View Full Version : HOW TO GET A FREE PS3, XBOX 360 OR NINTENDO WII - Free Game Consoles Reply

04-26-2008, 06:54 PM
How to get a FREE Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii or XBOX 360 - -

1) Go to http://www.freenorthern.com

2) Fill out your shipping information

3) Sign-up for 2 or 3 Free Trials with no obligations (these are very easy to do and well worth the time spent doing them)

4) When completed you will get confirmation and expected delivery date of your console (usually a week)

This does work - there is little time invested for what you get in
return. You don't have to dish any money out or give any credit card or bank account information. These are no obligation trials and samples. Have fun with your new system.

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Link: http://www.freenorthern.com

04-26-2008, 06:57 PM
guess I should've put this in the Console Gaming section lol

Perfect aim
04-26-2008, 07:38 PM
i hate these websites they never work

04-26-2008, 08:53 PM
guess I should've put this in the Console Gaming section lol

Hope you weren't kidding, cause obviously I did for ya. :)

04-26-2008, 08:54 PM
So lemme ask you, have you tried any free offers from that site? If you did, were you successful?

I've heard some of these sites can be worth the effort required to get thier free offer, and others either never provided the gift or had too many hurdles to get past to make it worthwhile.

04-27-2008, 03:08 AM
saw this posted on tigerbait.com, I never tried this lol I just posted it :D

Asian Invasian
04-27-2008, 12:59 PM
Its not going to work, I did a pyramid scam for an elite 360 and had all of my friends sign up for free trials and it never worked.

Perfect aim
04-27-2008, 01:34 PM
yeah its all a bunch of rubbish

04-27-2008, 02:39 PM
Call right now and I, Billy Maise, will throw in a box of Oxyclean, a 19.95 value, for FREE.

04-30-2008, 08:14 PM
doubt it. the more legitimate ones will give things like subscriptions. basically you have to sign up for free offers and provide valid email & address of where to send. my wife was receiving crap for months and wondered how they got her name. It also never did work, because after the endless free offer signups there then come the 'trial' offer signups that require a CC. At that point I decided it was all BS and stopped. And this was for a magazine, not anything that costs lots of money.

04-30-2008, 08:34 PM
There definately are some that work. They require time and effort to work through and to do things like cancel any 30-day trial signups before billing starts and whatnot.

I have a link at work to a message board where there are a lot of users who go through all this stuff and get some amazingly high-dollar stuff for free.

From what I've read it just seems to have to know how to pick the 1 company that will pay from the 50 who won't.

And then when you know those companies, you have to know which ones have offers that you can accomplish without having to deal with scam vendors, etc.

Essentially, it's a minefield of potential downside and you have to work to get through it.

Which is why most don't. lol

05-08-2008, 09:07 PM
If anyone did this and worked. Can you please pictures? Thanks