View Full Version : Coke Rewards vs Pepsi Rewards

Caged Anger
03-19-2008, 12:41 PM
Pepsi wins this battle hands down. I don't know if any fo you guys collect the codes under the caps, but the pepsi ones are really worthwhile.

Coke limits you to entering 10 codes/day, the website is slow-ish, and the overall prize selection is pretty limited.

Pepsi on the other hand went and partnered with Amazon, no limit to codes entered / day, allowing for easy mp3 downloads for 5pts each..not too shabby :) plus movies and more cool amazon stuff.

Final verdict, Pepsi wins this fight in the Coke vs Pepsi war :thumbs:

03-19-2008, 02:45 PM
You're a rewards freak :P

Do you get one point per code? How do they work it? I never thought about pepsi rewards before, but I've got about 200 bottles in the garage that I've been asking Jag to go return!! He drinks a hell of alot of diet pepsi :confused:

Caged Anger
03-19-2008, 05:21 PM
yea, pepsi codes per bottle are with less than coke being only 1 pt, boxes only get a few more. But its compensated with the prize selection though

03-20-2008, 12:17 AM
Both are terrible for your teeth.