View Full Version : Suicide effects using Aftereffects

08-25-2008, 06:02 AM
This was done with Aftereffects which is what I been doing lately and this guy is really good. He shows you many shortcuts, technique and more. I learn a lot from him in a short time and his products are awesome.

In this scene he creates a guy who shoots himself using; once again Aftereffects. The product is fun to use and don’t be surprise how will you can quickly come up with your own. I got the latest AfterEffects but if you have the older version you can always still buy the extension packs that he sales to help create many special effects.

VIDEO COPILOT - http://www.videocopilot.net/tutorial/assisted_suicide/

08-25-2008, 05:31 PM
Man that is some wicked stuff. You could make some and pardon the pun, killer home movies with that program.

08-25-2008, 06:09 PM
It's used a lot for small scene for movies and commercial and we use it for our clients when we need to create special effects but we been using Shake now which is really an excellent product.


Now there is more with the combination of Adobe products like Vue, Mayer, 3DMax, Shake, and Adobe-Aftereffects. Trust me you can do some really good sh*t.

There is something we did not long ago for a small movie which I will post as soon as my main server is up. We are working on a small movie for India movie production where a guys is being shot at and the mirrors break in the back ground, that is because they don't want there actors to get hurt so we had to make up one without him not really being presently their but it's a cool shot and a lot of work to make sure the colors are right and more to make it look real.

08-25-2008, 06:17 PM
I used to want to do this kind of stuff for a living but my creativity seems to have run out. :P

08-25-2008, 06:28 PM
Never too late to do anything I started really late at first as a noob programmer which I wasn't good at but yet I can dive in any language and figure it out but the art work, not good either but I learn a lot to cover my mistakes and it has been a blessing for me and there are guys much better then me but I been lucky to work with my uncles who are very good in what they do and what I do for them is more like detecting the problems and fixing it, so more or less I am like the guy who does the cleaning. LOL

It doesn't matter how little work I can do as long as I don't have to debug codes which I hate doing. LOL

09-17-2008, 04:40 PM
Damn I tried to watch that but felt like a 4 year old and someone was trying to teach me economics. I give credit to these guys and respect their work. I would love to get into it but it seems so complex. I have all this software too and hate that I don't know how to use it. I love the effects and stuff but always hesitate to get into because don't know where to start.