View Full Version : So they say (Video Card related)

05-07-2008, 03:11 AM

So the latest rumor is the new video card coming out next month is suppose to be much better. WHile that should be true it is good to see more comeptition between the companies. I am sure Nvidia won't take long to release it's next card earlier than expected. One thing for sure is because of AMD/ATI, you can now get a great card for under 200 bucks. Maybe they do have somethings special but if they don't this company wont last.

I know I am at the edge with AMD so there next screw up will be the last regarding my purchases. I may support them but I will drop them like anything instead of being ripped off.

Death Engineer
05-07-2008, 10:30 PM
I have to agree WRT AMD/ATI. I was a huge AMD fan back in the K6 days and I've stuck to ATI video cards mainly because of their awesome no questions asked warranty replacement when I worked at a small computer store. But things seem to have gone significantly south recently. I keep hoping they have something up their sleeve, but they just seem to continue to drop like their own weight is drowning them. :(

I am pleased with the latest crop of video cards from both camps. Lots of power for not so much dineros.

05-07-2008, 10:53 PM
There technology is better than most think and theyhave a winning platform. It seems though that the people running AMD have no clue. I expect them to be bought out or a bigger and smarter company with $$$ running it within a year.