my Momma.

If someone flips you off, what's your first instinct? To laugh. Flipping people off is just stupid.

If your answer is anything but becoming furious, you have no balls

There is a world of difference between balls, anger, and beating the crap out of someone.

He Is Legend
03-16-2008, 11:40 PM
To stop him
With what, your mighty words?

To think to myself "Damn right she's hot. And guess what, she's going home with me. It's a shame that dude doesn't even know he's got no shot. Jeezus I lucked out. Heh"
Haha, riiiiight

To tell him my Momma hits harder than him. He's gonna have to hit a lot harder than that if he wants my attention. Then to walk away cause I've got better crap to get in trouble for than a loser who can't hit harder than my Momma.
If someone pushes you into a locker, your the one that thinks the bigger man walks away right? that was popular like 10-15 years ago. The bigger man shows the punk who's boss, you think walking away from a bully is going to solve anything or make more problems? Showing the bully you don't take shit from anyone will make him back off, it's called standing up for yourself instead of being a bitch

To laugh. Flipping people off is just stupid.
You laugh at the person, im pretty sure they'll laugh back :rolleyes:

There is a world of difference between balls, anger, and beating the crap out of someone.

I'd hope so

03-17-2008, 12:50 AM
First off there is no "higher mental function" everything you ever needed to know is right in front of you. You are simply looking at it from a different perspective.

I'm not sure how to respond to this. There are indeed various levels of brain functions. I don't know what you mean by "everything you ever needed to know is right in front of you". Are you saying that we are not born with instincts? Are you saying that we are not hardwired with basic motor functions and certain behavioral elements?

That spiritual stuff isn't smoke and mirrors, you just don't attempt to understand it and simply dismiss it. Your religion is probably that of convenience.

I'm an atheist. I was born and raised a Methodist. I've actually read the Bible a few times. Sorry, none of it has ever seemed more than fiction to me. Smoke and mirrors. But that's just me. We need to agree to disagree on this point. Or, like I said, you can start another thread.

Feeling like you need to hurt another human being is not a primal instinct, subconscious or not. There were probably other factors contributing to the way you felt and you just don't feel like sharing them with us which is fine.

I was assuming it was primal. Instinctual. And I didn't "need" to hurt him. I didn't hurt him. I'm not about to hurt anyone unless there is an immediate physical threat to me or a family member. And it really wasn't his appearance so much as his behavior that sent shivers up my spine.

I was just saying how I felt. I handled it fine.

03-17-2008, 04:37 AM
Nitro watch what you post, if you are looking to see how far you can push things you might just find what you are looking for.

03-17-2008, 05:51 AM
Well I just saw this topic and personnally I was exposed to being around people who where gay,bi,les. I found that most of the men that I met where very cool. I could never get used to seeing 2 men Kiss but after getting to know them I found that like Somenoe said being exposed to the lifestyle I came to accept it as to when I was first subjected to it I lashed out.
My brother passed away around 12 years ago and he was gay. When I found out it frankly floored me. My brother was the type of guy that could pick up women just with his personallity. But he had the looks that women also liked.Shogun can attest to this.After years of knowing he was bisexual,one day he spoke these words to me " I don't know why I am this way I wish I was normal and could get a wife and kids but I am the way I am and I can't change it to save my life ". Those words have stuck in my mind and I felt so bad for him. He was the type of person that everyone thought man this guy has got it together,but inside he was tormented.
I guess the best way I can put this is like this ,If a persons lifestyle makes him or her and the people he or she is invloved with happy great. If you don't like their lifestyle then your the one with the problem not them. In the old days homosexuals where tormented by others and they have feelings just like everyone else,they hurt more the hetros because some people look down on them. Judge not unless you are ready to be judged. I feel I have NO RIGHT what so ever to judge anyone. Everyone here at GM has skeletons in the closet ,dig them out and look at them when you put yourself in a position to think you can judge someone.
Now if someone hurts someone then yes there is a differance. Sirc has in the past said things to hurt some peoples feeling here at GM and when he posted this subject and I saw it I was like oh man here we go but it has turned out to be mostly a post that deserves to be discussed. And most of the comments have been valid and mature . I commend you all.
When you people run across a person in real life remember this if you will. that person has feelings and more than likely is a son or daughter or father or mom or brother and friend and uncle or aunt.Treat them as you would like to be treated and your life and theirs will be better.
In my life I try atleast 1 or 2 times a week to go out my way to help people I run into. I see a car broken down I help ,I see a lady trying to load something heavy I help.When they ask what they owe me I tell them when you see someone who needs help ,help them and have them do as well. kind like that show pay it forward.

03-17-2008, 05:13 PM
Well I just saw this topic and personnally I was exposed to being around people who where gay,bi,les. I found that most of the men that I met where very cool. I could never get used to seeing 2 men Kiss but after getting to know them I found that like Somenoe said being exposed to the lifestyle I came to accept it as to when I was first subjected to it I lashed out.
My brother passed away around 12 years ago and he was gay. When I found out it frankly floored me. My brother was the type of guy that could pick up women just with his personallity. But he had the looks that women also liked.Shogun can attest to this.After years of knowing he was bisexual,one day he spoke these words to me " I don't know why I am this way I wish I was normal and could get a wife and kids but I am the way I am and I can't change it to save my life ". Those words have stuck in my mind and I felt so bad for him. He was the type of person that everyone thought man this guy has got it together,but inside he was tormented.
I guess the best way I can put this is like this ,If a persons lifestyle makes him or her and the people he or she is invloved with happy great. If you don't like their lifestyle then your the one with the problem not them. In the old days homosexuals where tormented by others and they have feelings just like everyone else,they hurt more the hetros because some people look down on them. Judge not unless you are ready to be judged. I feel I have NO RIGHT what so ever to judge anyone. Everyone here at GM has skeletons in the closet ,dig them out and look at them when you put yourself in a position to think you can judge someone.
Now if someone hurts someone then yes there is a differance. Sirc has in the past said things to hurt some peoples feeling here at GM and when he posted this subject and I saw it I was like oh man here we go but it has turned out to be mostly a post that deserves to be discussed. And most of the comments have been valid and mature . I commend you all.
When you people run across a person in real life remember this if you will. that person has feelings and more than likely is a son or daughter or father or mom or brother and friend and uncle or aunt.Treat them as you would like to be treated and your life and theirs will be better.
In my life I try atleast 1 or 2 times a week to go out my way to help people I run into. I see a car broken down I help ,I see a lady trying to load something heavy I help.When they ask what they owe me I tell them when you see someone who needs help ,help them and have them do as well. kind like that show pay it forward.

Well said Chico. It all comes down to just being an open, good, and accepting person. What's the point of complicating things beyond reason when the answer is right in front of you. Deep down we are all the same and share similar emotions. It's good to share your emotions and feelings with other people because they can relate to you and you won't feel alienated.

03-19-2008, 03:40 AM
It's shocking what's been said at this thread :eek: doh!

Did it wake you up?

03-19-2008, 08:53 AM
interesting discussion. Homosexuals don't bother me as long as they don't try to hit at me. I know few gays and bisexual men and women and it's their own matter what they do and with who. I admit, I don't feel good when I see two men kissing but I don't have to watch them. I worked for some time in debts executioning company and a gay was my manager, whenever he wanted to piss me off or my friends, he was trying to hit at us. However he was a bastard because of his personality not because he was a gay. They are humans just the same as I am, and they have right to love other ppl no matter if it's the same gender or not.
As for homophobia, you should visit Poland, it's almost everywhere, especially amongst Catholics (as it's the main religion in this country).

03-20-2008, 08:52 AM

Death Engineer
04-18-2008, 05:36 AM
Sirc....you really know how to get things started don't you. ;)

Here's my take on things... I think your reaction is nor only normal, but it is probably typical. As far as where that comes from (hard wired, etc) I don't know, but I can attest to having felt similarly.

Growing up in one of the larger homosexual supportive cities (Austin, TX), I'm not a stranger to the idea. At times growing up my next door neighbors on both sides were homosexuals (guys on the right, gals on the left facing the street ;)). Being raised in a Christian home, what would you expect our family's reaction was?

Well, believe it or not, we befriended them. We invited them to our BBQs and played sports with them. These were nice people. I wasn't taught to hate them or fear them, but to treat them with kindness (like you would/should anyone else...).

All of that said, seeing 2 guys kiss disgusts me down to my core. And it does bring about a certain anger (similar for me to when I find out a man has abused a woman or a child). For me, it is all about hating the sin, but loving the sinner. If I can't do that, then I'm a hypocrite because heaven knows I'm as sinful as anyone else on this planet.

I don't buy the idea that homosexuals are "born that way" or that they have no choice any more than I have no choice but to choose to sin in some way (be it pride, selfishness, lust, etc). Anyone who has a problem with calling it a sin isn't arguing with me... you're arguing with the Bible. I hold the Bible up as my standard of truth. Romans 1 covers it pretty plainly. Whether you believe the Bible is a topic for another thread (as Sirc already said).

Anyways...that's my 2 cents. :)

04-20-2008, 04:16 PM
I find that the fact you wanted to hit the guy was disturbing. A violent reaction to a appearance.

You can be repulsed by something and feel ill or disturbed, but the fact that you felt the desire to lash out suggests you have deeper issues than homophobia

So, when you see someone acting in a way that is repulsive and disturbing, what goes on in your mind, Pure?

Let's look at it from a different perspective. When you see a really gorgeous woman at the beach wearing practically nothing, what goes on in your mind? Go ahead and tell me that you don't fantasize a bit about her.

Do you actually approach her and force yourself on her? Of course not (I assume). Because you can control your own actions. As can I.

I didn't have a violent reaction. I didn't outwardly react at all, besides switching lines.

It's also interesting that a few here have suggested that I may have some hidden bisexual or homosexual feelings that I'm struggling to suppress. Please don't project your own issues upon me. Or perhaps it's simply "jump on the bandwagon" mentality. Sorta like, if you don't support the war in Iraq then you aren't supporting our troops and you are anti-American.

Peer pressure has never worked on me. I'm a free thinker and I'm not afraid to express my opinions, whether anyone agrees with them or not. I know, what a shocking thing for Sirc to say, cause I'm such a mellow guy. ;)

04-20-2008, 11:22 PM
How is it possible to respond intelligently to your first post and now you last post, if you read it carefully its offensive and a preconception, please stick to game topics SIRC before you get banned again. . . :rolleyes: :down: