View Full Version : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

He Is Legend
05-29-2008, 11:38 PM
IMDB Link - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338013/

I know, I know..it's an old movie, but has anyone seen it? You'd think it was a chick flick, but its soo much more. Has to be one of my favorite roles played by Jim Carrey since " The Majestic ".

" This is the story of a guy, Joel ( Jim Carrey ) , who discovers that his long-time girlfriend, Clementine ( Kate Winslet ), has undergone a psychiatrist's experimental procedure in which all of her memory of Joel is removed, after the couple has tried for years to get their relationship working fluidly. Frustrated by the idea of still being in love with a woman who doesn't remember their time together, Joel agrees to undergo the procedure as well, to erase his memories of Clementine. The film, which takes place mostly within Joel's mind, follows his memories of Clementine backwards in time as each recent memory is replaced, and the procedure then goes on to the previous one, which is likewise seen, and then erased. Once the process starts, however, Joel realizes he doesn't really want to forget Clementine, so he starts smuggling her away into parts of his memory where she doesn't belong which alters other things about his memories as well..."

^Taken from IMDB

05-30-2008, 04:46 AM
I did not expect to like it (got it to have a wife-appeasing movie), but found it very, very enjoyable indeed.

Death Engineer
07-20-2008, 09:37 PM
Why didn't someone tell me about this forum!!!

Jim Carrey is one of my favorite actors. I love his zany antics both on and off screen. I've seen this one twice and I have to tell you, the first time I was completely lost trying to keep up with the story. It's a bit of a trip.

The second time, I was watching it more for Carrey's acting and I have to say that he really knows how to get into a role. Some of those memory sequences were pretty creative.

Overall, I was a bit let down with this one. The premise was a bit flawed (forgetting doesn't erase the past). But it does have some redeeming value as opposed to watching prime time sitcoms.

I give it 2.5 of 5.0 on the DE meter.