View Full Version : Fat32 vs NTFS

Caged Anger
03-19-2008, 12:50 AM
This is something that has been bugging me for a while now.
I see on external hard drives what appears to be an even mix of those formatted with ntfs and those with Fat32. Whats up with that? I thought NTFS was the standard nowadays and better for that matter...

03-19-2008, 02:40 AM
Is it so hard to use Google.


Caged Anger
03-19-2008, 12:44 PM
I don't blindly trust everything i find on google, I ask in a place where I know I will get a response from knowlegable individuals.

03-20-2008, 12:25 AM
I don't blindly trust everything i find on google, I ask in a place where I know I will get a response from knowlegable individuals.

"Charlie Russel is currently an information technology consultant, having years of system administration experience with a specialty in combined Windows and UNIX networks. Charlie is the author of several books for IT professionals, including co-authoring these two recent titles: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator's Companion (Microsoft Press, 2003) and Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 Administrator's Companion (Microsoft Press, 2004)."

So you are saying the guy who wrote the above article isn't reliable or knowledgeable?

Come on. I know that you aren't a stupid person but some of the threads you post have made me think otherwise. Forums are places for specific questions, questions possibly relating to current technology or trends, something interesting to all of us. Notice how no one but myself and you have posted here. Marz seldom has anything worthwhile to contribute so I just ignore his posts for most of the time.

Caged Anger
03-20-2008, 02:42 AM
Scuse me, I didn't mean to put a question up that is so beneath you your eminence. I wanted the opinion from Gamemecca, possibly personal experience from using the 2 filesystems.

Considering how sparse the postings are around here why don't you shove a sock in your mouth and go sit on top of your mountain acting all high and mighty