View Full Version : Livestream4u Web Site - A Simple Demo

08-22-2008, 09:00 AM
This is a demo using Flash CS3, XML and hard coding a 3D Carousel linking to YouTube Video's. Template and design was created by me except the black Icon buttons, only because I was too lazy to create one. It's a simple one that takes up less space to provide the interface for the LiVESTREAM4U site. I plan to create it in FLEX 3 with a Search Engine and much more affective approach where users can add, remove, update and create their own customize list without having to go to YouTube. The other thing I will do is add a search engine with Amazon and EBay that will attach the information with images and context to a FLEX 3 control without having to go to EBay or Amazon. I saw an example of this type of project done in Flex but they used PHP and some examples were used with a server side script. I plan to create this project without using any of the script but purely done in AS 3 script and using Flex 3 with XML.

This can be done, and the interface will be different with more space to provide for users to interact with the web app and will be making one in an App with Adobe Air. No database will be require for this program and no PHP but straight forward using Flash AS3 script with XML and Flex 3. This program can be done in FLASH CS3 but I like Flex 3 because it can be a very powerful tool to use with AS3 Scripts and with SWF files.

A quick LiVESTREAM4U text was done in Adobe Aftereffect 7.0. More will be added with nice nebula animated back ground with a LiVESTREAM4U text they will pop out of the nebula. I am working on one now with Adobe aftereffect and it’s really coming out nice because I used the approach that was shown by an expert using aftereffect and it was beautifully done and that is what I plan to make by following his instructions in how to do it but eventually I will need to add a couple of more ideas of my own to finish off my LiVESTREAM4U animated Introduction.

You will see only two non-gray buttons to interact with and once you have clicked the MEDIA button it will direct you to a page with two icon buttons image on the center screen. If you pass your mouse over the image buttons it will display the music list for you to select and direct you to another SWF file with the 3D-Carousal page and begin to select your music video. Also at the 3D-Carousal you can run the mouse over it and it will display the names of the songs and by whom.

I wasn’t going to show this project that I am doing for fun but it’s a demo to give me an idea for my personal use when I complete this project sometime soon when I get the chance.

I will someday provide a tutorial in how to create a simple project like this using step by step guide with part 1 and etc in case anyone might one day decide to create one of their own.
When and if this program is done it will be given away for free.

I hope I can find the time to finish it because I been busy at work and now working on a project for a feign country for a commercial and doing animation with Vue and 3DMAX and more.
Here is the site location and if you have any ideas by all means you’re welcome. I probably already have those ideas, just no time lately but please feel free to add your comments because in case someone comes up with a good idea that I can use.

Oh and btw this was done quickly so when loading up the 3D-Carousal it might take few more seconds to load up but it's nothing serious but I didn't setup a pre-loader for it because I forget. LOL

I plan to make sure that Youtube and Google are mention and I did go through the legal steps and it is allowed and you can even use there API search engine codes. It is all listed under there API downloads instruction.

It's only going to be used for personal use and provide it for friends at this forum and friends where I live ,so not to worry about the Legal of use of this small quickly done project. You are welcome to confirm about the Legal use just go to Youtube API download list and it will provide the information that it is legal to do this but when done I do need to add there names if I go puplic with it but again it's for personal use and friends only.

Thank you

Link: http://livestream4u.com/

Death Engineer
08-22-2008, 04:07 PM
404 error here.

08-22-2008, 04:25 PM
same here.

08-22-2008, 08:39 PM
Just type livestream4U.com it should work and if it's down the server try again later that can't be helped because the server provider there has been having trouble lately and they just moved, so sorry about that guys.

BTW DE and BobtheCkroach like to know if you guys been working on Adobe Flex and Air?
I may have one question to ask but I am going to look into it before I ask.

08-22-2008, 08:55 PM
hmmm just a blank page for me

08-22-2008, 09:01 PM
I am very sorry about this it's the server they been having trouble and I may end up moving it to my server.

I hope you guys keep trying later and once again I do apologies.

Death Engineer
08-22-2008, 09:19 PM
No adobe flex/air here. Mostly C# mixed with some C/C++ and a little Erlang. :)

08-22-2008, 09:33 PM
No adobe flex/air here. Mostly C# mixed with some C/C++ and a little Erlang. :)

I think you will enjoy it DE if you can do C# and C/C++ this would be easy for you and C# works perfectly with Flex and Air.

I can just see you create something awesome from pass history I see you do a script for Serious Sam which I was impress btw a long time ago.


I will keep you guys posted when the server comes up but will be moving it to my server something soon.


08-23-2008, 12:56 AM
It's working now the server but eventually I will move it to my server but it's being upgraded for business purposes.

08-23-2008, 02:25 AM
Worked well for me once I removed the www. Nice looking site. Very clean, and works well.

I dont' have any experience from a development standpoint with flex or air. I've used the Air platform for a couple things - seems pretty nice.

I don't have a lot of C# experience, though I can read it just fine - I learned on java in school, and my work has guided me into VB.net development.

08-23-2008, 05:32 AM
Beautiful site SAS. Very cool. Thanks for sharing. :)

08-23-2008, 12:43 PM
Thx EXEcution

The server is down again I can't wait to move it but you guys can keep trying.

I plan to do it in Flex 3 where you can do a search on youtube videos and it will provide you a search list on the flex 3 page where you can drag a drop it on to your favorite folder that you can create easily to keep track of your video's and no downloads will be require to take up space on your hard drive.

It's going to be very easy to organize a personal list and it will have Amazon and E-BAY without having to go there, and again keeping track of your E-BAY biting and more. I hate going on to E-Bay website because of all the advertisement and youtube but a few have done it but with PHP and server side script but I plan to do it without it but using XML that will generate automatically and storage anything you save and when searching.

08-23-2008, 12:47 PM
Worked well for me once I removed the www. Nice looking site. Very clean, and works well.

I dont' have any experience from a development standpoint with flex or air. I've used the Air platform for a couple things - seems pretty nice.

I don't have a lot of C# experience, though I can read it just fine - I learned on java in school, and my work has guided me into VB.net development.

Flex 3 will be easy for you to pickup and building AS3 classes OOP.

If you have done Java then Flex 3 will be fun and easy for you because it is like JavaScript but with a few things different but not much at all.

Thx for checking it out BobtheCkroach. . .

08-23-2008, 01:04 PM
Yes, that is a very nice site..