View Full Version : Vista SP1...On Sale?

Caged Anger
03-17-2008, 08:59 PM
Ok, the downloadable version is free...but they are also going to be "selling" a version?


Maybe I'm not seeing this right...but that just seems to be robbery. They sent me a copy of XP SP2 for free back in the day....ack. How fair is it to take advantage of people who may not know any better than to go buy it instead of download it for free :confused:

03-18-2008, 02:01 PM
I believe this refers to buying a brand-new copy of Vista to install - new CD key and everything. It'll have SP1 already included when you install it.

It's not just the service pack.

Caged Anger
03-18-2008, 07:07 PM
o, ah....yes