View Full Version : What a good time

03-17-2008, 03:11 AM
Just got back from the circus. Took my wife, daughter and god son, nephew and my cousin and his wife. Had a good time and always enjoy seeing the kids have fun. It chokes me up some times because I am grateful that I have the ability to take my daughter to such events and give her a good life which my parent could not afford to do. No shame on them though because it was what it was and these places make it very hard for families to be able to by selling water for 4.50 a bottle (20oz) among othe rthings. That kind of bothered me a bit and ofcourse I let them know it. I find it disgusting to be honest and it reminded me why my parents were not able to take me or my brothers and sisters to such things.

Anyway, here are a few pics. My wife said I went to the circus a few years ago but I do not recall it. I had a good time and so did everyone else.

03-17-2008, 03:57 AM
Cody said he went the other day and said it was good so I was happy to hear that. He went to the same place. I picked him up yesterday and brought him to my brothers house for some cornbeef and guitar hero.

03-17-2008, 04:04 AM
he got owned at my brothers house:D . Just ask him:thumbs: . Me on the other hand just plain suck at the game. I am sure you would just cringe watching me.

03-17-2008, 04:32 AM
I haven't been to a Circus in years, I may have to do something about that.

03-17-2008, 11:11 AM
Have to take Little E to one soon!

Caged Anger
03-17-2008, 12:21 PM
never been (those clowns...ack!)

03-17-2008, 01:26 PM
My parents took me to the Circus quite a few times, always had a blast, glad you and your family enjoyed it Bigg. Great pictures too!

He Is Legend
03-17-2008, 02:53 PM
Yeah that circus was bawlin, I really liked how the Ringmaster and the clown that kept stealing his hat interacted with the crowd instead of just showing events..When those 6-7 people on those motorcycles went into that metal circle ball thing, that was INSANE ! and I was waiting for one of those tigers to pounce on the trainer, they kept smacking his whips and his stick like they wanted to eat his ass alive, haha.

Aww man, how did your daughter get that light up nose ? That's the only thing I wanted from that damn place and some black guy said I needed a program to get it, I was like wtf..that black guy ruined my dreams

hahah, anyway yeah I got schooled at guitar hero by a big fatty, I still kept up with him on expert though..and that corn beef was madddd good

03-18-2008, 06:34 PM
awesome never seen anything like that huge circus :) kewl

hmm about the elephants i heard they cant lay down bcuz theyso heavy they will break their legs when they stand up again :O :P i heard that before im sure....maybe thats to male elephants that are bigger maybe thoose in the pic are females

03-18-2008, 07:16 PM
awesome never seen anything like that huge circus :) kewl

hmm about the elephants i heard they cant lay down bcuz theyso heavy they will break their legs when they stand up again :O :P i heard that before im sure....maybe thats to male elephants that are bigger maybe thoose in the pic are females

Hiya Sexy. :)

First let me say that elephants don't belong in a circus. But that's just me. They can and do lie down though:


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