View Full Version : How do I turn off the download cap?

06-05-2008, 06:34 PM
My computer caps downloads at 160kb/s but I heard you can get higher. I tried google using some of the tweaks but they don't seem to work. Anyone here know a good way to do it?

06-05-2008, 07:26 PM
Your post does not explain excatly what you are looking to do. You did not list any information and your question is incomplete.

Please revise or I will have to delete the thread. I encourage people who make a thread to follow guidelines. You have not listed anything and When I read whatyou are asking I have no real clue exactly what it is.

Please revise and update your question.

06-06-2008, 03:27 AM
My computer caps downloads at 160kb/s but I heard you can get higher. I tried google using some of the tweaks but they don't seem to work. Anyone here know a good way to do it?

Your ISP sets a bandwidth cap therefore limiting the amount of kB/s you can upload or download. There are a number of download accelerators I used back in the day but none provided a significant boost. I think the most I ever got was a 1.5x increase in download speed.

Just name your ISP, the type of connection they provide (DSL, cable, etc), and post your system specs.

06-06-2008, 07:28 PM
What I don't get is that my provider says I get 1.5 Mb/s but let say I download a video clip, I get only 160kb/s so is Windows capping my downloads? However, I am upgrading to 3Mb/s so would it go faster or still capped at 160kb/s on downloads?
This is my provider (ADSL): http://consumer.telus.com/portalWeb/inlineLink/CP_SCS/Product/Internet/High_Speed/Compare/High_Speed_Plans_and_Prices/?_region=AB

I don't think my computer specs affect it but embarrassingly its a (I don't play PC games anymore except consoles):
-P4 2.0 GHz
-768mb ram
-160GB + 80GB harddrive
-Geforce 5500 FX
-Windows Xp Home

Upgrading soon though

06-06-2008, 08:23 PM
What I don't get is that my provider says I get 1.5 Mb/s but let say I download a video clip, I get only 160kb/s so is Windows capping my downloads? However, I am upgrading to 3Mb/s so would it go faster or still capped at 160kb/s on downloads?

1.5 Mb(megabit) is the same as 187KB (kilobyte) (formula 8bits = 1byte) so you are close to what you should be getting. Plus some sites you download from will put a cap on your speed to save bandwidth. Try this site to test your download speed. SPEAKEASY (http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/) or this one SPEEDTEST (http://www.speedtest.net/)
You upgrade to 3Mb and your download speed should double

06-06-2008, 10:28 PM
Ah I see... I got mixed up between megabytes and megabits. I would get less lag and stuff too right if I play games?? Or is it just for downloading files? Thanks in advance. :thumbs:

06-12-2008, 10:07 PM
Gaming.... upload speeds are just as important as download speed. Depending on were the severs are located upgrading should help your lag problem. 1.5 down with 1.5 up will work better than 3 meg down and 786 k up.

Here Verizon Fios: I live in PA and pinged the Atlanta server using the link Goober provided. :thumbs:

06-13-2008, 06:34 PM
You upgrade to 3Mb and your download speed should double

It should be noted taht this is only theoretically true.

Your download is also capped by the speed of the bandwidth of the machine serving it.

If the machine serving is on a connection w/ only 1.5 Mb upload, you can only download it at 1.5 Mb, regardless of what your connection speed is.

And that's assuming that you're the only download. If there's more than 1, you're sharing that 1.5 Mb connection, and it'll go down more.

In general you will see speed increase, for sure, but remember that not everything will always fly.