View Full Version : Bigfoot body found?

08-12-2008, 09:11 PM
From Cryptomundo:

A body that may very well be the body of the creature commonly known as “Bigfoot” has been found in the woods in northern Georgia.

DNA evidence and photo evidence of the creature will be presented in a press conference on Friday, August 15th from 12 Noon to 1:00pm at the Cabana Hotel-Palo AltoCheck out the entire story here! (http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/ga-gorilla/)

I've been keeping serious tabs on this topic since it first came to light. Paranormal sites were skeptical at best, but man, after this latest update i'm not so sure. If this turns out to be a hoax, a gorilla, or just some big, hairy latino i'm going to be one disappointed motherf...

08-12-2008, 11:08 PM
hmmmmm.. hope it's true !

this is located in Georgia...


08-13-2008, 03:00 AM
Pics or it didn't happen.

08-13-2008, 04:58 AM
anyone else have issues with that linky??? :confused:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-13-2008, 05:05 AM
anyone else have issues with that linky??? :confused:

Ohhhh I don't know....you mean "issues" like, I've waited 24 hours and the page still hasn't loaded/opened up yet. :)

08-13-2008, 03:04 PM
Ohhhh I don't know....you mean "issues" like, I've waited 24 hours and the page still hasn't loaded/opened up yet. :) :rofl::rofl: must have been some great pron you had in the other tab :P

08-13-2008, 03:30 PM
the men in Black shut them down :D

mainstream media poking a stick...


08-13-2008, 03:50 PM
Chuckle... keep trying the link - it just worked for me though it took a while. Here is the reason, as stated on their site:

Cryptomundo crashed last night, several times, and there is still trouble with uploading other tidbits I wanted to put up this morning. I apologize because we got 3 million hits a minute.

Anyway... first pictures HERE! (http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/ga-gorilla-pic/)

Feedback in that thread is pretty funny... excellent fake seems to be the common cry. If so, these guys are digging a hell of a big hole for themselves. Friday's conference will be most entertaining.

EDIT: Just found this YouTube news vid (http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8YKIV840Ng) with the "world renowned BigFoot hunter" the dudes called in for a peek... who in turns invites the newscaster in for a look! Curiouser and curiouser.


OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-13-2008, 06:45 PM
That pic looks like a practical joke gone terribly wrong.
Step 1 : Wait for unsuspecting guest to pass out at party.
Step 2 : Crazy Glue hair to his face.
Step 3 : Put him in a gorrila suit.
Step 4 : Leave him in the woods, and get so drunk you forget what you did.

08-13-2008, 07:47 PM
eh, probably part of a hollywood movie promotion given all the "next week" BS. Also stupid is that with all the hype the guy only has one crappy photo to show. Get a wooly blanket, make a face with part of it, fill and tie off some intestines to make a strange body part, release most realistic photo. The exact same problem all these "found" monster bodies have. I think the chucacabra was more real looking than it. (Although to be honest, hogzilla was real, but it turns out that feral pigs have been known to get that large)

08-13-2008, 08:16 PM
Bwahaha! Hilarious, HPC. And yeah, I've been wondering... why don't they simply track down the rest of the family and have them identify the body?

I guess the next step will be to re-classify Harry and the Hendersons as a Documentary, or perhaps a Biopic. In fact, i can't wait to watch that one again. It'll be a whole new experience, like watching Sixth Sense or Fight Club for the second time...

eh, probably part of a hollywood movie promotion given all the "next week" BS. Also stupid is that with all the hype the guy only has one crappy photo to show. Get a wooly blanket, make a face with part of it, fill and tie off some intestines to make a strange body part, release most realistic photo. The exact same problem all these "found" monster bodies have. (Although to be honest, hogzilla was real, but it turns out that feral pigs have been known to get that large)
I agree on the relative simplicity of hoaxing a convincing photo and the guerrilla (snicker) marketing. If he is to be believed, subsequent to the forthcoming conference and news types visiting, we should soon be hit with some video along with hard scientific data... big IF. We've heard claims like this before. Alien Autopsy video (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_autopsy) anyone? How about Piltdown Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piltdown_Man)?

What IS annoying is this cat and mouse game he's been playing with the release of all this. Smells rotten to me. If this turns out to be a hoax, it's going to REALLY hurt the cryptozoological scene for a long ass time.

I think the chucacabra was more real looking than it.

Speaking of the chupacabra, check this out! (http://gmy.news.yahoo.com/v/9256876) As they say on the vid, i thought it did indeed look like a simple dog or coyote... until you zoom in and see that oversized snout! Hot damn. What's going on out there? Is it August or Cupacaugust?!

08-13-2008, 09:44 PM
Boy, the nerds aren't wasting any time!

Here's an analysis (http://www.wherelightmeetsdark.com/index.php?module=wiki&page=GeorgiaRickmattBigfoot) of FreezerFoot (my pet name) vs. the similar looking head of a Bigfoot costume. While this guy is operating off some limited data, his basic conclusion, without saying it outright, seems to be... costume. If not, then film wardrobe departments need serious kudos for their prescient accuracy.

As for the chupacabra video, folks are saying it could likely be a coyote in the advanced stages of mange (where all the hair falls, often making them look completely different), perhaps even a hybrid with an abnormally large snout. Certainly moves likes a coyote.

Man, i've been up all night with this crap. Last of my holidays is almost over and i'm milking it for all it's worth... figure i'll just sleep at the office.

08-14-2008, 03:52 AM
may be a dog with a muzzle on it...

08-14-2008, 06:25 PM
On the subject of the chupacabra footage, there was an similar (dead) animal which was recently preserved and DNA tested. It's more than likely we're looking at the same critter. (http://www.txstate.edu/news/news_releases/news_archive/2007/11/Chupacabra110107.html)

As far as FreezerFoot goes, this site here (http://bfro.net/hoax.asp) calls major B.S. on the whole thing.

Guess we'll know for sure soon enough.

08-14-2008, 08:37 PM
Sasquatch should have been the starter of a thread like this...him being a bigfoot and all :D

08-15-2008, 04:34 AM
Sasquatch should have been the starter of a thread like this...him being a bigfoot and all :D

Kinda hard with him being dead and all.

08-16-2008, 12:58 PM
people want belive weird things..lol i dont know whyyy :)

08-16-2008, 03:52 PM
Kinda hard with him being dead and all.

:confused: Huh ? did I miss somethin ?

08-16-2008, 08:29 PM
:confused: Huh ? did I miss somethin ?

I think he was talking about the bigfoot thing they found as being Sasquatch. Dark humour or something on his part?

08-17-2008, 12:20 AM
I think he was talking about the bigfoot thing they found as being Sasquatch. Dark humour or something on his part?

Percisely! Sometimes sacrasm doesn't fly so well over the intertubes. The logic behind my remark is that if Bigfoot/Sasquach is dead then he cannot make any threads. :) I don't think that is too dark.

Maybe I can fix the confusion by saying that maybe Bigfoot had a brother ala GM's SAS...

Death Engineer
08-17-2008, 01:31 AM
I thought it was funny. *shrug* Just a little humorous connection. No offense to Sasquatch. :P

08-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Here's the latest:

You'll want to tune in to Steve Kull's Squatchdetective Radio show tonight to hear what Kulls discovered when he went to have a first-hand look at the "bigfoot body." As always, my good friend Billy Willard will be there as co-host, working the phone lines and watching the chat-room. Jump in and join the fray, at 9pm Eastern time.

And the first bit of feedback on that broadcast as of just now...

I realize this will shock no one but:

listening to this live now... the 'squatch detective' confirms Biscardi took possession of a costume in a block of ice... he himself touched the rubber foot after it finally thawed... prior to that suspicions were aroused when exposed hair melted when exposed to flame

apparently Rick/Matt 'fessed up when confronted with the discovery (duh), were supposed to meet Biscardi to I believe give him a refund, but were no-shows

a quote on Rick/Matt was, "they crossed the line from hoaxer to committing a fraud and a crime"

All together now: Siiiiiiiiiiigh.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-19-2008, 05:06 PM
Damn it! I already ordered the cake and ice cream for my Sasquatch party....what to do now?

08-19-2008, 11:32 PM

08-21-2008, 04:39 PM
Just another nobody trying to get his 15 minutes of fame.

08-22-2008, 03:33 PM
yeah, that and 50Gs that someone paid for exclusive rights to their story.

btw, the corrections officer lost his job, his boss saying that essentially he went from hero to being scum