View Full Version : Hey guys...

07-24-2008, 06:47 AM
Tell me how bad I messed up. I bought just plain ol' TF2. When i was about to start again, the latency for every single server was 1500+

I had read the system requirements and I noticed I was clear above the minimum for each of them

well, except my processor is 1.8 GHz (minimum is 1.2). Is that why its lagging so bad? I would LIKE to hope not (im kidding myself), so is there some other way to bring the game to a playable state?

07-24-2008, 09:42 AM
Hey Suicidal, my processor is also 1.8 GHz and my game is going well, i have in UK or France servers 60 latency or less. I hope some1 can help you , and see you soon in this great game!

07-24-2008, 09:49 AM
Sounds more like a conflict with the firewall. So I suggest u put ur firewall off first before you start the game.:thumbs:

You also might try to run ur own server to c what the trouble is.

Ping 1500+ during searching for servers or once you start playing the ping rises? (if so you might have to turn down some settings like dynamic lighting and AA etc.)

07-24-2008, 11:06 PM
I figured it out. I was trying to play at 2:00-3:00 in the morning, so I didn't realize my brother in the other room was DESTROYING the internet. i played today, and it seemed to be alright. (And when my brother got home, it wasn't running so smooth anymore).


08-04-2008, 03:10 AM
I'm having a problem with Steam now. All of a sudden it wont work, saying I don't have an internet connection, but obviously I do. Something tells me other people have had this problem before, so does anyone know of a fix to this?

The first time I hear DMZ I'll be convinced...

08-04-2008, 09:58 AM
I know I've read places that Steam has had issues like that. Just another reason why I H-A-T-E Steam and all things related to it.

I can't help you, but I'm betting Google can.

Good Luck.

08-06-2008, 02:23 AM
I'm having a problem with Steam now. All of a sudden it wont work, saying I don't have an internet connection, but obviously I do. Something tells me other people have had this problem before, so does anyone know of a fix to this?

The first time I hear DMZ I'll be convinced...

I don't know if you've managed to resolve this issue yet, but I had the same problem with my steam client. All you have to do is delete clientregistry.blob. Which can be found in your main Steam directory (usually C:/Program Files/Steam -or- C:/Steam.)

08-06-2008, 04:52 AM
Amazing. I looked high and low though the steam folder for something to do to fix it, annd I couldn't find it. Before I posted this, I spent an hour searching places with the problem, and they ALL said to turn off the demilitarized zone on the router. I'm glad I asked here...
Thanks so much man, you saved me for this upcoming week of boredom. How did you happen to figure this out, by the way?

08-06-2008, 05:12 PM
Amazing. I looked high and low though the steam folder for something to do to fix it, annd I couldn't find it. Before I posted this, I spent an hour searching places with the problem, and they ALL said to turn off the demilitarized zone on the router. I'm glad I asked here...
Thanks so much man, you saved me for this upcoming week of boredom. How did you happen to figure this out, by the way?

I did a simple Google search and came across a forum which told me what file to delete.. My DMZ was off anyway and the problem occurred very sporadically so I figured something got messed up in my registry or in the steam folder.

Siron Ex
08-06-2008, 06:42 PM
I know I've read places that Steam has had issues like that. Just another reason why I H-A-T-E Steam and all things related to it.