View Full Version : The Incredible Hulk - Theater

06-16-2008, 03:12 PM



Depicting the events after the Gamma Bomb. 'The Incredible Hulk' tells the story of Dr Bruce Banner, who seeks a cure to his unique condition, which causes him to turn into a giant green monster under emotional stress. Whilst on the run from military which seeks his capture, Banner comes close to a cure. But all is lost when a new creature emerges; The Abomination. Written by Graham Kroon

A cure is in reach for the world's most primal force of fury: THE INCREDIBLE HULK. We find scientist Bruce Banner, living in shadows, scouring the planet for an antidote. But the warmongers who dream of abusing his powers won't leave him alone, nor will his need to be with the only woman he has ever loved, Betty Ross. Upon returning to civilization, our brilliant doctor is ruthlessly pursued by The Abomination -- a nightmarish beast of pure adrenaline and aggression whose powers match The Hulk's own. A fight of comic-book proportions ensues as Banner must call upon the hero within to rescue New York City from total destruction. One scientist must make an agonizing final choice -- accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or the creature he could permanently become: THE INCREDIBLE HULK. Written by Babak A.

This SMOKED the '03 Hulk movie. I thought the action and story moved along at a nice pace and enough to hold your attention. The fight scenes and effects were great, there were a few things that didn't make sense but you have to let them take a few liberties afterall this is about a comicbook character.

All in all this is a good summertime movie. Just when I thought the movie was done and I hope to not spoil it by saying this and you may not catch it unless you have seen this other recent movie but something happens in the ending scene that surprised me and has me REALLY interested in the future. ;)

Something that has always bugged me about the Hulk. Bruce Banner is like what 6' at the most, the Hulk is well over twice that and yet those pants seem to not rip open and fall off. When he goes back to Banner, although ripped, they resize back down to fit him again. :D

4/5 stars

Also despite this dumbass move by Norton to not to help promote the movie http://www.imdb.com/news/ni0247597/, the movie still rocked this weekend and finished ahead of The Happening.

06-16-2008, 03:21 PM
Ouch, that kinda hurts. They re-do the hulk, get it right, and the main actor has a falling out with them and (assumedly) won't return for a sequel.

To be honest, Hulk has never interested me in the least. I will see this, purely because a) Norton is amazing and b) Downey Jr makes an appearance as Tony Stark.

06-16-2008, 04:22 PM
The Stark thing at the end was what I didn't want to spoil for you all but whatever.

Lou Ferrigno http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Ferrigno also makes an appearance in the movie

06-16-2008, 08:44 PM
The Stark thing at the end was what I didn't want to spoil for you all but whatever.

Lou Ferrigno http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Ferrigno also makes an appearance in the movie

Oh. Well, they've been talking about how Downey had a cameo in the movies for months, so I didn't figure it was a big deal.

06-16-2008, 09:06 PM
here's the answer... spandex denim

06-16-2008, 09:57 PM
Oh. Well, they've been talking about how Downey had a cameo in the movies for months, so I didn't figure it was a big deal.

They even show him in one of the promotional trailers.

06-17-2008, 02:42 AM
So, did everyone but me not see Bill Bixby at one point in the movie? ;)