View Full Version : Its really sad..

06-19-2008, 11:05 AM
I am posting this in "general" so everybody have a chance to see it.
I have been playing with alias and with my tag for awhile now, just to see how other players react to me.
Many of the "good" players from the big clans treat med nice with tag,but without..jesus......
When I beat them as an alias, then I am a alias noob..big nooob..idiot,cheater,looser and all that stuff.And this is from players that we all now to be "good" players.
Does it really matter if u use alias or not,or cant they just stand being beat by someone they dont know who it is?
I know one thing though.
I have lost alot of respect for many players in the "big" clans...:down:
And btw, this is true....no Villains ever behaved badly,not even once..
Good on u guys and girls...
And one more thing.If someone gets mad about this post..I dont care..Its just the truth...

06-19-2008, 12:25 PM
heh Omega Campers next in queue, his mouth was full of sh1t after being fragged with sniper by me on compound, he was trahsing me through half of game, then he left:down:Lady as witness on observer.

06-19-2008, 12:47 PM
heh Omega Campers next in queue, his mouth was full of sh1t after being fragged with sniper by me on compound, he was trahsing me through half of game, then he left:down:Lady as witness on observer.
Yes he is one of them......
There are even a couple from figona too...

06-19-2008, 01:28 PM
And btw, this is true....no Villains ever behaved badly,not even once..

ghost too? :P

The Priest
06-19-2008, 01:47 PM
agree 100% andy:thumbs: i get trashed every day when im alias:D maybe we should name these idiots:D

i will go first - oldstars striker:down:

huggy :D

06-19-2008, 01:52 PM
Huggy and Die Hard always call me lol

06-19-2008, 02:22 PM
oh forgot (it was too obvious), there are two Villains who trash as hell each other during the game, I guess noone else trashes that much...
hehe guess who:P

06-19-2008, 03:11 PM
oh forgot (it was too obvious), there are two Villains who trash as hell each other during the game, I guess noone else trashes that much...
hehe guess who:P

Ooops ignore the edit, I pressed edit instead of quote lol...

I think that, Dommi throws things at you lol ;) Oh yeah, and nexuiz works now too, was my radeon card that was knackered. Just got a 7600gt in, and its running well.

06-19-2008, 03:19 PM
w00t glad to hear that Darren:):wootrock:
to see who is on PK minsta server atm.
Honestly we throw at each other, hehe worst trashing ever.Good that only during the game, it sounds funny for someone else...- you ****ing mother****er (and so on) ended by "I love You Honey, it was a good game":D

06-19-2008, 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Banshee
oh forgot (it was too obvious), there are two Villains who trash as hell each other during the game, I guess noone else trashes that much...
hehe guess who

hmm,nick and me,or is it you and lady:D

hmm we should organise a trash match for Villains, would be great:cool:everything stays in da Family;):)but that is different than throwing sh1t at ppl and to mean it seriously

Asian Invasian
06-19-2008, 04:28 PM
Hopefully no LE..

06-19-2008, 08:36 PM
I dont trash with my tags on.
Only as alias, hope thas oki :-)

06-19-2008, 09:41 PM
Hopefully no LE..

Ive only ever been in a server with Prosciutto, and would like to add, that hes an awesome sport, and a privealage to play with. There arnt really many polite people in this game anymore. And to be one of them, certainly gains you a hell load of respect.

So to the few of us that play, lets wear our tags and just have fun :)

Asian Invasian
06-19-2008, 11:24 PM
Ive only ever been in a server with Prosciutto, and would like to add, that hes an awesome sport, and a privealage to play with. There arnt really many polite people in this game anymore. And to be one of them, certainly gains you a hell load of respect.

So to the few of us that play, lets wear our tags and just have fun :)

The few times I play you know I will have my tags on.
Posciutto is awesome and is a great addition to our clan, I am glad you beleive so also. :D

06-20-2008, 09:11 AM
Yes he is one of them......
There are even a couple from figona too...
I saw a faker using Figona tag without a nick, possibly that player ?
If you don't want to give out their names here plz PM me. I will post a notice in our private (without mention them personally).
Anyway I'm playing a few games myself now here and there. Would be great too see you again Andy !

06-20-2008, 03:46 PM
:D Just only word " Rats"! :P
hmm we should organise a trash match for Villains, would be great:cool:everything stays in da Family;):)but that is different than throwing sh1t at ppl and to mean it seriously

06-20-2008, 03:57 PM
Just ignore, i know some ppl whos says " I never playing alias", but they playing... lol. I personally have no problem playing with aliases ,only when they trashing me

QUOTE=Andy;853434]I am posting this in "general" so everybody have a chance to see it.
I have been playing with alias and with my tag for awhile now, just to see how other players react to me.
Many of the "good" players from the big clans treat med nice with tag,but without..jesus......
When I beat them as an alias, then I am a alias noob..big nooob..idiot,cheater,looser and all that stuff.And this is from players that we all now to be "good" players.
Does it really matter if u use alias or not,or cant they just stand being beat by someone they dont know who it is?
I know one thing though.
I have lost alot of respect for many players in the "big" clans...:down:
And btw, this is true....no Villains ever behaved badly,not even once..
Good on u guys and girls...
And one more thing.If someone gets mad about this post..I dont care..Its just the truth...[/QUOTE]

06-21-2008, 04:55 AM
well i play alias, sometimes, every now and then, when im bored, in the anything goes server, so that i can kill people, for fun, sometimes. kinda because well, my tag took 5 minutes to make and i dont feel like doing it again. Prociouttos hardcore video gives away my alias, but if youve met me, you know i dont hide my name if someone knows (lol, DDG :D).

Trashed? dont know, rarely read the messages. probably though.
and ive heard this before "what the hell, you never miss."

who wouldnt take that as a compliment?

too bad i dont play that much...
like i used to

if anyone feels like screwing around in a server with a bunch of people, let me know. i know how to have fun

06-23-2008, 03:32 AM
Pick yours:

I like to complain about:

1) sam
2) the people playing sam
3) the people complaining about the people playing sam

andy, you are no different from anyone else.

Asian Invasian
06-23-2008, 03:57 AM
Pick yours:

I like to complain about:

1) sam
2) the people playing sam
3) the people complaining about the people playing sam

andy, you are no different from anyone else.

4. the people complaining about the people complaining about the people playing sam.


drop dead gorgeous
06-23-2008, 04:05 AM
shhh i never ever say hey sui in a server. but i think this topic should rest in p3ace ;)

06-23-2008, 11:01 AM
Hopefully no LE..

Black Spirit trashs a lot lool.

I got trashed from Oldstarz Striker,Figona Shooter, and many more.
Also players who used alias themselves.:rolleyes:

06-23-2008, 12:40 PM
Unfortunately, as we all know.

Sam has always had people that trash each other.

For those that still play good on you,

I know i tend to grab the occasional game now and again, and always manage to find servers with decent people in them.

AI and everyone that has donated to the LE/GM server good on you to for providing a public server.

To the people that Dont play, maybe you should dig out sam, and come for a few games with us (Villains), im sure you wouldnt regret it.

drop dead gorgeous
06-23-2008, 05:07 PM
agreed darren :) more people need to whip this game out again and play it.

Asian Invasian
06-23-2008, 05:08 PM
I just played a few games yesterday and today.

06-23-2008, 09:21 PM
when u guys search for a player, I am here:P

06-24-2008, 09:14 AM
4. the people complaining about the people complaining about the people playing sam.


06-24-2008, 09:41 AM
hehe yeah I like that one most:D

Die Hard
06-29-2008, 02:33 PM
Trashing is good for the soul

06-29-2008, 06:27 PM
Trashing is good for the soul

Noob ! :D

06-29-2008, 08:42 PM
i noticed sam is completley dead in the US, as opposed to last year when it was still barely on life support. perhaps it will be like the FE comunity, where ppl get together on MSN to set up games in the servers.

06-29-2008, 09:22 PM
I always see active servers and Villains :D

06-30-2008, 02:35 PM
well last time i checked (3 months ago) there was nobody in the servers :P

Faber 2008
06-30-2008, 03:10 PM
heh Omega Campers next in queue, his mouth was full of sh1t after being fragged with sniper by me on compound, he was trahsing me through half of game, then he left:down:Lady as witness on observer.

:rofl: :rofl: ahaha Omi trash mee too when i kill him with Sniper, becose he hate to be killed by sniper :P he always call me noob/snipernoob or someting like that, but this isn't trash man..i never saw Omi saying someting like idiot stupid or shit like that :thumbs:

Faber 2008
06-30-2008, 03:21 PM
I am posting this in "general" so everybody have a chance to see it.
I have been playing with alias and with my tag for awhile now, just to see how other players react to me.
Many of the "good" players from the big clans treat med nice with tag,but without..jesus......
When I beat them as an alias, then I am a alias noob..big nooob..idiot,cheater,looser and all that stuff.And this is from players that we all now to be "good" players.
Does it really matter if u use alias or not,or cant they just stand being beat by someone they dont know who it is?
I know one thing though.
I have lost alot of respect for many players in the "big" clans...:down:
And btw, this is true....no Villains ever behaved badly,not even once..
Good on u guys and girls...
And one more thing.If someone gets mad about this post..I dont care..Its just the truth...
Isn't that big deal man, i get trashed every day using the tag so..:rolleyes: and i personaly dnt like playing with alias..i like to know who own me or who is getting owned :D and if you want the real truth also Villains have some bad boy :P or maybe was just a bad day..

Die Hard
07-01-2008, 12:34 AM
Hides away in shame :D

07-01-2008, 01:52 AM
hey paul, when you next down this end m8 ? Was at Kevs saturday just gone, excellent piss up m8 :)