View Full Version : Kingdom Of Loathing

07-14-2008, 06:56 PM
Just curious? Any Kingdom of Loathing players?

KoL is a web-based tongue-in-cheek point-and-click game just chock full of hypens and other things.

Totally free game, pretty silly and fun. Good for wasting 10-30 minutes here and there. You are limited in how many adventures a day you get, so no matter what you can't play it all that long.

Goofy classes like Seal Clubber, Disco Bandit, Sauceror, etc.

Money is measured in meat. Lots of pop culture references (Like a bottle of Vodka that's called Definit Vodka instead of Absolut. And at one point you fight Knights in White Satin) and other odd stuff.


Anyways, just curious.


07-14-2008, 11:50 PM
ha ha! Go to Mt. Noob to talk to Mr Toot Oriole!


I love it already.

07-15-2008, 11:58 PM
Lots of fun, eh?

If you stay around at all, shoot me a message and I'll hook you up with my clan and some toys.