View Full Version : Prom...Pron...what's the difference?

05-12-2008, 10:41 PM
What was this girl thinking?


What were her parents thinking? She looks like she was casting for "Prom Girls Gone Bad VII" or attending the academy awards, and not attending a formal high school prom. She deserved what she got IMHO.

05-12-2008, 10:47 PM
Gross. Shows how very few people have any good taste in anything anymore.

05-12-2008, 10:53 PM
Ahahaaa...the last time I saw something like that was in "300" !!:rofl:

Die Hard
05-12-2008, 10:57 PM
Looks ok to me!

Gun Element
05-12-2008, 11:02 PM
Im just confused... ive seen worse dresses at my proms and/or dances at my school. and on girls who shouldnt be wearing dresses... A group of girls went in their bikini's for crying out loud, totally made it in the dance room and had a blast, from what I saw.

Ill point out my opinion and say.. thats not anything to FREAK out about.

Think about it. They can show it on tv, to public viewers without having to blur out/edit anything. Whats so bad about it? Like I said, bikini's are worse than that!

05-12-2008, 11:05 PM
Looks ok to me!

You have no taste whatsoever DH. The dress should have been a shade and a half lighter for her skin tone and the ruffles on the train are simply over the top, silly! :babe:

05-12-2008, 11:08 PM
Im just confused... ive seen worse dresses at my proms and/or dances at my school. and on girls who shouldnt be wearing dresses... A group of girls went in their bikini's for crying out loud, totally made it in the dance room and had a blast, from what I saw.

Ill point out my opinion and say.. thats not anything to FREAK out about.

Think about it. They can show it on tv, to public viewers without having to blur out/edit anything. Whats so bad about it? Like I said, bikini's are worse than that!

Bikinis? And they got into the prom?

I swear to God I was born 30 years too early. :banghead:

05-12-2008, 11:28 PM
Im just confused... ive seen worse dresses at my proms and/or dances at my school. and on girls who shouldnt be wearing dresses... A group of girls went in their bikini's for crying out loud, totally made it in the dance room and had a blast, from what I saw.

Ill point out my opinion and say.. thats not anything to FREAK out about.

Think about it. They can show it on tv, to public viewers without having to blur out/edit anything. Whats so bad about it? Like I said, bikini's are worse than that!

Proms are supposed to be formal. Formal attire does not include swim suits. Your school system failed horribly by letting girls in bikinis into the prom.

I don't mean to sound like a prude, and hey, the outfit is hot, but it is not formal attire. Would you show up to a family member's wedding in a swim suit?

Common sense seems to have gone out the window. Schools have become either too strict or to too lenient. This particular school made the right call IMO.

05-12-2008, 11:29 PM
May as well make it 4 posts in a row! :D

05-12-2008, 11:31 PM
You have no taste whatsoever DH. The dress should have been a shade and a half lighter for her skin tone and the ruffles on the train are simply over the top, silly! :babe:

Ahahaa..that's true !!!

She should have gone home and changed into something....else...:rolleyes:

05-12-2008, 11:38 PM
Ahahaa..that's true !!!

She should have gone home and changed into something....else...:rolleyes:


That's gonna be her wedding dress in 7 months. :D

05-13-2008, 12:25 AM
The dress looks good for certain situations but totally inappropriate for a high school prom.

05-13-2008, 02:12 AM
It all comes down to class. Honestly just listening to her speak you can tell she is ghetto trash. She has a tatoo on her already and she did not even graduate HS yet. Either she actually is legal to get a tattoo regardless of still being in HS or her parent is just typical. She probably watches MTV and thinks she looks just as good as the trash that wears it in the videos. You have to love society. My prediction for her in 10 years.... Mattress strapped to her back, missing teeth and a crack addiction if that is already the case.

05-13-2008, 08:57 PM
i know a guy that went to prom shirtless, with a tie loosely tied to his neck, and boxer shorts with unkempt hair with sandles on

05-14-2008, 11:42 AM
who cares? aslong they are happy with them self? everyone have diffrent taste uggly that was i think lol still maybe nice in their eyes :P

(cant see the video at work) but i mean thoose two pics that are posted

05-14-2008, 02:07 PM
i know a guy that went to prom shirtless, with a tie loosely tied to his neck, and boxer shorts with unkempt hair with sandles on

So what did your date wear?

05-14-2008, 03:55 PM
So what did your date wear?

You misunderstand AI, that WAS his date.

05-14-2008, 04:43 PM
You misunderstand AI, that WAS his date.

Since when am I AI? o.O

05-14-2008, 04:44 PM
So what did your date wear?



05-14-2008, 04:58 PM
people have been complaining about the younger generation forever. people have been complaining about 'other types' of people from before forever. this is just another something to let go of.

05-14-2008, 04:58 PM
Since when am I AI? o.O

Dammit! I thought AI posted that. :D

05-14-2008, 05:42 PM
people have been complaining about the younger generation forever. people have been complaining about 'other types' of people from before forever. this is just another something to let go of.

I don't think it's a matter of "kids will be kids" here. Or a matter of a generation gap. Or a matter of someone being discriminated against for being an "other type" I think this girl stepped over the line on what is appropriate dress for a formal high school social event. Context is everything.

What if she would have shown up naked? Would that have been "another something to let go of"? Or do social standards need to be set? It can't be both ways.

05-14-2008, 06:05 PM
social standards have never been wrong. just don't take off the burka in the wrong place. "social standards" means the same as "petty biases". Just more silliness, like getting kicked off a plane because your outfit is too sexy.

05-14-2008, 06:21 PM
It's not just social standards it's simple cause and effect. E.g. Show up wearing a revealing dress to a party after the prom => get raped. Simple.

05-14-2008, 06:34 PM
social standards have never been wrong. just don't take off the burka in the wrong place. "social standards" means the same as "petty biases". Just more silliness, like getting kicked off a plane because your outfit is too sexy.

I understand what you are saying, but I think you are simplifying things too much. Or maybe being too broad in scope. Like I said, context is everything.

Basically what you are saying is that every individual should be able to act and express themselves however they wish. That's not the way a society works, on any level. Without social standards, or "petty biases", you end up with anarchy, and anarchy doesn't work unless you're living alone on a desert island.

Of course social standards change over time. And the kids in high school today will be running government and making laws and setting social standards in 20 years. Maybe they will make the world a better place. I hope so. :)

As for the plane thing or the Islamic reference, I think that's beyond the scope of this discussion.

05-14-2008, 06:47 PM
the only true social standards are....


that is what prevents anarchy.

put society in the mix, applying random standards, and that is how the lynchings of the last century happened.

if something is wrong, then make a law to govern the behavior.

and exe, I would think you could control yourself better than to rape a woman over some silly top, or were you presuming to speak for all men excepting yourself?

Death Engineer
05-14-2008, 06:51 PM
Let's put it this way....would you want your daughter going to the prom like that? I'd hope not. For the record, there are much less revealing dresses that I would equally disapprove of from a parental/modesty perspective.

I don't think that means we need a law for this. You can't legislate common sense.

05-14-2008, 06:58 PM
the only true social standards are....


that is what prevents anarchy.

put society in the mix, applying random standards, and that is how the lynchings of the last century happened.

if something is wrong, then make a law to govern the behavior.

Laws. Which laws? Federal? State? City? County? Township? School?

Public schools are run by elected officials who are in place to govern the schools. They make the laws concerning the school system. These laws include dress codes.

05-14-2008, 07:06 PM
the only true social standards are....


that is what prevents anarchy.

put society in the mix, applying random standards, and that is how the lynchings of the last century happened.

if something is wrong, then make a law to govern the behavior.

and exe, I would think you could control yourself better than to rape a woman over some silly top, or were you presuming to speak for all men excepting yourself?

First off anarchy doesn't mean an absence of laws or rules it just means no government. When there are no laws, norms, standards then we just have chaos. Anarchy doesn't have to be chaos because the idea is that eventually people will be able to govern themselves.

My example was obviously a hyberbole. Unless the girl already has a reputation for dressing the way she does then she will likely suffer backlash for her actions from peers and teachers. This would not necessarily have to be rape, but perhaps something along the lines of being treated and regarded as person without class or common sense. Personally I don't even find the girl very attractive. Clearly she was doing it to get attention.

05-14-2008, 07:20 PM
First off anarchy doesn't mean an absence of laws or rules it just means no government. When there are no laws, norms, standards then we just have chaos. Anarchy doesn't have to be chaos because the idea is that eventually people will be able to govern themselves.

Anarchy doesn't work. Anarchy leads to micro-societies that inevitably conflict. If you can link me to any time in history where true anarchy has lead to peace and a stable society, then please do. Laws in an anarchical situation are pointless without some sort of centralized government with some sort of common law governing all.

05-14-2008, 07:56 PM
My example was obviously a hyberbole. Unless the girl already has a reputation for dressing the way she does then she will likely suffer backlash for her actions from peers and teachers. This would not necessarily have to be rape, but perhaps something along the lines of being treated and regarded as person without class or common sense. Personally I don't even find the girl very attractive. Clearly she was doing it to get attention.

It was a bad hyperbole. It doesn't matter what the girl was wearing. Rape is a criminal offense perpetrated by a deviant member of society. No one should force themselves on another person. It's a social norm not to do such a thing.

Or maybe it's just a "petty bias". :P

Okay, that was bad. But it furthers my point.

05-14-2008, 08:19 PM
rape is a crime against which there are laws, thus it is a true social standard. all else is petty silliness. if people want to set standards then they should set them by example, and not by dictating to others what they should do and how they should do it. Would I want my daughter to dress that way? No. Would I allow it? She wouldn't do that, so its not a concern. On the other hand she wears thongs, but pretty much all kids do. So the social conventions are changing. You cannot effectively judge the conventions of your time against the conventions of now. Even 10 years makes a huge difference. If the girl needed attention, she certainly got it.

05-14-2008, 08:55 PM
Jim's right about social standards. IF the social standard was to go naked to a prom, that would be 100% alright. However, its not the social standard, in this country at least, and so you shouldn't go to prom naked, or even a cock sock if you're the more conservative type.

05-15-2008, 02:02 AM
rape is a crime against which there are laws, thus it is a true social standard. all else is petty silliness. if people want to set standards then they should set them by example, and not by dictating to others what they should do and how they should do it. Would I want my daughter to dress that way? No. Would I allow it? She wouldn't do that, so its not a concern. On the other hand she wears thongs, but pretty much all kids do. So the social conventions are changing. You cannot effectively judge the conventions of your time against the conventions of now. Even 10 years makes a huge difference. If the girl needed attention, she certainly got it.

You are all over the map here. Rape is a crime because there is a law against it, and therefore it is a "true social standard". There are laws regarding many things. They all reflect social standards just as much as the law against rape does. By your own reasoning this is so.

Anything that falls outside the law may or may not be silly. School dress codes, however, are in fact law, made by school board officials who are elected into their position. The girl was trying to break the law, and she was in handcuffs at one point and was given a choice to go home or go to jail. You don't get to chose which laws apply to you and which don't.

You are also dodging the question about letting your daughter go to the prom naked. I didn't ask what she would do, I asked what you would do as a responsible parent if she chose to do it. You totally deflected the question so as to take no responsibility upon yourself. You mentioned that she wears thongs, and then mentioned that pretty much all the kids do. As a parent, it doesn't matter what pretty much all the kids do. You're responsibility is to ensure that what YOUR child is doing follows the values and standards that YOU have set forth as being appropriate. In your family YOU are the law-maker, and it is YOUR responsibility to enforce those laws. Screw what the other kids are doing.

And, finally, the conventions of now are set by mature adults (mostly :rolleyes: ), and not by 17/18 year old high school students. Yes, ten years does make a huge difference. That's why attention-starved 17/18 year olds aren't allowed to dictate school policy. And this is a perfect example of why they shouldn't be allowed to do so.

05-15-2008, 02:25 AM
You don't get to chose which laws apply to you and which don't.

If you are smart enough and/or have enough money/influence then you most certainly do.

05-15-2008, 03:34 AM
If you are smart enough and/or have enough money/influence then you most certainly do.

that's always been true in my case :D

05-15-2008, 07:30 AM
after rewatching the video I see that I was wrong, in that they had a complete disclaimer that explicitly detailed what was not allowed as part of the dress policy that had to be signed in order to get tickets for the event. That's fine. so she was trying to make her own rules. She got bounced. Fine too. Millions of people have little debates. Interesting. What should not happen is an "unwritten policy" that is arbitrarily enforced depending on who is there to do the enforcing. That would be my objection, and it did not happen here. :D

And no, I would not let my daughter go out nude. She does get a lot of privileges but she also has a lot of responsibilities that she has been handling very well.

05-15-2008, 12:46 PM
Like I said, it all comes down to class but I ust add people standard of living.

Enjoy some pics from an e-mail I was sent pf some prom.

05-15-2008, 01:57 PM
Wow! Kinda makes me want to wish I went to my prom to see what people were dressed like. Never knew that these events were synonymous with costume parties.

05-15-2008, 02:34 PM
last picture is just rofl, i don't know how she can walk with such long nails..whatever for me this looks repulsive... i mean is not pretty(sexy) , and practical either
Like I said, it all comes down to class but I ust add people standard of living.

Enjoy some pics from an e-mail I was sent pf some prom.

05-15-2008, 03:14 PM
Damn that freak could climb a telephone phone in 2 seconds flat with those claws!

05-15-2008, 10:54 PM
i don't know how she can walk with such long nails..

backwards! :P

and that looks more like pimp and ho night to me instead of a prom :rofl:

05-16-2008, 02:50 PM
All of you guys know that chick in white has been your spanking footage since I posted it:D

Asian Invasian
05-16-2008, 06:01 PM
Wow! Kinda makes me want to wish I went to my prom to see what people were dressed like. Never knew that these events were synonymous with costume parties.
Of the two proms I went to, there was only like one or two idiots both proms who dressed like a moron.

05-16-2008, 07:43 PM
Theres always one and that person usually ends up with a lot of cats or in a clinic.

05-16-2008, 09:25 PM
wow i just saw the video. umm...first of all she's black, and that's common to dress like a ho for black girls. its a fact cuz i see it everyday. danny could back me up on this.
second of all, anyone wearing something as provocative as that in a society where sex is demonized is foolish since everyone knows if u superss sexual urge, it comes out at some later point as rape, sexual abuse, etc.

05-17-2008, 07:57 PM
second of all, anyone wearing something as provocative as that in a society where sex is demonized is foolish since everyone knows if u superss sexual urge, it comes out at some later point as rape, sexual abuse, etc.

The only thing that leads to rape is a deviant member of society. Men who rape women are sociopaths. Period. Blaming a woman for getting raped, no matter how she chooses to dress, is bullshit.

Enough already with the rape stupidity.

EDIT: Also, enough already with the black stereotyping. You can find just as many pictures of white trash as black trash on the interwebs.

05-17-2008, 08:45 PM
come to nyc, you'll see what i mean :P